Chapter 11

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I am planning around two more chapters left. 

"Brothers and sisters, I have spoken many times about false gods." Brother Blood's voice boomed from above wherever the Titans' were. "These so-called heroes with no allegiance to our cause, are nothing but secular idols and must be ended. This is the true house of faith and I am the one true God." His followers cheered for their leader, chanting his name. "Today, I am claiming their powers for us all. For we are the seeds of the next generation. We are the hive of humanity. And nothing will stand in our way. Raise me this holy day. The day of blood."

The Titans' were trapped. Locked against some sort of technology. It was large and had a special spot for each member. Beast Boy was standing upright but restrained in a glass tube. To his right was Raven laying down unconscious in another glass box. The spot to her right was empty. In the front of the machine was Robin, Cardinal (both of whom were unconscious), Starfire, and Blue Beetle. Most of the team members were stirring awake, wondering where they were and how they got there.

"Place gives me the creeps," Terra commented from the shadows. Deathstroke agreed.

Beast Boy groaned and rolled his neck to get his stiff muscles working. He looked around and saw Raven, "Uh, guys? Raven's not moving. Something's keeping me from using my powers to morph." He struggled against the tight lock around his midsection.

"Yeah, the machine's doing that," Deathstroke moved into the light so the Titans could see him. "But I'm the one who put you here."

Blue Beetle grit his teeth. "Deathstroke."

Starfire looked over at Robin and Cardinal, "What have you done to them?"

"I beat the crap out of him for being mouthy. Come one, you've all had the urge. As for her, she got what she deserved."

Beetle clenched his fists, "Once I get out, I'm gonna break you into little bits."

Deathstroke did not seem phased by the threat. He shrugged it off by taunting the hero. "It's good to have goals ese. Me? I'm having waffles after you're dead." Blue Beetle glared back. "By the way, can I introduce you to my assistant? I think you've met." He turned around to look at the person behind him.

Terra stepped onto the platform and rested her hands on her hips. She had shaved around her head, giving herself an undercut. Her ears were full of piercings and her lips now a shade of black as well as the makeup around her eyes, "Hey team, how's things?" Beast Boy cried how, asking what Slade had done to her. "Nothing. And I've asked a bunch of times," she gazed at the man. Deathstroke revealed her to be a double agent to which Starfire protested. "What can I say, Goldilocks?" Terra chuckled and shrugged with a smile. "You win some, you lose some."

"We took you in!" Beetle shouted.

"Yeah, well thanks. Now you're gonna die."

Both Terra and Slade left the Titans alone.


Y/n groaned and tried to sit up, only to realize she was once again suspended in the air. Her arms and legs were pinned down to something large and the muffle shouts kept interrupting her thoughts.

"Cardinal! Cardinal! Are you alright?"

Cardinal blinked and looked around. This was definitely not the holding room she and Damian were kept in. To her left was Starfire, who kept asking if she was okay, and to her right was a knocked out Robin.

"What? Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Cardinal became more aware of what was happening. "Where are we? The last thing I remember is Slade and, Slade and Terra." Her eyes opened wide to check in with her teammates. Did they know what Terra had done?

Their looks said they knew.

Before she could ask more questions, like the major one being where in the hell was Richard, a group came forward to inspect them all. Leading the group was Brother Blood himself, his stern eyes followed each of the Titans under a certain gaze. Behind him, Terra and Slade were arguing with Slade's right hand woman, Mayhem.

Blood hushed the people behind him, "Let's be civil to our guests. Our business is not yet complete." He stepped forward to Deathstroke with his arms behind his back. Slade retaliated with the fact that he had gotten the Titans for him and needed to be paid. "Not all of them. Not Nightwing," he looked back at the empty slot in the machine. "It ruins the machine's symmetry."

Deathstroke informed him that Nightwing was dead. After that Y/n stopped listening. She stared at the floor in shock. Richard couldn't be dead. That wasn't possible. He was alive, he had to be. Her bottom lip began to quiver so she bit it, hoping she was able to fight back the whimper that came out of her throat. Her best friend couldn't be dead.

Cardinal's thoughts were stopped by Terra's shout. Terra collapsed onto the floor and Beast Boy yelled out her name. Some of Brother Blood's goons carried and locked Terra into the empty spot. Where Nightwing was supposed to be. Cardinal glared at her as Terra pleaded for Slade to help her. Slade shrugged her off and tried to flirt with Starfire.

Slade left and Terra kept calling after him.

"Why don't you get it?" Cardinal yelled at Terra. "He's gone, he left you!"

"Y/n..." Garfield tried to stop her.

"No, she doesn't get to be pitied now." Cardinal turned her head to face Terra despite the awkward angle. "You did this. I warned you he would do this. I hope you're happy."

Beastboy and Starfire tried to reason with Cardinal that she shouldn't be yelling. Y/n ignored them.

"Who's S/n?" Terra murmured.

Cardinal shivered when Terra said her name. A betrayer like her doesn't deserve S/n's name in her mouth.

"My sister. Slade took her in. He played her just like he played you and he killed her." Cardinal turned her head away to face the floor. "I wish he killed you. Maybe Richard would still be alive."

Before anyone could speak the machine rumbled as it began to move upwards. Red rose petals fluttered down as the Titans were lifted through a giant hole in the floor and were soon able to see the crowd of Brother Blood's followers. Their cheers were loud and the lights shining on the machine nearly blinded the Titans. Brother Blood stood in front of the machine dressed in a ridiculous get up consisting of a red sharp helmet and gold spikes coming from his shoulders that pinned his cape in place.

The Titans struggled against their restraints (Robin was now awake, though one had to wonder if he was even unconscious in the first place).

"No God is going to save you, Deathstroke," Robin called out.

Deathstroke ignored him and said something to Brother Blood. There was too much going on for the Titans to hear though. What they did notice was Mayhem clicking something at a control panel and then a sudden red light fired up beneath the machine. It whirred and made a loud noise until suddenly their locks glowed the same vibrant red. Then the pain.

It seared through each member, into their bones and muscles. Everyone groaned in pain while they shut their eyes closed tightly, trying everything they could to escape. Soon it came to the point where they were near passing out.

Cardinal yelled as her body shook with each bolt of pain that shot through her. It was everywhere, hitting every nerve in her system... until it wasn't. Her eyes shot open as soon as she noticed the pain only hitting the upper half of her body.

"Damian," Cardinal groaned in pain. She looked over at her boyfriend who was trying to keep his attention on her long enough to answer. "I can't feel my legs."

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