Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Hayate's POV. 

(5 days before the Traveler arrived)

Hayate: Hmmm...

Inside the Yashiro Commission Headquarters, there is Hayate, sitting beside the table, thinking about something... until his thoughts was cut off by Ayaka who served him some tea.

Ayaka: Is there something that's been bothering you?

Hayate: Well, a lot is on my mind actually... The Vision Hunt Decree, the Sakoku decree... Also, didn't you find it strange?

Ayaka: Strange? What is it?

Hayate: Everytime we also file our objection against the Vision Hunt Decree and the Sakoku Decree, the Kanjou and Tenryou Commissions will simply veto it out. Also, this Vision Hunt just came out of nowhere... Didn't the Shogun knows what is about to happen if such a decree will be enforced? Not to mention, even isolating Inazuma from the rest of Teyvat...

Ayaka: Yes, I heard the situation of the residents of Ritou.

Hayate: That damn Shinsuke Hiiragi...taxing people and not to mention even the foreign merchants that were stranded on Ritou... That is too much. Also, it will affect our trade with the other nations. 

Ayaka: You're right... Say, when will the Traveler arrive?

Hayate: I don't know either. But I just hope the Traveler could find a way...with the Sakoku Decree enforced.

Then someone came knocking on the door.

Ayaka: Come in.

One of the guards entered.

Kamisato Guard: Lord Hayate, there is a letter given to you.

He gave me the letter as I read it.

Hayate: "Come to shop. I have a new weapon and I want you to try it."

Hayate: "Sincerly, your the best blacksmith in all of Inazuma, Keiwa."

Hayate: *sigh*

I drank all of my tea in one go as I stood up.

Ayaka: You're going?

Hayate: Yeah.

Ayaka: Can I tag along?

Hayate: Yeah, sure.

We then set out and went to Keiwa's shop, just near Hanamizaka.

There, we found him examining one of the swords he is making. Until I called out his attention.

Hayate: Yo, Keiwa!

He turns around to see me.

Keiwa: Ah! Finally! My favorite customer!

Ayaka: Oh, hello, Keiwa-san.

Keiwa: O-Oh, Hello, Ms. Kamisato.......

Hayate: So, where is this weapon you're talking about?

Keiwa: Wait a moment.

He enters his workshop until he hands me a sheathed black sword.

Ayaka and I examined the appearance of the sword.

Ayaka: From what material did you made this?

Keiwa: I managed to grabbed some magic crystals, black iron and reinforced it with crystal marrow.

Hayate: Hm...

Keiwa: So, what do you think, Hayate?

Hayate: You said it is reinforced with magic crystals and crystal marrow, right?

Keiwa: Yes...well....let's test it out...


Hayate's POV.


The three of us went to Araumi and luckily, we found a Ruin Grader and it activated.

Hayate: You are so confident when you said that you reinforced it with crystal marrow. So let's test that durability.

Keiwa: You're crazy.

Hayate: HAHAHA! Crazy is just an understatement! HAHAHAHA!

Keiwa: Oi, Ayaka, can you please reason out this idiot?

Ayaka: None can do, Keiwa-san. Once Hayate-san made up his mind, there is no stopping it.

Keiwa: Ugh! Dammit.

Keiwa slumps in defeat as I head straight to the Ruin Grader with the sword he gave to me.

Hayate: Let's see what you got big guy?

I readied the sword as I got closer. The machine then goes for a left hook punch but I evaded it as I grabbed this opportunity to slice of it's arm.

Hayate: Now!

I gathered the elemental energy to the blade as I went for a quick draw to cut off the machine's arm.

Hayate: Kaze No Hane!

With a small shift, I drew the sword as the arm of the machine was cut off.

I examined the blade as I smiled.

Hayate: Hm, not bad.

Then I gathered Pyro Energy to the blade itself.

Hayate: Yasei No Honou!

I dashed as the Ruin Grader was cut in half and when the Dragon-shaped flame flew through the machine, it was just obliterated.

I returned the sword back to it's sheath as Ayaka claps in wonder as Keiwa is just having this sparkly eyes.

Ayaka: Woah! Your skill with the sword is as sharp as ever.

Keiwa: Man, you never cease to impress me.

I gave the sword back to him.

Keiwa: So, what do you think? Is it enough to cut fate itself and surpass the Musou no Hitotachi?

Hayate: No.

Keiwa: Huh!? Why!?

Hayate: When I was testing the blade itself, it's kinda heavy, it's not suitable for executing fast slashes.

Keiwa: Huh!? But...

Hayate: What I did just now, are fast singular strikes. I didn't even executed multiple fast strikes. Also, due to its weight, its hard to recover. This is dangerous if someone is using this on the battlefield.

Keiwa: Oh...

Hayate: What you need here is to reduce it's weight and reinforce the endurance and sharpness of the sword. Also, reduce the handle's length just a little bit. It's dangerous that one messed up using this sword, they are toast.

Keiwa: Okay, I'll take note of that. "Sigh" Seems like I have a long way to go to make a sword that surpasses the Musou no Hitotachi...

Hayate: Dude, the Musou no Hitotachi is a skill, not a sword.

Keiwa: And that's what I want to create. A sword that allows one to cut the uncuttable.

Ayaka: Cut the uncuttable?

Keiwa: To cut time and space itself.

Hayate: You know, I don't know but that will probably take years and you will need a LOT of materials to consider. You also got to try different materials.

Keiwa: Easier said than done. I could've already ordered some Cor Lapis and Noctilucous Jade from Liyue. But you know, Sakoku Decree and the Kanjou Commission being a pain in the ass. Anyways, how's it going on your end. Fighting the Vision Hunt Decree and all?

Ayaka: Unfortunately...

Hayate: No luck...

Keiwa: "Sigh" I just saw another one whose Vision was taken away.

Hayate: Another one?

Keiwa: That would be the 98th... Vision seized and embedded to the Statue of the Omnipresent God.

Hayate: What about you, Keiwa? Is the Tenryou Commission already watching you?

Keiwa: No worries.

He puts his hand on his pocket and showed us his Pyro Vision.

Keiwa: I kept it hidden on my pocket. Since I can't use it publicly, I just have to use it when I'm working inside the workshop.

Hayate: I see.

Keiwa: But still, when will the Vision Hunt Decree end? All of this? The corruption of the Kanjou Commission, the harsh treatments of the Tenryou Commission to Vision bearers... The war of the Sangonomiya Resistance and the Shogun's Army... Heck I already received a bunch orders from the Tenryou Commission. So many orders that have to be done in such a short time!

Hayate: Wait, why not ask the Amenoma Smithy?

Keiwa: And that is another problem are. I also told Hajime and Mr. Tougo about my situation if they could help me out. But even they are having a hard time with the rising demands of crafting weapons. Not to mention, resources. Crafting resources. Also, forging their weapons also takes up a lot of Mora. That's why Hajime and I doesn't even know where are we gonna get the materials needed for the weapon production. Well, if the Mikage Forge is only opened but since the Tatarigami break out within the area and even the Jakotsu mine was affected. So, our supplies are really short. Can't even buy ores with the other nations because of the Sakoku Decree. I just really hope all of this is over.

Ayaka: Yeah, me too.

Hayate: We can only hope that the Traveler arrives here safely. He is our trump card to end this Civil War. Once and for all!

Keiwa: I heard the stories of him resolving the Stormterror Incident in Mondstadt and then defeating the Overlord of the Vortex in Liyue. Not to mention, the 11th Harbinger of Fatui too.

Hayate: And now, I believe the Traveler's next destination would be Inazuma. We can only just hope. But, let's return now.

The three of us came back to Hanamizaka.

Keiwa: Thanks for earlier, Hayate. You are a great help in improving my craft.

Hayate: If you need help, you know who to call.

Keiwa: Yeah.

We bid our farewells.

Hayate: See you later, man!

Keiwa: Yeah.

Ayaka: See you next time, Keiwa-san.

Keiwa: Yeah! See you as well, Ms. Kamisato!

[Yashiro Commission Headquarters, Kamisato Estate} 

Hayate's POV

The two of us went home to the Kamisato Estate as we are greeted by the guards.

Kamisato Guards: Welcome home, Lady Ayaka, welcome back, Lord Hayate.

We both nodded as one of the guards notified us.

Kamisato Guard 1: Oh, I almost forgot. Lady Yae wanted to see you, Lord Hayate.

Hayate: Well, I guess I'll be off to the Grand Narukami Shrine. Just climbing on the path on Mt. Yougou is tiring already.


{Grand Narukami Shrine, Mt. Yougou} 

Hayate's POV

Hayate is panting right now.

Hayate: Ugh, the path here is sooooooo long. I also want to fly but flying now is too dangerous!

After climbing and walking on a long path, I finally reach the Grand Narukami Shrine. I was greeted by the Shrine Maiden and when I said the purpose of my visit, she let me in. I proceeded to walk to the shrine and I saw a woman with long pink hair, with fox ears with each earring, one of them housing her Electro Vision. She turns around and smiled at me.

Yae: Ah, I've been waiting for you, Hayate.

Yae Miko or known as Guuji Yae is the Head Priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine, said to have a close contact with the Shogun herself.

Hayate: Um, Lady Miko, why did you summoned me here all of a sudden?

Yae: Well, I wanted you to do something for me.

Hayate: Okay...

Yae: You already knew of the news of the Traveler, right?

Hayate: Yes, I'm aware.

Yae: You and the Traveler, will play a big part on ending the Vision Hunt Decree.

Hayate: I know... but why me?

Yae: Fufu. You are observant. You always have your doubts in the Raiden Shogun's decision to implement the Vision Hunt Decree, right?

Hayate: Heh... As expected of the Head Priestess and a fox envoy.

Yae: I believe that if you and the Traveler executed this plan, you will also know the truth about Sakamata clan's demise.

Hayate: !!! What?

Yae: I believe that Sakamata clan's downfall, along with your father get suddenly ill are also one of the catalysts that lead to the creation of the Vision Hunt Decree.

Hayate: Why?

Yae: Your family along with Sakamata clan are the most prestigious clans in Inazuma. Your clan even served the First Electro Archon. Even before the First Electro Archon established the Shogunate. In fact, the Hayabusa Clan is the adviser of the Raiden Shogun herself. Your clan is the one that keeps the Raiden Shogun on the right path and always calling for right decisions. But somehow... The Shogun began to change...

Hayate: So as the new advisor of Raiden Shogun along that is the next hair of the Hayabusa is my job to take the Shogun back to the right path?

Yae: And even discover the truth behind the massacre of Sakamata's clan. Along with your sister's whereabouts.

Hayate: I see.

Yae: You are looking for answers, right? Then I guess it's time for you to look for those answers.

Hayate: The Tenryou Commission was the one behind the Sakamata Clan Massacre...along with my father's illness. And my sister too.

Yae: That is right, so I believe someone from the Tenryou Commission, especially, from the Kujou Clan...planned this all throughout. But the question still remains, "Why?"

Hayate: I guess for power? I mean... If we look visually at the Tri-Commissioner. The Kujou Clan is the one that needs to be watched the most.

Yae: That is the main possibility. There might be something else and I believe that something else is connected to the Vision Hunt Decree. The Vision Hunt Decree and the Sakamata Clan Massacre...along with Lord Shimura's sudden illness... I believe that those three incidents are related... We just need to find the thing that connects those.

Hayate: And my task is to help the Traveler uncover the mysteries behind the Vision Hunt Decree.

Yae: Exactly.

Hayate: Well, we don't know exactly when will the Traveler arrive.

Yae: Don't worry, the Traveler will be here soon. Come with me, I'll show you the Anti-Raiden Shogun Training.

Hayate: Why?

Yae: In case you have to fight the Raiden Shogun, you will be prepared.

Hayate: What!? There is no way, a mere mortal like me will be able to face the Raiden Shogun in battle! OK, half-mortal. But considering current strength, the gap is still too big!

She raised her eyebrow.

Yae: Are you sure about that?

Hayate: I am sure. There is no way that my skills will be a match to the Raiden Shogun's. Even with my Abyssal Power and my Dark Wings Bloodline!

Yae: I have no doubt about your skills. What am I pertaining to, is your true nature.

Hayate: My true nature?

She was kinda shocked...

Yae: So, Shimura didn't told you anything?

Hayate: No?!

Yae: I guess Shimura wanted to tell you that secret when the right time comes. But I feel like this is the right time, but not today, Hayate.

Hayate: Um, just what the heck did my father told you?

Yae: Enough questions, Hayate. Just focus on your goal for now. After all of this is over, I promise that I will tell you, everything.

After that conversation, I left the Grand Narukami Shrine, with more questions on my mind.

My true nature, the connection of the Sakamata Clan massacre to the Vision Hunt Decree.... along with my father's illness... Looks like I got to find out the connections one by one...

Hayate: It would surely be hard.

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