Chapter 6: Finding Lost Desires

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Hayate's POV

{Grand Narukami Shrine}

I went out from the Hayabusa Estate and went on my way to the Grand Narukami. Upon arriving I saw the Traveler and Paimon.

Paimon: Oh! Hi, Hayate!

The floating companion of the Traveler waved her hand as Aether also smiled.

Aether: What are you guys doing here at the Grand Narukami Shrine?

Paimon: The third person that Ayaka wants to help was brought here.

Hayate: Before you go tell me the details about the third person, tell me about the second person who you guys helped.

They narrated what happened when we parted ways on that day. The second person is from the Tenryou Commission who helped carry out the Vision Hunt Decree. I'm lucky I didn't join them on helping that person or else that soldier might be one of those who were involved in my father's sudden illness.

They say that the said samurai was stealing rations of food...from the common folk, but in reality, it was the samurai who is buying the rations, not to mention with his own money. I was saddened by that fact, someone who is just helping other people, was now blamed for the opposite of what he is doing.

Luckily, the Traveler somehow helped the samurai. But if I was even in their shoes, I guess that is the least of what I can do right now.

Hayate:I see, so that's what happened. What about the third person?

They told me that the third one is a famous swordmaster, the current master of the Meikyou Shisui Art.

Hayate: Ah, Master Domon.

Aether: You know him?

Hayate: I heard of the Meikyou Shisui art, so naturally, I would also ask for who is the current master of the said sword art. I guess you heard that Master Domon wanted to be the greatest swordmaster in the world.

Aether: Yep, that's right.

I just sigh

Hayate: I guess Keiwa and Master Domon might just get along. One is who obsessed in making a sword that will cut through the uncuttable and a swordmaster who wanted to be the best in the world.  Anyways, is he the one who is said to be possessed?

They both nod. As I puts his hand on his chin.

Hayate: It seems like losing his Vision, made him lose his mind? What made his disciples think he was possessed?

Paimon: They say that he was uttering the names of the swordmasters that he bested in the past.

Aether: The disciples said that during the exorcism, Domon was let's say, being crazy of sorts.

Hayate: I see.

Aether: Then, we met one of the swordmasters that he bested in the past, his senior named, Anzai.

Paimon: They both practice the Meikyou Shisui Art which seek to achieve "stillness of mind, freedom from all agitation" that was the goal of the said art.

Hayate: How ironic. To think that the current master, became the opposite of the goal of the art that he perfected...

Paimon: After talking to Anzai, we returned to the Dojo and heard the news that he wasn't exactly possessed.

Aether: But the shrine maiden still can't grasp on what was truly going on Domon's mind. Then, we received news of Lady Yae took an interest in the case. That's why we're here.

Hayate: I see. So that was the request of exorcism I heard from Lady Miko yesterday.

Paimon: You know her?

Hayate: She and my father are good friends.

Aether: I see. So, what about you, what are you doing here?

Hayate: I was summoned by Lady Miko to witness the exorcism. Also, since the victim is also one of the people who just lost their Vision, I can atleast attest to Ayaka that you fulfilled her wishes.

Paimon: Oh, right. You were supposed to help us back then but you were just summoned by Lady Yae.

Hayate: Sorry, for leaving you two out there so suddenly.

Paimon: It's okay, we understand that you got to go because Lady Yae summoned you.

Hayate: A few more steps and we're here.

We then reached the Grand Narukami Shrine and went straight to the courtyard, just in front of the Sacred Sakura. We saw one of the shrine maidens, Lady Miko and three people are gathered here.

Paimon: that Lady Yae?

She points at the Head Priestess as she gazed upon the Traveler and his companion, to which Paimon was surprised.

Paimon: No wonder Junya was so excited, she really has a striking presence. Also, is it just Paimon or did she just looked at us just now? Eh, it was probably nothing. It's not like she's ever seen us before.

Then Lady Miko called my attention.

Yae: Ah, Hayate, you also arrived, perfect timing.

I went beside her and asked.

Hayate: So, do you really think it is a possession?

Yae: No.

Hayate: Just as I also suspected.

Yae: Hm?

Hayate: Master Domon was one of the people Ayaka wanted to help.

Yae: Ah, I see. So, he is one of those people, huh?

Hayate: Yeah.

Then we looked upon the distressed Master Domon. He is distressed...and is agitated...

Domon: Stay away...stay away... I gave up the art of the sword... Please let me go... I beg you...

Then of the shrine maidens said.

Shrine Maiden: As you can see, Lady Yae. Domon has persisted in this state for some time now. He appears to see those who have lost him to duels past, gathered to persecute him.

Then one of the disciples asked.

Disciple 1: Lady Yae, it must be a possession, right? 

The disciple continued to be worried.

Disciple 1: This is nothing like him at all. In the past, no matter what came his way, he would always face it with a smile...

Lady Miko crossed her arms.

Yae: ... I am sorry. It is clear to me that your sensei is not possessed by any evil spirit.

The disciple was baffled.

Disciple 1: Huh? Does that mean that Sensei has...

Yae: Hm, yes. This is a change in the person himself. Unable to cope with the tremendous pressure that he was under, he suffered a spiritual collapse. With his wits impaired, he finally descended into madness.

Hayate: What? Such a thing could happen? Just from losing one's Vision?

Lady Miko nods.

Yae: Yes. As one who is thrown into the sea, though he fights back desperately against his predicament, it does nothing to prevent his descent into the depths. And just as Hayate asked if losing one's Vision can cause something like this, as you can see, this is what happened when your Sensei lost his Vision. For to be stripped of one's Vision is to be stripped of one's ambition.

Then one of the disciples asked.

Disciple 2: Stripped of his ambition? But, Lady Yae, even without his ambition, why would he suffer such a dramatic change? How does that explain his descent into madness?

Then I asked the disciple.

Hayate: As far as I heard, your school practices the Meikyou Shisui Art, right?

The disciples nodded.

Yae: Hmmmmm, Hayate, since you know the way of the sword, I believe you have some insights.

Hayate: As from what I heard from the Traveler and from my own knowledge of the said sword art... Being able to master the art of the sword is very hard. After all, it took me a while to master my own sword art. "The mind is as steady as a mountain, merging with the blade, breaking through one's own limits." That is the notion of the said art. Easier said than done. Your sensei's ambition is to become the best swordmaster in the world, right?

Disciple 2: Yes Hayate-sama, that is his dream.

Hayate: He's similar to a friend of mine, who is pursuing to create the finest sword of all. A sword that can cut...the uncuttable.

Yae: The uncuttable?

Hayate: To cut fate, time and space itself...that is the sword that my friend is pursuing. Such as their master, the pursue to become the greatest swordmaster in the world. Just like my friend who tested and created many swords, but branded them as failures because that is not what he is looking for... The same also goes for Master Domon, who was once a disciple. In order to become the best in the world, he would of course need to prove...that he is truly the best. And in doing so, bested many famed swordmasters, cutting their hopes and dreams along the way... Even to his closest companions...Not to mention, his senior and his master. Your Sensei has a deep commitment to his ambition...but when that seems like he began to doubt himself. Thus, the state he is in now.

Yae: Much like a certain fatally flawed friend of mine.

Then Lady Miko leans to my ear and whispered something.

Yae: This might be your chance to manifest your divine powers.

I whispered back while covering my mouth.

Hayate: What? I still don't even know what the power of the sun can do.

Yae: We learned that your mother used the moonlight to guide and protect humans from monsters and evil sprits. We concluded that he is descending into madness, a kind of darkness in his mind and heart. If we can let just a single ray of light to pierce through...then we might be able to help them.

Hayate: So, you wanted me, to use my unknown powers to help Master Domon, calm his mind?

Yae: Exactly.

Hayate: "Sigh" Well, you never know unless you tried. Here's goes nothing...

After that, she leans back as I stepped forward and kneeled in front of the distressed soul of Domon. I then placed my hand on top of his head, I closed my eyes and just as Lady Miko said to me.

Hayate: "Just as you channel elemental energy through your Vision, channel the power of the Abyss, you might be able to channel the power of the sun, through your connection itself to the sun."

I focused my mind...trying to form the concept of the power of the sun.

Hayate:To give light even in a person's darkest let even just a single ray of light to pierce through the shine the path to the future.

Then suddenly, I finally saw what I'm looking for...his memories... From how he first arrived at the dojo, his dream to become the best swordmaster in the world, his determination to reach his ambition, when he received his Vision, climbing up the ranks on his school, defeating Anzai, his sensei, becoming the Master of the Meikyou Shisui Art, defeating other famed swordmasters in the past...meeting his disciples... And then...the dark memory of his Vision, being seized. I then tried to talk to his inner consciousness.

Hayate:Master Domon, can you hear me?

Then fortunately, he answered in a startled voice.

Domon: H-Huh? W-Who? W-What?

Then I saw a projection of Master Domon's figure and myself, talking inside a space of full darkness.

Hayate: Relax, Master Domon, we are inside the world of your mind.

Domon: I-I see... "Sighs, sat down and staring at the ground" Father, Sensei... Anzai...

Hayate: Master Domon, ever since you lost your Vision, your ambition... You began to lose yourself.

Domon just silent.

Hayate: When you cut the ambitions of the swordmasters you bested, when you won against Anzai and your master, they too realized that their own ambition wouldn't come true because you already bested them... You might probably think that they are holding a grudge against you but... It's the opposite.

Domon: The opposite?

Hayate: They entrusted their you. In the hopes that you might carry them onwards. But now... I think your own ambition, too...You can also entrust them...

Domon: H-Huh? What do you mean?

I smiled.

Hayate: You have to see for yourself.

I then returned to the material world as I slowly opened my eyes. I then slowly stood up and said to everyone.

Hayate: The only thing I did, is to help him to get back on his footing. The rest, is still up to him.

Then a man showed up.

???: It seems like you managed to calm his mind a little bit.

I turned to the man and assumed his identity.

Hayate: You must be Anzai, correct?

Anzai: Yes. Please, allow me to talk to him.

I stepped aside as he walks in front of Domon.

As Domon on the other hand is still kinda out of his mind but nonetheless...

Domon: A-Anzai...Wait, what? Why are you here? Are you here for revenge?

Anzai shakes his head.

Anzai: No. I am not here for that. I have made peace from it, a long time ago. You did nothing wrong that day and I just couldn't face the humiliation I felt on that day, so I just ran away. I guess that the people you also beat along the way, wouldn't even hold a grudge against you. In fact, when you cut our ambitions short... We entrusted them to you...

Domon: I-It's...just like the one who showed up in my mind...I... He said those words to me... 

Then he noticed me.

Domon: I-It's Am I...dreaming?

Hayate: No, this is reality. I am not playing tricks on you or anything.

Anzai: We entrusted our ambitions to you in the hopes that it might carry you to the future. But now that we can no longer place our hopes in you...since you have lost your own ambition...

Then he looked at his disciples.

Anzai: But that is no reason to strip them of theirs. "Follow the way of the sword all the way to the highest peak." That's what you taught them, didn't you?

Then Domon rebutted.

Domon: But, what if one day...the same thing will happen to them?

Anzai: Have you ever asked them yourselves?

Domon then faced his disciples and hear their thoughts.

Disciple 1: Sensei, ever since you rescued me in those band of pirates, I told myself that I will follow you to the rest of my days. I may not know what the future may bring but, all I know, is that here and now, I only want to continue. Until the day that I succeeded, that I can walk with my head held high, so that I can say that, my sensei Domon before me, am a master of the Meikyou Shisui Art.

Disciple 2: Nanako's far from the only one. Actually, we all think of the same way...

Domon: Goodness... I...

Anzai: You see? You can place your ambition you once had in their hands. Though I may never understand of being stripped of an ambition, though my ambitions were crushed on that day. So, I just as I once placed my ambitions to you, it is time for you to release them to their custody. Although, we're not in the same position when I left. But you, you have many disciples. Worthy disciples.

Domon finally came to a realization...

Domon: I see, you're right. Just as you said...and the young man here...

He looked at me.

Domon: I will entrust my ambition to them. Share them everything that I learned in my life. This is my promise. I humbly ask, Anzai, my senior...and... What is your name, young man?

I smiled as I introduced myself.

Hayate: Hayabusa Hayate

He started to realize me and kneel

Domon: I also humbly ask you, to hold on to my word, Hayate-sama.

I nodded at him.

Hayate: You can count on that. And please don't call me like that, it's make me feel old.

Anzai: And I'll be stopping by to check on you occasionally anyway. I am a wanderer now, after all. But now, don't just stand there and thank Lady Yae and Hayate-sama, then get yourself back home.

Yae: Oh, no need to thank me. Hayate is the one who made the work, after all.

They all thanked Lady Yae and me, turn and left the shrine. While the Traveler and his companion stayed. Lady Miko called their attention to seek an audience with them.

Yae: So, my intuition was correct, the wind that blows from afar, carries fresh life to these shores. For us to meet now is premature. Nevertheless, you set foot on these islands at the right moment.

Then she walks past them and stands in front of the Sacred Sakura. Aether doesn't say anything.

Yae: I have high hopes for you child. Also, not just you. Hayate, I am also expecting high from you.

Hayate: H-Huh?

Yae: Don't disappoint me.

I turned to Paimon and Aether.

Paimon: Ooh, seems like Lady Yae has turned an interest in you. She's super mysterious. Paimon's curious what she reall meant by all that? Also...

She turns to me.

Paimon: How did you managed to calm Domon down?

Hayate: Well, Lady Miko said to use my powers...and somehow... I managed to manifest it...

Aether: All you did was made contact with him...

Hayate: Even I myself didn't know I could do that........ Seems like I have more to learn about my powers. Anyways, since you managed to finish Ayaka's three wishes... I guess it's time for you guys to meet her in person.

Aether: You mean, Ayaka?

Shiro: Yeah. Since you guys managed to finish her requests, I'm sure she'll finally meet you guys face-to-face.

Then we went down from the mountain and returned back at the Kamisato Estate, to bring Ayaka, the good news.

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