'N' Awesome Day!

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Hey guys! I'm so excited for this chapter! I came up with this chapter when I was writing the second chapter! So I'm finally here! Also, the last chapter I was able to write in two weeks! I guess writing every morning on the way to school on the bus is productive oh, and on the way home. In the afternoon I have like an hour bus ride, but hey I get to write! Anyway, I won't hold you if you read this! Hmm, if you read this authors note, comment Acnologia. Anyway, ONWARD!


There was the sound of gun shots, and laughter. It was pitch black, but two eyes opened, the face they belong to not visible. One was blood red, the other was cerulean blue. (Yes I know he doesn't have a red eye, he has that weird red orangey glass thing, now shush.) The chuckling returned, growing into harsh laughter. Suddenly there was the sound of shattered glass, followed by a scream. Definitely female. No, it was hers.

Suddenly May woke up, and shot up, sitting in her bed with her covers bunched at her waist. She was panting, and sweating a little bit. May checked her clock. 30 minutes to her alarm. She might as well get up.

She thought back to Friday afternoon. She was going to get it from Leaf, but that little hangout with Drew was great. She wanted to say date, but she internally kicked herself. She did want to see him again. They also had hung out yesterday at the park. He had actually texted her and asked her to hang out, which she was surprised about. She slipped on her outfit. Her usual. She pulled her hair up in her bandana.


. . .


"I told you to kill Emily! Not marry her! Matthew you know better!" A man roared.

"You must pay the price!" The man threatened.

"Dad! Please! I don't want to be a part of your stupid "Family Business" anymore!" Matthew said.

"Fine then," The man said before pulling out a gun, and pulling the trigger. The bullet shot from the gun and right into his left chest area. Matthew feel limp to the floor.

"MATT!" A voice screamed. A girl was tied to a chair.

"Now for you!" He said, pulling the gun on her. He shot her too, in the same spot...

Drew was nudged awake by his absol. He had slept a couple minutes passed his alarm, which was still going off, and flashing numbers. He quickly turned it off and got up. he slipped on a black t-shirt and a pair of aqua jeans. He let out his other Pokemon, and fed them.


. . .


May got out of her Mom's car and walked towards the school. There was a huge crowd of girls led by Brianna Wakana. They all looked super ticked off. May had a bad feeling about it. She tried to walk around them, but Brianna stepped out of the crowd of girls and blocked her way.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause any trouble for you guys, can I just get through?" May asked politely.

"I'm afraid you've made an enemy of us, May. You're going to have to keep away from MY Drew, or you're going to get hurt!" Brianna snapped. She grabbed May's wrist and squeezed as hard as she could. As soon as her hand latched on to May's wrist, she felt a burning sensation. It's felt like she was burning her wrist! May yelped.

"Can't take a little squeeze? God you're pathetic," Brianna withdrew her hand, and May held her wrist. Brianna laughed, and walked away, the fangirl army following her, but glaring and sneering at May.

May finally glanced down, and saw where Brianna had grabbed her wrist, was a hand print. The skin was raw pink, and it burned. She just sighed.


. . .


May walked down the hall with her hands behind her back. Her right hand covered her burned left one. Suddenly, her foot hurt, and she knew what was coming next, even though she was looking down, she knew he was there. She tripped of course and slammed into his chest.

"Morning May," He chucked as May stumbled back.

"Sorry! Morning," She said, picking herself up, but Drew offered her his hand. Luckily it wasn't her hurt one. She took it. Suddenly the electrical sensation flowed through their veins. May let go as soon as she was standing up. Despite the weird zaps, they both smiled at each other.

"Has Leaf found you yet?" Drew asked, after a slight moment of comfortable silence.

"Nope, but I'll probably get cornered by her soon," May laughed. "What about Gary?"

"He chewed my ear off on the way in," Drew chuckled.

"We should probably get to homeroom," May said. They walked together. There was a moment, where Drew's hand brushed her own. She held down a blush, and choked on a yelp at the electricity. She knew it was an accident, he wasn't trying to hold her hand was he? May realized something, when she ran into him, her hands didn't touch him. It was only when he offered her his hand and she took it.

"Hey Drew, when I ran into you earlier, did you feel any of those sparks?" May asked.

"No, I didn't, but when you took my hand I did... Do you think it has something to do with our hands?" Drew asked.

"I don't know, but we could try, Can I?" Drew nodded. She bumped her shoulder against his. Nothing but the warm feeling of his shoulder. May then tapped a finger against his shoulder, there was a small shock.

"Looks like we were right!" May said cheerfully.

"No, I was right, you never said you suspected it," Drew said smugly.

"I thought of it before I even said anything! HA!" May crossed her arms proudly.

"Whatever, I also want to experiment something," Drew said.

"Go right ahead," May said. He set his whole hand on her shoulder, it was a lot more powerful shock. He retracted his hand. He then reached for her hand. May struggled to hold in a blush. Their hands laced together; their fingers interlocking.

"W-Woah!" May stuttered. Suddenly there was a cracking pop sound, and a little blue bolt of electricity was emitted from their hands.

"Did you see that!?" May exclaimed, after Drew let go of her hand.

"Yeah, that was one of the strangest things I've ever seen," Drew replied. It was also one of the strongest shocks he had felt.

"That aside, we're going to be late for homeroom!" May said, almost pulling him along, but stopped last second.


. . .


May started to head out of her homeroom class when Leaf grabbed her backpack, pulling her back inside.

"Don't ever do anything like that again, ok? You're lucky Gary and I are friends again, or you'd be in a lot of hurt," Leaf warned.

"I swear! I swear!" May promised. Leaf let go of her backpack. May sighed in relief, she finally got out of the room. She found Drew waiting for her outside.

"Wasn't expecting you to be hanging around here," May said.

"Well I knew Leaf was going to hold you back, so how did it go? She didn't have hold of you very long," Drew said.

"She let me off easy," May laughed nervously.

"Lucky you, poor Ash, one time, he upset Leaf by stealing her food, she made his life a living hell the next couple of days, and you know how optimistic he is," Drew said.

"What kind of stuff does she do!?" May asked, surprised.

"Who knows," Drew trailed off.

"Moving on-" May was cut off.

"Drewy!" A voice called. May recognized the voice of Brianna. Meanwhile, she noticed Drew pale.

Brianna latched herself onto Drew, wrapping her hands around his abdomen. May had to swallow the lump in her throat that had formed.

"They don't remember anything! It's perfect!" Brianna's voice echoed in her mind. She shook her head.

"Brianna! Let go! I can't breathe!" Drew coughed.

"Excellent work, we can finally expand this land!" A voice May didn't recognize said. Her eyes unconsciously dilated.

"I'm not squeezing that hard Drew!" Brianna giggled. May grabbed both sides of her forehead.

"Plasma's mistakes were the best thing that could ever happen!" Brianna's voice echoed through May's head. Suddenly, the man with the red and blue eyes appeared, but again, just his eyes, and the horrible laughter that followed. Then the shattered glass and her scream. May could feel herself shaking her head, but she couldn't do anything about. Suddenly, everything was gray, and she was in a cell.

"Now April, let's see what you can do," A voice called, not visible from the cell. All of the sudden, her vision turned white. A bolt of blue lighting struck across the white she was seeing. Then behind the strike a rush of fire came in behind it. Finally it seemed she could move her mouth again, so she screamed. She shot up off the cot in the nurse's office, and ended up colliding foreheads with someone.

"Ow! Gosh June! Watch it!" A voice said.



. . .


Drew stood in the hall with May. They were in mid conversation.

"What kind of stuff does she do!?" May asked, surprised.

"Who knows," Drew trailed off.

"Moving on-" May was cut off.

"Drewy!" A voice called from behind Drew, he immediately paled. Brianna ran up behind him and latched herself on to him, like a leech. She wasn't squeezing hard, yet Drew couldn't seemed to get air down his throat.

"Brianna let go! I can't breathe!" He coughed.

"Oh come on! I'm not even squeezing you that hard!" Brianna giggled.

"I'm serious Brianna! Let go!" He grimaced. She let go of him reluctantly. She humphed before walking away. He looked towards May who eyes suddenly enlarged, and her pupils shrunk.

"Hey May, you ok?" Drew asked. Out of no where, she cried out in pain. Her hands flung to hold her head.

"May?" Drew asked, really concerned.

"No! Stop it!" May whispered, over and over again. Suddenly, she collapsed on the ground.

"May!" Drew exclaimed. He rushed over to her. He mentally cursed, not know how he was going to get her to the nurses office. Ignoring the electricity, he was able to swoop her up, bridal style. Walking into the nurses office, he was greeted by the nurse.

"What happened?" The nurse exclaimed.

"She just fainted," Drew explained.

"Well, I got to go do something, so can you stay with her until she wakes up?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah, sure," But Drew had already planned to stay with her anyways. The nurse left the office. Drew carefully slid May off of his back and onto the cot. He hovered over her. Her face twisted in pain. Still, she was pretty. Suddenly, she screamed, and shot up, hitting Drew in the forehead with hers. Drew stumbled back a couple feet, before gaining his composure and nursing his forehead.

"Ow! Gosh June! Watch it!" He snapped. She seemed oblivious to him as she took a look at her surroundings. Her eyes widened at the sight of Drew. Her face tinted in embarrassment.

"D-Drew!? What happened? Why am I in the nurses office? Did I black out?" May asked. Drew nodded.

"Yeah, so I brought you here, care to share what happened?" Drew asked.

"Well, remember how I told you about those nightmares?" She asked. Drew nodded in response.

"I just had one of those, only I was awake this time," May said.

"That's super strange," Drew commented. He wondered what she saw, he didn't want to pry though. May's eyes widened out of nowhere, before she shook her head quickly, going back to normal.

"You okay?" He asked curiously. Her face heated up in embarrassment.

"Yeah yeah! I'm fine! It's nothing!" She said awkwardly covering her face in embarrassment. That's when he noticed her right wrist. He crept towards her.

"May. . ?" Drew trailed off.

"Yeah?" She asked, peaking through her fingers.

"What happened to your wrist?" He asked sternly.

"I, uh, well you see, when I was um, walking in the hall with my hands behind my back earlier, I guess it ah, left a handprint?" May said trying to convince herself.

"Don't lie to me May," Drew said sadly. May took a deep breath.

"Ok, Brianna and your fangirls approached me before school, Brianna grabbed my wrist, and she squeezed it as a warning, and she left a hand print," May said, showing him her wrist.

"That looks more like a burn than a mark," Drew said suspiciously.

"I don't know, it was weird, anyway, what time is it?"May asked, changing the the subject. Drew sighed in frustration. He knew that was all he was going to get out of her. He looked at the clock hanging above the nurses desk.

"There's a clock right there bandana brain, read it yourself," He replied smugly. The clock was 10:37am, but he wasn't going to tell her that. She scowled at him before finding the clock.

"Anyway, are you fee-" Drew was cut off by someone bursting into the nurses office.

"DREW!" It was Gary. He could recognize that voice anywhere.

"What's wrong Gary?" Drew asked as Gary rested his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"There's a guy in the cafeteria, he's, claiming to be your brother, you got to see this!" Gary said. Drew's eyes widen.

"I'll come with you," May said.

"No, you need to rest," Drew looked at her with a determined expression.

"It feels like I just woke up from a nap! I'm fine Drew! I'm still going with you!" May said sharply, and Drew knew that he wouldn't be able to stop her from coming now that she was set on it.

"Tch, fine," Drew sighed.

"Ok, let's go!" May said cheerfully, pulling herself out of the bed, and onto her two feet. They followed Gary through the halls, jogging to keep up as they traveled towards the cafeteria. Drew went through the doors after Gary, and weaved through all the people, until he saw a giant circular crowd of people. Drew forced his way through until he reached the eye of the peoplecane (instead of hurricane) and saw a young boy about 14 with long lime green hair, and blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Drew asked. A hush fell over the entire room.

"My name is N Hayden, I'm assuming you are Drew," He asked, raising a surprisingly slender green eyebrow. Drew was much taller N, he could see over the top of his head.

"Yeah I am Drew," He frowned. N's face lit up.

"I found the right place! Thank goodness!" N said, his face flooded with relief.

"Ok, first of all, can we not have this discussion in the middle of the lunchroom?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, heheh!" N said cheerfully, scratching the back of his neck. Drew made sure that N was following him before signaling May and Gary to follow. They walked to a part in a hall that no one was near.

"Ok, you claim to be my brother, what's your name?" Drew asked, still skeptical.

"Nathan, but I like to go by N," He said.

"How old were we when we last saw each other?" Drew asked.

"I was 4 and you were 7, it was the day before Mom and Dad died, because you had gone over to a friends house the day before," N said, ranting. Now Drew was pretty convinced, but he had one more question.

"What color are dads eyes?" Drew asked, if he got this wrong, then he knew that he was a fake, but if he got it right, it would be his brother.

"One's red, one's blue," N said. Drew didn't see May tense up behind him.

". . ."

"Now do you believe me?" N asked.

"I, I, I guess, I can't think of any reason why I can't believe you now," Drew sighed. "I thought you were dead, how did you survive?!" Drew asked, dumbstruck.

"It's a long story, but I don't really remember anything from then," N scratched his right temple. Drew frowned.

"Hey Drew, can I talk to you for a second?" He heard May ask from behind him.

"Yeah sure," He said. May led him down a bit of a ways from N and Gary.

"Listen, if I'm not at school tomorrow, please go to my house and check on me," May said quietly. He looked in surprise at her. Why would she asked him to do that?

"What? Why?" Drew asked.

"I have a feeling something bad is going to happen," May whispered. His eyes widened.


. . .


May was in shock. First, she gets burned by Brianna, then she has a vision and blacks out in front of Drew, then finding out she was this April girl and Drew was apparently Nicholas, and this blue and red eyed man she saw in her dream was Drew and N's dad!? She took in a deep breath to calm herself.

She had just taken a long hot shower while her mind broke down what happened. Her mirror was fogged up from the steam so her reflection was distorted. She slipped on her pajamas, blue cotton shorts, and an oversized white t-shirt.

She open the door to her bathroom and strolled to her bed, pulling the covers back. She couldn't shake the uneasiness pooling in her stomach. She climbed in regardless. She soon found herself in a light dreamless sleep. It felt like no time had passed at all before the sound of glass shattering from being smashed woke her up.

Her heart skip a beat, they were there for her. She looked at her alarm clock. It read 1:07am. Her mom had just gotten home from her late shift then, and was probably having a snack before bed! She shot up. She wouldn't lose her mom too!

Suddenly she heard a scream, then a gun shot, then another, and another. Tears started to fall down her face. She had to escape! She would not let herself be taken! She threw open her bedroom door, and sprinted out into her hall, down the stairs, and saw the scene, but she didn't stop, she couldn't, she'd have to grieve for her mom later, right now, she had to run.



I bet you guys hate me now, oh well, kind of a cliffy, but I think all of you know what happens to our dearest May. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter! No idea what I'm going to call it but oh well! I'll think of something. Until then, take care!

-•*Words*•- (3,049)

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