Chapter 7: Breakout

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Hayate's POV

{Yashiro Commission Headquarters, Kamisato Estate}

Me, the Traveler and Paimon entered the headquarters as Paimon calls out Ayaka's name.

Paimon: Ayaka! Ayaka! Guess you fulfilled your three wishes?

The floating companion said as she puts her hands on her hips.

Paimon: Huh?

Aether and Paimon looked at each other and then, the two of them looked at me as I only responded with a smile.

As the two of them are about to look behind the screen, Thoma suddenly appeared from behind and tapped the Traveler's shoulder.

Aether: Huh?

Thoma just smiled as Ayaka walks in, as she smiled and greeted our honored guests, with elegance.

Ayaka: Traveler, is a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face.

Aether and Paimon are just stunned by Ayaka's elrgance but nonetheless, they regained their composure back.

Ayaka: I've heard that you finally helped out our three friends. My sincerest thanks to you.

Aether: Actually, we also couldn't have done it without Hayate's help.

Paimon: Yeah.

Aether: But still...

The Traveler looks at the ground with eyes that he finally realized what was going on.

Aether: The damage done by losing a Vision cannot be undone.

Paimon just sighs

Paimon: Yeah...short of getting their Visions back, it seems like there's no way to really help them...

Then Paimon asked.

Paimon: Um, Ayaka - how come you are now meeting us in person?

Ayaka: Hehe, because now that you've done the three things I've asked of you, I consider you to be my friends. As you will observe, I dispense with the screen also with Thoma.

Thoma nods with his arms crossed on his chest.

Thoma: Mmhm.

Paimon: But what about Hayate? Isn't he just as important as you?

Ayaka: Ah, Hayate... I consider him as my twin brother.

Aether: Twin brother? But, you're not blood-related, right?

Ayaka: That's right. Hayate is my childhood friend.

Paimon: As for Thoma...

Ayaka: Thoma is our first and foremost our friend, and was so before he became my attendant.

Paimon: Oh, okay then... Ayaka you seem different in personal compared to how you are behind the screen.

The two travelers smiled.

Aether: So, yeah, we can be friends.

Ayaka: Hehe, thank you both kindly. Back at the matter at hand. You have now witnessed the pain of those deprived of their Visions. What are your feelings on what you've seen.

Ayaka asked sincerely, hoping that the Traveler finally understood of how is the Vision Hunt Decree is hurting the people.

The Traveler answered, with his eyes still staring at the ground.

Aether: It's fate worse than death.

Hayate: It is. After all, they are being stripped of their ambitions. Perhaps, in the eyes of a deity such as the Almighty Shogun, the lives of those who inhabit the world is inconsequential.

Ayaka: Thunder's roar, lightning's flash, the wind's assault, and the rain's descent...all these things take place with no regard for the feelings of the common people. But, I believe that surely you understand what they must endure...

Aether is silent right now

Ayaka: It seems now you finally understood on what I feel regarding on this matter. In which case, are you willing to to reconsider your stance?

I am surprised to hear this.

Hayate: Wait a sec, Ayaka. You mean, the Traveler declined you in helping us resolve the Vision Hunt Decree?

Ayaka: Yes. That's why, I wanted to ask him now, what do they think.

Then the Traveler answered with pure determination.

Aether: I will help you fight the Vision Hunt Decree.

Ayaka's eyes lit up joy as so did Thoma.

Ayaka: Really!? You will?

Aether: But you've got to keep your promise.

Ayaka: Of course, I will keep my promise to introduce you to the Raiden Shogun.

Hayate: So that's how it is.

Suddenly someone came barging from the door of the headquarters, it was none other than Keiwa, who is panting and is distressed.

Thoma: Keiwa? Buddy, what's wrong?

Keiwa: "Hard breathing" We're in big trouble.

Hayate: Trouble? Calm yourself, what's the matter.

Then he broke the news to us.

Keiwa: Master Masakatsu was arrested by the Tenryou Commission and they detained him!

Hayate: "Yells" WHAT?!

Thoma: !!!

Ayaka: !!!

This news, is a big shock to us.

Ayaka: Master Masakatsu!? How!?

Keiwa: I just saw that the Tenryou Commission took him away and they charged him with the crime of treason against the Shogunate and the Raiden Shogun.

Hayate: Oh no. This is not good at all!

I went kinda pale when I heard what happened, to which Aether and Paimon became concerned.

Aether: Hayate?

Paimon: Is there something wrong?

Hayate: I fear for the worse, if someone will be charged with treason... The Musou no Hitotachi shall be administered to the offender.

Aether: What!?

I asked Keiwa about the current situation.

Hayate: Is there any news about what is going on at Hanamizaka?

Keiwa: The bad thing is, they might be going to go after me, too. I am also one who helped Master Masakatsu in our counter plan.

Thoma: Did you get followed?

Keiwa: They might be watching me and I have a very bad feeling that they will come after me. Yeah and if you're going to suggest of hiding me here or on Hayabusa Estate, no thanks. It will put the whole Yashiro Commission and "Dark Shadow Wings" corps into trouble. For now, I'll be forced to close my shop...and go into hiding.

Hayate: I see.

I walked towards him as I tapped his shoulder.

Hayate: Be safe, my friend.

Keiwa: To you as well, Hayate.

Then he quietly left the Kamisato Estate and went into hiding.

Ayaka: Will Keiwa be okay?

Hayate: We can only hope for the best.

Ayaka: Let's discuss this somewhere else in the Komore Teahouse.

After a few minutes of travelling to the Komore Teahouse and with Ayaka answering his questions about the Raiden Shogun, other people fighting against the Vision Hunt Decree and her plan to fight it. We went inside the teahouse, except for Thoma who insisted of keeping watch outside. Then we made our plan of breaking Master Masakatsu out of the prison.

Hayate: Master Masakatsu have been providing us with counterfeit Visions as a contingency method. Keiwa also plays a part in this. But now, since Master Masakatsu have been arrested, Keiwa immediately knew that he will be put under surveillance by the Tenryou Commission as he is frequently working with him and... he is a Vision Bearer, too. That's why, it's dangerous for him to stay at the city and right now, he is probably looking for a place to hide.

Paimon: You're telling Paimon that there are people who can make fake Visions.

Ayaka: Don't underestimate the talent of the craftsman of Hanamizaka. To the naked eye, it is hard to distinguished to a fake and genuine Vision.

Hayate: But now that he is arrested, I fear that they will torture him just to make him give in tell them their reason why is he manufacturing fake Visions.

Ayaka: Though it is not a long term solution... We just can't simply abandon Master Masakatsu.

I put my hand on my chin as I thought of something...

Hayate: A prison break, a prison that will be heavily guarded...

Then it just sparked in my mind.

Hayate: Aha! I think I know the person who can help us!

Ayaka: Really?

Hayate: The owner of the Nagonohara Fireworks Shop.

Ayaka: !!! Seems like we thought of the same person.

Hayate: Alright, then! Aether, Paimon, follow me. To the Nagonohara Fireworks Shop.

We walked towards the said fireworks shop and while on the way there...we noticed that someone was being confronted by the Tenryou Commission.

Tenryou Soldier 1: Hand over your Vision, now!

While the said civilian is trembling from fear.

Civilian: P-Please I just got this Vision! Can you please just let it slide?

Then Paimon and Aether prepared for combat.

Paimon: So, this is the Vision Hunt Decree in action.

I put my arm in front of them as I said.

Hayate: Stand down, you two.

Aether: Huh? But..

I gestured upon someone who is calling our attention.

???: Come on! This way..!

Paimon: Huh? What's going on...

I grabbed both Paimon and the Traveler away before we were spotted by the soldiers. I then brought them to the person who was calling their attention, a pale blonde haired girl, also known as the current owner of the Nagonohara Fireworks, Yoimiya.

I put the Traveler down and I let Paimon float in the air.

Paimon: What's the big deal, Hayate!?

The floating person complained.

Hayate: If the two of you rush in there without thinking, both of you would've probably be on the wanted list now. And i can't help in that time.

Aether: But...

Then Yoimiya thanked me.

Yoimiya: Thank you so much, Hayate.

Hayate: No problem.

Paimon: Why are you getting our attention earlier?

Yoimiya: It's because you two are about to rush in there as I wanted you to sit tight and watch for a moment.

Paimon: Huh!? How can you just do that!? Just because you don't have a Vision doesn't mean you can just....

Hayate: "Coughs" Ehem! Take a good look, my friend.

Then Paimon and Aether realized.

Aether: Wait...

Paimon: Hey, you do have a Vision.

Yoimiya: And I would've probably lost it if you Hayate didn't brought you here!

I turned back to see how is the commotion going and it seems like the victim surrendered the Vision and the soldiers left the scene.

Aether and Paimon noticed it and she complained to me.

Paimon: Now, he decided to give his Vision away. Hayate, just what the heck are you doing!?

Then the victim came to us as he thanked Yoimiya.

Civilian: Many thanks, Miss Yoimiya. If you hadn't swapped my Vision with a fake one, I'm sure I would've lost it.

Aether and Paimon we're shocked.

Aether: So...the Vision they took was a fake?

Paimon: Oh, so that's what's going on here! Paimon was about to unleash Paimonial wrath on Hayate and Miss Yoimiya.

I just sigh

Yoimiya: Haha, ahh think nothing of it! I could tell from your reaction earlier we were on the same side.

She smiled and introduced herself.

Yoimiya: Alright... allow me to introduce myself. I'm Yoimiya, the current owner of the Nagonohara Fireworks. It ain't much, but it's honest work, hehe. Great to meet ya!

Civilian: Practically, everyone in Hanamizaka knows Yoimiya. She's the "Queen of the Summer Festival!" Without her and her fireworks, summer on Narukami Island wouldn't be the same.

Paimon: Whoa! That's quite an introduction! Paimon loves fireworks! It's nice to meet you.

Yoimiya scratches her head and being embarrassed.

Yoimiya: Heehee, stop it Hanshirou, you'll embarrass me. As for thanking me, you'd better be off thanking Master Masakatsu.

I flinched when Yoimiya said his name.

Hayate: Ah damn! We came here to tell you the news about him.

Yoimiya became curious as the Traveler and Paimon break the news.

Aether: The thing is...we received word that Master Masakatsu was taken by the Tenryou Commission, just now.

Paimon: As in literally, just a few moments ago.

Yoimiya panicked.

Yoimiya: What!? Master Masakatsu!? Wait, if that happened then...

Yoimiya asked me.

Yoimiya: What about Keiwa!?

Hayate: He's fine. He actually closed his shop and gone into hiding. With him having working with Master Masakatsu, I'm sure the Tenryou Commission wouldn't let the chance of capturing another Vision Bearer and not to mention, one of the people manufacturing the fake Visions.

Yoimiya: I'm glad that he is somehow safe.

Paimon: And we went here because we're on our way to rescue him.

Yoimiya: I see. With Hayate here, it seems like the Shirasagi Himegimi along has a plan. Awesome! Mind if I join you?

Hayate: Of course. We will definitely need you.

Yoimiya: Seems like Hayate has a plan.

Aether: But how exactly are we going to enter the said prison?

Hayate: Follow me, I know a way how to break inside.

We went to a secret passage and entered the prison complex. Then I take out the Hydro Delusion and attach it on my right glove. A stream of blue energy was flowing over my right glove. And just to be sure, I put on an extra mask to avoid being exposed.

Paimon: This is such a scary place.

Hayate: I wonder how many times I've visited the prison? This is probably the third time after helping the resistance escape from prison.

We all gathered in a group huddle.

Yoimiya: So, what's the plan, Hayate?

Hayate: Listen up, in order for us to rescue Master Masakatsu, we first need to find other escape routes and cover our escape as well. In order to do that, we need Yoimiya's fireworks.

Yoimiya: You got it!

Hayate: Then Aether, you need to sneak past the guards.

Paimon: What about you, Hayate?

Hayate: I will distract the soldiers to make sure that the two of you can smoothly get Master Masakatsu out.

Aether and Paimon nodded.

Hayate: Also, it would be best for us to split up and cover a large area in order for us to search for him quickly.  Also, I try to distract the guards while I'm at it in order for you guys to have clearance.

They all nodded as I signaled them to start the rescue mission. We split up and search where Mr. Masakatsu is.

Because I had to try to hide Vision these days, using Delusion could be considered the best test of my Abyss power this time. And just to be sure, I asked my father to keep the Muramasa at home so this time I'm going to fight empty-handed. But my Hydro Delusion is made for hand-to-hand combat. 

Each of my punches combined with the power of Hydro Delusion and the Abyss itself should be a bit more violent than usual when I wield my sword. But every time I use Delusion I always feel tired, not this time, the more I use it, the more energetic I am. Could this be the resonance of my mother's divine power?

After knocked those guards, I managed to find a room and I climbed my way to the wooden beams of the room in order to observe the situation. I noticed that on one other side, the Traveler, Paimon and Yoimiya already made it. They immediately noticed me as I gave them a thumbs up. Inside the said room, I saw Master Masakatsu being tortured...

I can't even stand to look at this. As much as I want to help, but I can't interfere or else our plan will be for nothing. As the soldiers still continued mocking and torturing Master Masakatsu, they were immediately stopped by a voice.

???: Hey, you there! What are you doing!?

The soldiers stood up and the owner of the voice belonged to a woman with short hair and wearing a tengu mask on the right side of her head.

Hayate: Kujou Sara...

Suddenly, the past images of my sister came back when I saw Sara, putting that aside, I need to shut up for the time being before everything falls apart.

The soldiers then responded.

Tenryou Soldier 1: We we're just teaching him a lesson....that's all.

Hayate: "Whisper" Liar, you are clearly torturing them.

Sara: Make way, let me have a look at him.

She kneels down to inspect the wounded Master Masakatsu and then stood up and reprimanded the soldiers.

Sara: I'm sure you're all aware that torture is strictly against the military regulations.

Tenryou Soldier 2: Yes, ma'am!

Sara: If you don't feel any shame for what committing such a disgraceful act, then you are not worthy of the Tenryou Commission itself! Do I make myself clear!?

Tenryou Soldiers: Yes, ma'am!

I just muttered under my breath.

Hayate: Yeah, right, as if your clan will have any shame for what they did to the Sakamata Clan if I ever expose their crimes to everyone in Inazuma.

As much as I wanted to let out my anger, I controlled it... I then looked at my friends as I quietly made a gesture of an explosion on my hand.

Yoimiya: !!!!!

As soon as it happened, several explosions were heard as the soldiers went to check what was going on, even along with Kujou Sara. When the close was clear, I immediately jumped down from the wooden beam and checked on Master Masakatsu.

Hayate: Master Masakatsu, are you alright?

The middle aged man, struggles to stand up due to his injuries but still recognized me right away.

Masakatsu: Hayate-sama? Oh, thank you goodness.

The Traveler and the others also went out of their hiding spots as they checked on Master Masakatsu's condition.

Masakatsu: Yoimiya?

Yoimiya: We came here to rescue you...those awful guards...

As soon as I stood up, I already felt her presence. She was watching us from the very beginning, as expected of the Shogun's bodyguard.I just faced her and when Paimon mentions the word escape, my companions realized what was going on. Instead of surrounding us with guards, it was different.

Sara: Leave. Before my judgement get the better of me. He immediately needs medical attention. But remember, once he's recovered, I will bring him back soon after.

Yoimiya: You can bet that we won't let that happen.

Aether: We will protect Master Masakatsu.

Sara crossed her arms.

Sara: Hm....leave this place.

Yoimiya and the Traveler helped Master Masakatsu to walk and Paimon followed them.

I also followed them but was stopped by Kujou Sara's question.

Sara: Who are you? I think I saw you before, elsewhere...

I turned around to face her and smile...

Hayate: Call me "Faceless Devil", you just need to remember the name. Master Masakatsu is a friend of mine, it would be natural for me to save him, after all.

Then I left and quickly caught up with the rest of the gang. I noticed that Master Masakatsu was nowhere to be found as they say that he will go to the infirmary by himself. Then I took off the mask.

Hayate: I see.

Yoimiya: Hayate, what happened? Did you have a talk with Kujou Sara?

Hayate: Ah, I just created a fake identity to avoid being exposed. Anyways, Aether, Paimon, let's bring the good news to Thoma and Ayaka back at the Teahouse.


Hayate's POV

{Komore Teahouse}

We tell them the good news as Ayaka and Thoma are relieved.

Ayaka: I see, this is good news!

Thoma: Now then, I guess we can celebrate with a hot pot game I just recently discovered.

Hayate: I'm gonna sit this one out.

Paimon: Huh? Why?

Hayate: Well, all that fighting some guards and our daring rescue mission, I need to get some fresh air.

Ayaka: I see. Well, if  you ever feel hungry, you can come back here.

I smiled.

Hayate: Don't worry, I'll make sure I'll be able to make it.

I left the teahouse and wandered off the city.

Hayate: "Sighs" When will this all end?

I'm just totally lost in my thoughts. I am worried about Keiwa's safety. Where is he and what is he doing right now? Is he safe? Ugh, not to mention I heard from the guards earlier about a ceremony from the Tenryou Commission Guards. Whatever that ceremony is, I have a bad feeling. Especially, if the Tenryou Commission was appointed for such a job. As I just aimlessly wandered through the city, I slowly went back to reality and I found myself inside, the Tenshukaku.

Hayate: Oh no.

I looked around and luckily, there are no guards around. Wait, if there are no guards, then I can use this opportunity to sneak and learn information about the Tenryou Commission...

Hayate: Wait, that would be too risky. I guess I shall go back home and rest.

Though I'm feeling hungry right now. Well, I guess I'll go back to Komore Teahouse and join the hotpot. I managed to get out Tenshukaku without any issues and went back to the Komore Teahouse where I found that Ayaka, Thoma, Aether and Paimon gathered around the hotpot. Well, Thoma is a little dizzy.

Hayate: Just what happened to this guy?

They noticed me.

Paimon: Welcome back, Hayate!

I sat down beside Aether.

Aether: I think the taste of the soup became a little different.

I taste test the soup and it's kind of unusual.

Hayate: Just what the heck did you guys put in here?

Ayaka and Paimon narrates what happened to the weird hot pot game they had together.

Hayate: Oh, I see... Well, I guess I'll grab some dangos and tea.

I stood up from the table and went back with the dangos and a teapot.

Paimon: As much as Paimon want to eat, Paimon can't take another bite.

Aether: Same here...

I sat down as I placed the dangos on the table as Ayaka poured tea for each and everyone. It sure was blissful. I guess we can all take a break from all of this... But then....just a few days later... Everything changed for the worse...

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