episode six.

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Izumi felt refreshed and well practiced, when she entered the auditorium on Thursday. The recall was a private audition so the other members of the drama class weren't even allowed to listen to Donghyuck and Izumi sing.

Miss Lee was already preparing her papers and the pianist of the day was none other than Huang Renjun. The boy smiled at Izumi, when she sat down in the front row.

Izumi pouted. If Renjun was the pianist, then Donghyuck had practiced with him. It was unfair.

"If you think Renjun and I practiced together you're wrong. I refused to get his help" a voice behind Izumi said and the half-Japanese flinched and turned around. "You scared the munchkins out of me!", she hissed and Donghyuck chuckled.

"Don't get your vocal cords in a knot. Prepare those cute whistle notes. You're going to be my Glinda after all." A wicked grin formed on Donghyuck's lips and Izumi chuckled. "We'll see. I bet you're going to look super cute in pink." Izumi blinked at him and the boy moved his tongue into his left cheek. "Touché."

He hadn't expect Park-Miya Izumi to be that kind of person that had a lot of snarky comments up her sleeve. It was a nice contrast from the women he was usually around. It reminded him of his mother that always had a sarcastic comment in her repertoire.

"Are y'all done?" Miss Lee asked and Donghyuck and Izumi nodded. "Both on stage. Now." Miss Lee seemed annoyed. Nothing Izumi wasn't already used to. Apparently Donghyuck was used to this behaviour as well.

They stood on the T-mark Miss Lee had stuck to the floor. "Today we're going to see who of you plays Elphaba or Glinda in our rendition of Wicked." Miss Lee looked at both student. "Before we start I want to tell you that I was surprised with both of yours auditions but since I couldn't decide I wanted this recall. We'll start with I'm Not That Girl. Izumi goes first."

Izumi had practiced the slow and heart wrenching song the whole week. She had to, not only hit the notes but also portray the heartache Elphaba was going through throughout the song. She was in love with a man who's already had a lover after all! (At least that's what Elphaba thought.)

Izumi completely ignored Donghyuck standing on stage with her and gave the song her all. She ignored Miss Lee taking notes and concentrated on her movement. "He loves her so, I'm not that girl" Izumi finished and looked down.

She wasn't sure if she could portray that song well enough. It was embarrassing, but Izumi had never been in love. She didn't know what pining after a person meant—especially if the person was already in love with someone else. Was she able to show Miss Lee that she had been able to grasp Elphaba's emotions in that song? She wasn't sure.

"Well done, Izumi. Donghyuck, please." Miss Lee said and Renjun started plying the piano again. Donghyuck started singing the song with the same enthusiasm as she did.

He hit the notes perfectly and his voice sounded lovely to the piano. "He could be that boy, I'm not that girl" Donghyuck sang and opened his arms. Izumi gulped. He had a gorgeous voice.

At this point, Izumi wouldn't even be mad, if Donghyuck got to sing Elphaba. Maybe she wasn't made for the role after all. It also seemed as if Donghyuck felt what Elphaba was going through. Something she couldn't do. Donghyuck seemed gorgeous as Elphaba.

"Thank you" Miss Lee said and told Renjun to prepare the music sheets for the reprise of said song—Glinda's answer to the song.

While Renjun prepared the song, Miss Lee took notes and Izumi went through the lyrics in her head. Donghyuck watched her. He had to admit that Izumi's mezzo soprano voice was well trained and that she could easily play Elphaba. But deep down he needed to play Elphaba.

Maybe it was his wish to prove to, his now ex-girlfriend Jieon, that he was made for the stage. Maybe he could win her back when she realised that the drama class wasn't only his hobby but what he was aiming for. For his future. For the job he wanted to do. He just needed to do well enough and Jieon would understand why he had to spend so much time at the theatre and with Renjun.

"Okay!" Miss Lee clapped her hands. "Izumi, the stage is yours." Izumi nodded and took a deep breath. She tried to put herself in Glinda's position. Her best friend and her crush finally got together after all this time. She let go of Fiyero, the man she loved, because she knew Fiyero and Elphaba loved each other. And have been in love with since university.

Izumi listened to Renjun play the piano and looked forward. "Don't wish, don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart" the higher notes felt a bit dragged, but Izumi tried her best, "there's a girl I know, he loves her so. I'm not that girl" Izumi finished and dragged the girl out as long as possible. She knew it didn't sound as clean as Kristen Chenoweth did, but she hoped it was enough for Miss Lee.

Donghyuck had turned to Izumi as the first note had left her lips. He tilted his head and was surprised by how sad Izumi managed to sound. He also heard that she wasn't able to hit the higher notes quite as well. She wasn't as confident in Glinda's role as in Elphaba's. But she did her best.

Donghyuck was impressed. Had Izumi always sounded this pretty? Or did she get extra singing lessons before becoming a sophomore? She was placing her voice perfectly and opened her mouth enough to be able to belt her heart out. Izumi was a fantastic singer and Donghyuck would hate himself if she didn't get to sing Elphaba.

He knew he needed the role to a) have a shot at a good university and b) to win Jieon back. But Izumi probably had her own reasons to be Elphaba and for a short second his own reasons seemed stupid to the Gemini. He looked at the T-mark on the ground.

"Thank you so much, Izumi. That was beautiful. Donghyuck, you ready?" Miss Lee asked and Donghyuck gulped. "Miss Lee?", he asked. "Is it possible for me to sing Popular or Thank Goodness?"

Izumi widened her eyes. She looked at the few months younger boy. "Donghyuck" she hissed but he ignored her. "And why do you want to sing those song specifically? You're aware that those are Glinda songs, right?"

"I am. But I just realised I don't have the lung capacity to belt songs like The Wizard and I or Defying Gravity."

Miss Lee crossed her arms. "I want you to sing the reprise, now. If you don't want to be cast as Elphaba, then you shouldn't have surprised me with your audition." Donghyuck nodded and sighed before he looked forward. Izumi looked at him.

He wanted to give up on the role of Elphaba? Did that really just happen? Izumi fumbled with the hem of her shirt. Donghyuck started singing and hit the high notes with ease. It sounded beautiful. Izumi watched him in awe as he dragged the last note out without it sounding too nasal. The notes came from his chests. He gave his all.

Once Donghyuck was finished Miss Lee started scribbling down on her paper and nodded. "The new cast list will be posted on Monday. Thank you." With these words Miss Lee stood up and left the auditorium.

Donghyuck didn't even look at Izumi when he went to grab his stuff. The halfie followed him. "Donghyuck! Lee Donghyuck" she called, grabbing her skateboard and jumping from the stage, rushing after the taller boy.

"Why did you do that?", she asked once she caught up to him. Renjun, still on stage, was collecting his stuff and zoomed after them, kinda afraid Donghyuck was going to cause a scene.

"Do what?", he asked turning around and glaring at Izumi. The Aries girl cocked an eyebrow. "You wanted to give up on Elphaba." - "I didn't."

"I'm not stupid. You wanted to sing two Glinda songs. And one of those is heavily filled with whistle notes." - "And? I like to challenge myself?" Donghyuck looked away. The intense stare from Izumi's eyes was scaring him.

"Then why didn't you audition as Glinda?" Izumi moved her skateboard from her left hand to her right. "Forget it. We'll see on Monday who got which role." Donghyuck's ears turned red and he turned around leaving Izumi behind.

Renjun finally caught up to the Japanese-Korean woman. "I am so so sorry for his behaviour!" The Chinese lad spoke. "He has a lot on his plate right now, so please don't think badly of him."

"I didn't think badly of him" Izumi sighed. "I was just so confused why he didn't want to continue the recall in the middle of it. It's not normal for an actor to give up like this." Izumi sighed and looked at Renjun. "Congratulations on getting Fiyero though! Let's see whom of us you end up with." Izumi smiled and left the auditor looking for her friends.

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