Chapter 9: The Bells of Chaos

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Hayate's POV

{Grand Narukami Shrine}

(The night before the Vision Hunt Ceremony)

Hayate: So both of you're telling me that my mother's powers includes healing and divine protection?

I asked my father and the fox envoy who is currently reading the journal we found a few days ago.

Yae: That's right. After all, Kaguya wasn't a god who wanted to fight, but she is not a weak god either. With power all over the moon, she must be at the same level as Morax.

Hayate: What? But as far as I heard the Geo Archon is who they considered as the strongest among the Seven.

Yae: "Chuckles" Have you forgotten, Morax is 6,000 years old. He is strong because he fought and won many battles throughout history, even the Archon War itself.

Shimura: As for Chihiro, she is around 5,000 years old. Not to mention, her authority, the power she possesses is something that one cannot take so lightly. After all, the sun is important to the world. And that, is also a form of eternity.

Hayate: Eternity, huh? Wait, lady Miko, since you have a close connection with the Shogun, can I ask you something about her?

Yae: Sure, go ahead.

She closed the journal and waits for my question.

Hayate: As far as I know and from what I heard, the eternity that the Raiden Shogun pursues is an unchanging land of eternity. Inazuma that is unchanging. Does she plans to keep Inazuma literally as it is?

The Guuji went silent as she sighed.

Yae: You haven't met the Shogun, haven't you?

Shimura: He refused to attend to the meetings of the Tri-Commission because he know that the Tenryou Commission will be present and I fear for the worse.

Yae: That someone from the Tenryou Commission might recognize both of you and that is certainly not a good thing. I know your circumstances.

Hayate just silent.

Yae: As for your question... Yes, she wants to keep Inazuma in a stasis.

Hayate: Stagnation, to prevent Inazuma from progressing and flourishing as a nation? That's not right. In the end, we are all bound to change...all in this world are bound to change.  And without change.. How are we able to grow?

Lady Miko went silent in my words as she smiled. As for my father....

Shimura: You are really like me about the wise. Have you ever wondered how the Hayabusa Clan served the Shogun?

Hayate: Um....

Shimura: I knew it! History time! The Hayabusa Clan was one of the strongest clans that existed in Inazuma. What made us strong in battle was not our prowess but our wisdom. Using our wits to best their opponent.

Yae: That is why, long before the Shogun was the Shogun, she seeked the Hayabusa to aid her in battle. But the clan refused to join the god in battle. The clan said that they are fighting, because they wanted to protect the people from harm. Then the god asked them, "Even if it means taking another life?" But the head of the clan during that time answered, "Whatever it takes to protect the people."

Shimura: But he added, "But if we can somehow change the heart of their opponent, by convincing them that what they are doing is wrong and came to an understanding, all the better. But if we really cannot avoid it, then there is no other way." "Sigh" The members of the our clan are pacifists. But if they were ticked to the edge and that is where their enemy will regret they shouldn't have messed with them.

Yae: As much as they are pacifists, their skill with the blade was even said to rival the shogun's.

Hayate: What!?

Yae: Wait, why are you so shocked? As far as I know, Shimura already taught you the ultimate sword art of your clan.

Hayate: Huh? He didn't. He trained me how to handle a sword, the basic swings, basic counters, evading and sword drawing techniques.

Lady Miko facepalms while shaking her head and bonked my father.

Yae: Ugh, you idiot. "Turns to Hayate" So, he never taught you? Or he plans to teach you that technique when you're a bit older...

Shimura: I still thought that this is not the perfect time... but now...

He hands me a scroll and I noticed the seal of the Hayabusa Clan embroidered on it.

Shimura: I originally intended to teach this technique to you when you were truly grown up. Or at least 23 years old, but with tensions escalating like this...

Hayate: I believe the information that I need is in here...

Yae: Yes. I took a read on that scroll so if you ever have questions, I'll help you to answer them.

I began to roll out the scroll and read the contents of the mysterious scroll. The scroll contains information about my clan's sword art. Most of them, I already know it as my father taught them to me.

Hayate: The sword art that rivals the Musou no Hitotachi... Does it even exists? Also, are there any people who can withstand it?

Yae: Who knows...

Until I found a sword art that is new to me.

Hayate: "Chouzetsu Unmei No Hissatsu: Ginga No Giri."

Yae: That's the sword art that Shimura was supposed to teach you.

Hayate: And how does this sword art rivals the Musou no Hitotachi?

She smiled as a notion for me to continue reading the scroll.

Hayate: "The most profound and the peak of the Hayabusa Clan's swordsmanship. The Chouzetsu Unmei No Hissatsu: Ginga No Giri. It is not a sword technique but a sword art. A sword art that allows one's sword to reach the void, to become a sword of zero. Cut through the time and space."

I paused for a while.

Hayate: Huh? I don't get it. A sword art that allows one's sword to reach the void and become sword of zero? And... cut through the space and time?!

Yae: I believed you heard the story of the Musoujin Gorge?

Hayate: The Raiden Shogun once faced the Serpent God, Orabashi and executed the serpent god through Musou no Hitotachi. Through that, Yashiori Island was cut in half, killing Orabashi in the process and created the Musoujin Gorge, which contains the god's remnant power.

Shimura: I see. So you eventually learned about it.

Hayate: Why?

Yae: As you can see the Musou no Hitotachi can cut through a point in space and briefly freeze time.

Hayate: "Gulps" Oh my...

Yae: Then, after that, lightning bolts will surround the target and time is unfrozen once more.

Hayate: And the target will be eliminated.

Shimura: Yes. But as for the Chouzetsu Unmei No Hissatsu: Ginga No Giri...

I continued reading it.

Hayate: "At first one might think a sword art that reached the void, a sword of zero, will cut nothing. It is because it will cut nothing of the material things...but immaterial things. Even time and space itself. Chouzetsu Unmei No Hissatsu: Ginga No Giri... cuts not material things, over than time and space itself, but more than that... is severs fate itself. A sword art that is capable of cutting curses, current and previous existence and even unfortunate fates. If the Musou no Hitotachi can cut through space, then the Chouzetsu Unmei No Hissatsu: Ginga No Giri... can cut the fate of the Musou no Hitotachi of being 'unblockable.'"

I rolled the scroll back as I looked surprised.

Hayate: So both of you're telling me, to master the sword art that is even capable of cutting fate itself? What I read is more like a fantasy.

Shimura: It is not. The only one who mastered the sword technique, is none other than our ancestor, Hayabusa Ikazuchi, the Head of the Hayabusa Clan, during the Archon War.

Hayate: So, what did he do to achieve such a feat?

Yae: To reach the concept of void.

Shimura: Cut the time and space.

Hayate: And you expect me to reach that?

Yae: In your case though, you are not reaching for the void, but for answers.

Shimura: You wanted answers for the Vision Hunt Decree. Along with your sister.

Yae: And that fate, is the one you must cut, is the fate of the Hayabusa Clan's darkness and to cut the fate of the Tenryou Commission of ever doing such a thing again.

Hayate: It's kinda confusing...

Shimura: Even I myself only got the gist of it. But I guess that sword art is something akin to an ambition. Your ambition is to protect the people you care about, which lead to attaining your Vision.

Yae: And I guess your other ambition, to seek answers from the Tenryou Commission and to the Raiden Shogun herself. "Sigh" You really are interesting, Hayate. It seems like there is more about you than meets the eye.

Shimura: I guess he'll process all the information he has for now....

(The Next Day)

{Grand Narukami Shrine}

Hayate's POV

As I woke up early and I'm getting reasy to set out to Inazuma City and specifically, to Komore Teahouse.

Yae: Seems like you guys are going to discuss your next move.

Hayate: Yes.

Shimura: Then, good luck son.

Yae: You will need it.

Hayate: Thank you, father, Lady Miko.

I went on my way to the city and went to the Komore Teahouse. But what is this? I noticed that the clouds are different from today, as if there is an upcoming rain... No, even worse... as if a thunderstorm is coming. Also, why I do feel something is about to go wrong.... I quickly went inside of the Komore Teahouse and I found Taroumarou barking so frequently, as if he is worked up on something. I also found the teahouse to be awfully quiet.

Hayate: What's going on? Thoma? Are you in there bro? Hello?

Then I went to one of the rooms and I found Ayaka walking back and forth until she noticed me and threw herself to embrace me.

Hayate: W-What's wrong, Ayaka? Did something happened?

Ayaka: I-It's Thoma, Thoma was captured by the Tenryou Commission in the Vision Hunt Decree.

Hayate: W-What!?

Ayaka pulled herself back as I put my hands on her shoulders as I ask her what happened.

Ayaka: The Vision Hunt Ceremony is to mark the 100th Vision seized under the decree. And today is the said ceremony.

Hayate: Wait, you mean, Thoma is the 100th Vision Bearer to be seized!?

Ayaka: Unfortunately, yes.

Hayate: Stay here, Ayaka. I'll go and...

Ayaka pulled my cloak.

Ayaka: Please, don't! As much as I also wanted to save Thoma, I can't. It will put the whole Yashiro Commission in danger. Even the "Dark Shadow Wing" Corps.

Hayate: You're right! Too risky.

Ayaka: The Traveler is on his way to save Thoma.

Hayate: All the more reason to save Thoma and the Traveler!

Muramasa: Then let's go!

But then, Thoma barged inside the teahouse and he seems like he's been running all of his life. Ayaka and I both checked on Thoma.

Hayate: Thoma, are you okay? "Gesture a number from my hand" What number is this?

Thoma: "Pants" F-Four...

Hayate: Yup, he still in one piece and has his mind.

Then I noticed that his Vision is still with him.

Hayate: So, the Traveler whisked you away to safety, huh?

Thoma recounts what happened and I was shocked by what happened, but I'm thankful that the Traveler is fine. Not to mention...

Hayate: Did you say the Raiden Shogun!? As in the Raiden Shogun herself was present and lead the ceremony!?

Thoma: Yes. I would never forget the terror of her drawing her blade, she almost killed the Traveler but luckily, I just saved him and here we are.

Hayate: Where did Aether and Paimon went to now?

Thoma: I told them to go to Tatarasuna and find the Sangonomiya Resistance.

Hayate: I see. I just wish me and my father can see what is going on at the frontline. Also, I've not received any word from Keiwa since then. Just where the heck is he?

Thoma: We can only hope that he is safe and sound. And, I guess I would be hiding here for a while.

We then lead Thoma to sit down and let him rest.

Hayate: "Sighs" Now, we can only hope that the Traveler can succeed.

Ayaka: Yeah.

Hayate: I guess, I'll be stepping out a bit.

Ayaka: And where?

Hayate: To the Grand Narukami Shrine. If the Guuji and my father have a plan, then I need know it and relay that plan to you guys. If this said plan will take days to execute, I'll be unable to see you guys in a matter of few days.

Ayaka: I see. Be safe, Hayate.

Hayate: Don't worry, I just hope that the Vision Hunt Decree, will be over and we can finally return back to our ordinary life.

I left the teahouse and I can see that people are talking about the commotion that happen.

Hayate: The news about the Traveler's intervention with the Vision Hunt Ceremony will be spread far and wide.

I went to the Statue of the Omnipresent God and it seems like they put additional guards around it and even the security of Tenshukaku was probably doubled. I quickly left the scene in order not to be spotted. I then proceeded to set out to the Grand Narukami Shrine.


{Grand Narukami Shrine}

Hayate's POV

I went to look for Lady Miko along with my father and I found then standing the in front of the Sacred Sakura. They then noticed my arrival.

Yae: Back already?

Hayate: Yeah and I think I'll probably stay here for a while.

Shimura: Hmmm. From the look of your face, something must've happened.

Hayate: It's a long story...

Muramasa: "Glows behind his back" Make it short! We don't have all day for this.

I told them about what happened to Thoma and to the Traveler.

Yae: I see. So that's how it is. Well, we must await for the Traveler to arrive here, once more.

Hayate: Huh? But how? The Tenryou Commission already issued the arrest warrants for them.

Shimura: Don't worry. With the information you gave us, I already made a plan.

Hayate: This plan you're talking about, is this connected to me in beating the Musou no Hitotachi?

Shimura: Yes.

Then I heard a distinct sound from the sky and it was my white crow. I whistled three short blasts as Lady Miko reaches out her arm and my messenger bird perched to her arm. I took the letter from its talon. Then the bird immediately took flight as I read the letter.

Hayate: "Hayate, sorry for not keeping in touch with you for a few days. Don't worry, I'm safe and I'm currently with the resistance here at Tatarasuna. The Traveler also went here and from what I heard, he surived the encounter with the Raiden Shogun. I hope you are safe and sound, partner. Please, find a way to end this stupid decree. I guess all of us, really wanted to go back to our ordinary lives. I beg of you, please. If you ever find a way to end this stupid decree. We can only place our bets to you and to the Traveler. You are Inazuma's only hope."

Hayate: "Sincerely, Keiwa."

I folded the letter after I read it.

Shimura: It seems like Keiwa is in Tatarasuna and met the Traveler there. He also joined the Resistance it appears.

Hayate: Yeah. Anyways, what should we do now to implement our plan?

Yae: We'll keep watch of the situation first. Then, when the time is right, we shall proceed with the plan.

Hayate: So, we're going to wait. As much as I wanted to send a message to Keiwa and to the Traveler, it would be best to lay low for the time being or else the shogun's army might follow my crow and used it as a means of tracking down their main front and even compromising the safety of the Grand Narukami Shrine. Even worst... the Hayabusa Clan and the "Dark Shadow Wing" Corps.

Yae: A wise move.

Shimura: We can only wait. But while waiting, I guess we could use this time to learn more about the journal of mine.

Yae: There might be hints on there on how to control the hidden power within you. But first let me tell you an information about the Raiden Shogun.

Hayate: And what is it?

Yae: The Raiden Shogun, that the people see, is not the real Shogun.

I titled my head in utter confusion.

Hayate: Huh? What do you mean, the Raiden Shogun that the people see is not the true Raiden Shogun? It sounds like the Electro Archon has body double. Did she learn some... Body Replacement Technique or even somekind of Clone Technique?!

Yae: You're quite correct there. You said that the Traveler met the Raiden Shogun...what am I pertaining to, is the real Raiden Shogun that the Traveler met in the Plane of Euthymia.

Hayate+Shimura: The Plane of Euthymia?

Yae: That is where the Raiden Shogun resides. Or should I say, that is where "Ei" resides.

Wait, what? I paled a little when Lady Miko revealed the name of the Raiden Shogun.

Yae: Hayate? You look a little pale? Have you gotten enough sleep and rest in the past few days?

Shimura: Hello! Teyvat to Hayate! "Yells" HAYATE!

I shook my head as I try to regain my composure.

Hayate: Wait, you said her name is "Ei," am I right?

Yae: Yes.

Hayate: I met someone...with the same name.

Both of them were taken aback by my sudden revelation.

Yae: What? You're joking, right? What was she looked like?

Hayate: A woman with long dark purple hair that is tied to a braid, wearing purple kimono, amethyst colored eyes with a mole under her right eye and two flowers on the right side of her head.

She crossed her arms.

Shimura: How long have you met her?

Hayate: I met her 2 days before the Traveler arrived. It was the night when you said you're going to check upon the Shogun.

Yae: I see... No wonder why the Shogun was missing when I visited Tenshukaku, it was because she...met you here?

Then I told her and my father about my encounters with Ei. After telling her the story, Miko smiled.

Yae: Fufu. My, my. Oh my...

Hayate: Is there something wrong?

Yae: No, there is nothing wrong actually. In fact...this is an unexpected blessing. To think that Ei will occasionally come out from the Plane of Euthymia and then coincidentally meet you? Or maybe, it's not by pure luck, ever since she met you, she finally found someone whom she can share company with. To think that desserts will be the key of establishing your connection with Ei. Ah. I think, I know how Ei is able to find you...

Hayate: And how?

Shimura: She already made link with you... The link itself, was your cloak.

Hayate: My cloak?

Muramasa: She probably imbued it with some of her powers, to use it as a link in order to appear to you whenever she wants and wherever you are.

Hayate: Could she do, such a thing?

Shimura: She is a god, son. 

Muramasa: Well, technically, you are a god, too.

Yae: Also, I was the one who taught her how to embed her consciousness into objects. To think she used that ability to establish a link to you through your cloak.

Hayate: OK... I really had my doubts when I first met her. She fits the description of how Ayaka describes the Raiden Shogun. To think that I've been meeting the Raiden Shogun in secret.

Muramasa: Yup, you have been meeting the real Raiden Shogun! 

Yae: And to think Ei used the fact that you didn't saw the Raiden Shogun's face... Now that you know..what will you do?

I looked upon the ground...and I can't help but think...

Hayate: But, how could she...such a person like her...issue such an absurd and stupid decree?

Shimura: I guess you still don't know the story behind the Vision Hunt Decree.

Hayate: Yeah. Also, you said that it has something to do with the Hayabusa Clan's ambush.

Yae: I guess the Tenryou Commission really plot that ambush 10 years ago. But, I guess there is a third-party involved.

Hayate: A third party?

Muramasa: Shimura is right, to create chaos within a country, there will often be intervention from a third party. No matter domestic or foreign.

Shimura: Yes, and I believe the same third party was the one responsible, for the Vision Hunt Decree. But... who are they?

Yae: I guess we'll have our answer soon enough. For now, take a rest here, Hayate. we can't afford to lose you now. 

Shimura: After all, you are the most important piece to save Inazuma and Ei herself. I'm too old for this... right now... The hope of Inazuma... is on your shoulders.

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