Chapter 2: Meeting An Idiot

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Hayate's POV.

(2 Days before Traveler arrives)

Hayate: Dad, I'll be going out a bit.

Shimura: Huh? But it's already late.

Hayate: Don't worry, I'll be back soon. 

Shimura: Where are you going exactly?

Hayate: To the Grand Narukami Shrine, I had something to discuss with Lady Miko.

Shimura: Is there something wrong?

Hayate: Nah, she's helping me with something.

Shimura: And what would that be?

Hayate: My sword skills.

Shimura: Eh? But, you're already good at swordsmanship. You had already surpassed me.

Hayate: But it doesn't mean I have no room to grow. I still need to polish my skills.

Shimura: Well, if that's what you say so.

I grabbed my white cloak and proceeded to head out towards the Grand Narukami Shrine. After a long walk and traversing the mountains... I finally arrived at the Grand Narukami Shrine. I went in front of the Sacred Sakura.

Hayate: Lady Miko? Are you here? It's time for my training, isn't it?

Then I heard her voice from behind me.

Yae: Oh, Shiro. No training for tonight.

I turned around and asked her.

Hayate: You're busy or something?

Yae: Yeah. I'm going to visit the Shogun for a while. To check on what she's doing.

Hayate: I see. Well, can I stay here for a little while?

Yae: To meditate under the Sacred Sakura? Yeah, sure. Go ahead. The Shrine Maidens already went home.

Hayate: Okay then...

Yae: Oh, also, here.

She hands me a plate of tri-colored dangos and a bottle of milk.

Hayate: Woah!

Yae: Well, that is your reward for your hard work. You deserve it.

Hayate: Thank you so much! But, why milk though?

Yae: We ran out of tea and when we ordered some tea, they mistaken the order for milk and that's how we got it. It would be such a waste, no?

Hayate: Yeah, true.

Yae: Also, you like desserts, right?

Hayate: You really do know me.

Yae: Hehe. You and old friend of mine are really similar. I can see that you two would get along very well. Well then. I'm going now. Enjoy your meditation. Just... don't try to blow up anything by your Abyss Power.

Then she left the shrine as I faced towards the Sacred Sakura.

Hayate: "Sigh"

I sat on the elevated site in front of the Sacred Sakura and began my meditation. I closed my eyes and feel the wind.

Hayate: "Thought" Now that I think about it, dad used to say that the winds are carrying the thoughts of the Anemo Archon. Is it really true?

But as I continue to meditate, I just heard a voice near me.

???: It's been a while since I last ate a tri-colored dango!

Hayate: "Thought" Wait, what? Do they know I am literally here! Sitting infront of the Sacred Sakura!

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw...

A woman with long dark purple braided hair, purple eyes with a beauty mark under her right eye, wearing purple kimono. And that woman, is delightfully muching on the tri-colored dangos that Lady Miko gave to me.

Girl: Mmmmmm! How I miss these dangos!

Hayate: Um, excuse me. But those are mine.

She stopped eating when she noticed me sitting in front of the Sacred Sakura.

Girl: U-Um...

Hayate: "Thought" Wait, a sec.... I think I know who this person is... When I asked Ayaka what does the Raiden Shogun looks like, the girl who is right in front of me, perfectly fits the description of what Ayaka described to be the Shogun. Well, since I never even saw the Shogun in personal, because of how I'm always cooped up in my room reading novels along with some missions. Meditating under sakura trees, helping Keiwa with his work... And attending the meeting of the Tri-Commission, I would rather avoid it. After all, it's tired!

Girl: O-Oh... I-I'm sorry, I thought you were a statue...

Hayate: Do I look like a statue to you!? Just because you saw me meditating here doesn't mean I am a statue!

Girl: I you are meditating, huh? But why here of all places?

Hayate: Before I answer your question, let me ask you two questions. First, who are you? Second, why the hell are you eating my tri-colored dangos?

The girl was even flustered when I asked this question.

Girl: W-Well, let me introduce myself... I am Ei.

Hayate: So, Ms. Ei, why are you eating my tri-colored dangos?

Ei: At first I thought you are statue, so I thought that someone must've left them here as an offering.

Hayate: Really? Taking eating other people's offerings?

Ei: But, they would've just gone to waste, no?

Hayate: Ugh. Lady, I think you have a screw loose.

Ei: Screw loose?

Hayate: In other words, are you crazy?

Ei: Hey! That's kinda rude to say that to a lady!

Hayate: Excuse me? But isn't also rude to just eat other people's food in there?

Ei: Urk...

I just sigh

Hayate: Jeez. Whatever, since you've already ate almost half of it. Go ahead.

Ei: Are you really sure?

Hayate: Yeah. They were just given to me after all.

Ei: Yay!

Then she happily eats the dangos as I stood up from my place and took the bottle of milk and slowly drank it.

Ei: Hey, this milk isn't that bad. By the way, what's your name?

Hayate: Hayabusa Hayate.

Ei: Hayate, huh? So, you're here to meditate. Why? Is something bothering on your mind?

I just closed my eyes as I relieve those painful memories. I opened my eyes and I just frowned from reminiscing those memories. 

Ei: Hayate? Are you, okay?

I quickly recomposed myself.

Hayate: O-Oh, yes! I-I'm fine! I'm fine.

Ei: Are you sure? Did something happened to you?

I gently shook my head.

Hayate: Sorry, I can't tell you.

Ei: Why? Is there something wrong?

Hayate: Well, I'd rather not tell it to a complete stranger.

Ei: Huh? But we know each other's names. We're not strangers to each other.

Hayate: I just met you and you just me. We basically don't know each other, so we're still basically strangers.

Ei: And that's why I'm asking you.

Hayate: Sorry. But, I really can't, just now.

I then turned my back on Ei as I said.

Hayate: I need to go home now.

Ei: Huh? Really?

Hayate: Yeah. My dad might probably be worried about me. So I need to go home.

Ei: I see.

Hayate: It's been nice meeting you, Ei.

Ei: Me too. I hope we can meet again.

Shiro: I don't know. Well, who knows, right?

I then left the Grand Narukami Shrine and flew back to the Hayabusa Estate. I was greeted by Rei who is cleaning the courtyard.

Rei: Ah, Hayate-sama, welcome back.

Hayate: Rei? What are you doing here?

Rei: Shimura-sama told me that you are out of the house and he told me to wait for you here.

Hayate: I see.

Rei: So, how's your training with Lady Yae?

Hayate: Nah, she went to another business.

Rei: Oh. Then, what took you so long?

Hayate: "Thought" I guess I should probably hide the encounter I had, for now. "Talks" I just meditated and control my Abyss Power there for a while. Then I realized it is time to go and that's pretty much it.

Rei: I see. Wait, is it just me or, where is your cloak?

Hayate: ...oh shoot! Ah, forget it. I guess I left it in the Grand Narukami Shrine. But, it's just a cloak though.

Rei: You should've change your cloak. The one you are wearing is already tattered, y'know.

Hayate: Yeah, yeah. I know, I know.



{At the Grand Narukami Shrine}

3rd POV.

After Hayate went home, Ei was left all alone.

Ei: Hmmm...... Huh?

She noticed the bottle of milk and the last dango on the plate. She ate the last dango and drank the bottle of milk that coincidentally, the same bottle of milk that Hayate drank from.

Ei: Hm, not bad. "Sighs" I could really enjoy some company right now. Well, Hayate have to go home. Wait, what's this?

Ei stood up and found a white tattered cloak that was lying beside the Sacred Sakura.

Ei: A tattered cloak... Wait, Hayate sat on here earlier...this must be his cloak. Huh? I can return it to him, but I don't even know where to look for him. "Sighs"

The cold breeze passed by as Ei shivered a little.

Ei: Brrr! So cold! Does the Anemo Archon had the power to make winds cold? Well, who knows, right. Well, I guess I could use this to warm myself a little and hide my face for a while.

She wrapped the cloak around herself.

Ei: So warm.

She then put on the hood and silently left the Grand Narukami Shrine.


Meanwhile. Yae's POV.

Yae: Strange, she's not here at Tenshukaku. It's unusual for her to get out of there. Well, I guess I'll just come back here tomorrow. Also, Hayate probably went home already. It's already late after all.

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