Chapter 7: Gone

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Okay, chapter 7, I don't have like hardly anything planned in this chapter, unlike last chapter where I had everything planned out from the beginning to end. Anyway, I hope this isn't crap. I don't know if you guys know, but last chapter was the longest chapter in this book, and it took me a month to write. Two weeks my butt. I'll try to get it in two weeks again but, I don't know if that will work, anyway! On to the chapter!


Nothing but a sliver of a waning crescent remained, barely reflecting light on to the Earth. It would have been better if it was a new moon, but they couldn't wait, they had to apprehend her before the others did. They could waste no time.

The two used the cover of the shadows to sneak their way to a house nestled on the corner. Slowly but surely. They weren't the Shadow Triad for nothing. They found their way to the left side of the house. They saw a light on, but didn't care. Seconds after, they smashed the window with a crowbar. They ripped through the screen and climbed through. They weren't the only ones there.

"Plasma," They cursed. There were four others. Two in black with giant red Rs on their shirts, and the other two where wearing burnt red hoodies with a giant orange M on it. Rocket and Magma.

They grabbed a gun from their pocket and fired at the woman sitting at the table in shock. 1. 2. 3 shots went off from their gun before the woman fell over into the floor, blood pooling around her, staining the clothes she was wearing crimson.

Suddenly, they heard thumping sounds as a girl came tearing down the stairs in a mad rush for the door. Tears streaking behind her as she ran, out the door and onto the street. The Rocket and Magma grunts chased after her. They could hear her screams for help. They teleported outside before gaining the visual of where she was.

Magma was closing in. They teleported and grabbed the girl's arms. The girl was about to yell out for help but they clamped a hand over her mouth. She bit it, hard. They withdrew their hand.

"Ow! You Bi-" The girl cut them off with a scream. They quickly covered her mouth again before focusing and thinking on the place they wanted to teleport, and they did, leaving a women who had watched out the window of the whole encounter.


. . .


"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Roussen, it seems the baby was a miscarriage," The nurse said. Mrs. Roussen buried her face in her husband's shoulder and cried.

Suddenly the scene shifted, to a girl and her friends.

"Hey! You'll find someone Mary! Don't worry about!" One of the girls said.

"I can't help but feel a dead feeling in my stomach telling me that I'll never find anyone," Mary said.

"You'll be fine!" One of her friends told her. Mary never found the one, she was right. She did die alone.


. . .


Drew shot up. Another stupid dream. At least this one didn't end up a tragedy. Unlike the rest. Drew realized their outfits were more recent, like the 50s. So that was the previous incarnations.

He got up and poured food into his teams bowl. Drew watched them eat, totally zoned out. His absol nudged his arm, bringing him out of his thought. He gently stroked absol's head.


. . .


Heading into the giant jail cell known as school, Drew looked around for May. She usually came in around the same time he did, but she was nowhere in sight.

. . .

"Listen, if I'm not at school tomorrow, please go to my house and check on me," May said quietly. He looked in surprise at her. Why would she asked him to do that?

"What? Why?" Drew asked.

"I have a feeling something bad is going to happen," May whispered. His eyes widened.

. . .

Drew shook himself out of his memory. He had to stay focused and find May. He walked quickly down the hall, scavenging each hall, until he saw Leaf. She looked extremely worried.

"Leaf!" Drew called. She walked up to him. "Have you seen May?"

"No, I haven't, and she didn't respond when I texted her asking where she was, she ALWAYS answers, something is really wrong," Leaf said frantically.

"We'll just have to see if she comes to homeroom," he replied, trying to stay calm.

"Ok," Leaf said. "Speaking of which, we need to get to or else we will be late,"


He sat down looking at the empty seat next to him. He could see here sitting there, a smile on her face, waving cutely at him.

"Good Morning Drew!" He shook his head out of the vision. Just then, the teacher walked in grimly.

"Good, Good morning class," Miss Kaitlyn said, but he knew it wasn't.

"I have some news, it's not good," She said sadly. Heads turned and hushed whispers hung in the air.

"One of your classmates has gone missing, May Maple, there was an eyewitness who stepped forward. She's not just missing, she was kidnapped, and put up a huge fight," Miss Kaitlyn trailed off.

"Crap!" Drew cursed under his breath. The currents in the room started to pick up, but he couldn't calm down. A hand shot up.

"Yes?" Miss Kaitlyn answered.

"Can you turn the AC off? I'm freezing," A boy asked. She frowned before walking towards the thermostat.

"The AC isn't on," Miss Kaitlyn said cautiously. Drew focused his breathing and was able to calm the winds briefly.


. . .


She opened her eyes. Faint light pierced through the wooden boards of the ceiling, blinding her, causing her to squint. She had a gag over her face, and ropes binding her wrists and feet. The ropes dug into her skin causing every movement to be somewhat painful. She heard the soft thump of footsteps. Someone was coming down the staircase in the far corner of the room. Her eyes widened.


Drew clenched his jaw as he walked to his locker. He saw Gary with a soften expression as he held a sobbing Leaf. He clenched his fists. Reaching his locker, he grabbed his things before heading home.

While he was walking, he couldn't get her out of his head. How she made him feel inside, her strange visions, how Brianna was able to burn he-

"Oh," He said softly to himself. He was so stupid! HOW did he NOT NOTICE! She had been right in front of his face the whole time! He had just walked through the door as the realization occurred. Unable to contain his frustration, he slammed his fist into the wall. It broke through, leaving a sum what circular gash behind. His knuckles began to bleed slightly. He paid no mind and went to turn on the news.

"Last night at around one in the morning, a high school student named May Maple was kidnapped, and her mother, Caroline Maple was found dead. Due to a witness account, we have narrowed it down to the Shadow Triad who work for Team Plasma in the Unova region, their reasons for kidnapping this girl is still unknown," A reporter on the TV said, a bright fake plastered smile on her face. Why  would anybody travel to a different region? What are their motives? Sure she's April, but what could they need her for!? He pulled out his phone and looked up Team Plasma. If he was going after her, he needed all the information he could get.


"Sir! We just got a signal in! N's got her, they are on their way," a grunt said, running up to a man lounging in a giant crimson armchair, stroking the head of his toxicroak.

"Good, the sooner they get here, the sooner we can take over the world!" The man replied.

"Um, yes sir," The grunt paused as he was leaving. "Sir, don't you think that the boy will come looking for her too?" the man laughed.

"Oh he will, but he won't succeed, it's written in his fate" He said as the grunt nodded and walked out the door.



Not wasting any time, Drew grabbed an empty backpack from his closet and stuffed in necessities such as clothes, and hygienic products. He was shoving his pokeballs in the side compartment and just finished slipping his bag over his shoulder when he turned around and saw Leaf and Gary blocking the door way with their arms crossed.

"What the heck do you think you are you doing?" Gary asked sternly.

"I can't just sit back and let this happen. I'm going out to save May," Drew said firmly.

"Ha! no you're not, I don't know when you'll get this, you're not the only one who cares about her," Leaf said.

"If you want to save May, we're going together," Gary said flatly.

"You don't understand the danger!" Drew argued.

"Do you?" Leaf accused.

"Yes, death. It always is," Drew said, murmuring at the end. Leaf hesitated for a moment.

"For me at least," Drew quickly added. "If you convince me to let you come with me, I can't guarantee your safety, I don't know if they will kill you, capture you, torture you, or a combination," Drew said.

"Oh yeah? Well I could say the same to you buddy," Gary retorted.

"No, I know what they will do with me if they catch me, it's game over, they will kill me right in front of her," Drew said grimly. "So, are you going or not?"

"We are going, I don't want to sit he fearing over whether she's ok or not!" Leaf said firmly. Gary nodded. Drew frowned, but took a deep breath.

"Okay, get your stuff together and meet me back here as soon as possible. They already have a huge lead," Drew said, clenching his fist. They nodded before walking out to leave.

"Oh by the way, nice hole in the wall you go there," Gary said before the door closed behind him. Drew sighed, he really didn't want them to be in danger. He looked through the blinds to make sure they were gone. He stepped outside and grabbed his Flygon's pokeball.

"Go! Flygon!" Drew exclaimed as the dragon fly appeared. He quickly hopped on and patted it so Flygon would gain altitude.

"They are so going to kill me if I get back," Drew.



Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry that took so long! Honestly, I've been working on the one shot series that I want to get done before Christmas, so I put this off! I'm so so sorry again! Anyway, I probably won't write another chapter until the one shots are finished. Anyway Bye!

Words (1772)

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