Chapter 10

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A bit of a content warning, there is a brief mention of a panic attack and Slade gets a little handsy with Y/n but nothing graphic happens. He touches her side and it stops quickly.

Also, only a few more chapters left!

Y/n looked around at the mess that was her home. There were spikes protruding from every direction, clearly a sign there was a struggle, and there was only one person Y/n knew that was capable of doing this.

"What the hell are you doing, Terra?" Y/n asked out loud. It didn't make sense. Why would Terra betray the team like this? Was someone forcing her to?

Putting her questions aside Y/n called out for her teammates but there was no answer. Garfield has that social media thing today so he wouldn't be here anyway, Kor'i and Richard were off doing their own thing, Jaime was helping the homeless, leaving Raven and Terra here alone. And since neither of them were here, Terra must have taken Raven.

And Damian...

Y/n called out, in hopes of her boyfriend being back, "Damian?"

She shook her head and leaned against the wall, avoiding the jagged spikes. She had to assume she was the only Titan not captured. You can't rely on someone who isn't there. She had to plan to be the sole person in this mission and with Damian M.I.A for this long, she had to put him with the rest of the Titans as captured.

But what would she do? Find the Titans and then what? They could be gravely injured or dead. And with her benched she doesn't know what they found on their last mission. Given with what happened at the doctor's office, Brother Blood seemed to be involved. She was kept out of the loop and now is stuck with nothing but abducted friends and her intuition. Y/n tapped her face to take her out of a panic state, that wouldn't help anyone, and ran to her room.

She quickly changed into her heroine costume, grabbing anything she would need later on. First thing is first, she needs to find out where Terra is. If she finds Terra there is a good chance she will find everyone else. Y/n just needed to get there in time.


As it turns out, finding where Terra was surprisingly easy. Though of course, narrowing down places for a cult meeting to take place helped. Cardinal had to sneak in through one of the vents, hidden away from all the robed figures in the rooms beneath her. Rolling her eyes at their crazy talk of their savior, Brother Blood, Cardinal moved along when she heard voices.

"Just glad this is over." That was Terra, no doubt. Carindal looked into the room as best as she could, just barely able to see Terra packing something into a pink backpack. The hallway vent was not the best angle for spying.

"You've been in deep cover for a year," Cardinal's eyebrows furrowed at the man. She leaned in closer to see him and nearly gasped when she finally saw him. "It's perfectly normal to have feelings for them," Slade Wilson tenderly touched the girl's shoulder.

Fighting the nausea from the man who murdered her sister, Cardinal watched as the scene played out. It seemed that Terra and Slade were... involved... with one another.

That fucking predator. First S/n now Terra.

Cardinal couldn't listen to his disgusting voice anymore so she continued down the hallway, doing her best to peek inside each room. Most were empty or just a closet, but some ways down there was a larger room with just the son of a bitch she needed to see.

Her boyfriend was embedded into the wall via Terra's powers. The lower half of his body and his arms were stuck inside, almost looking like the wall was eating him. He was hurt but he was alive and that lifted the weight of the world off Cardinal's shoulders. She silently unscrewed the vent and poked her head to make sure nobody was coming in. The door was closed so she had to go for it.

Cardinal jumped down from the vent just as Robin lifted his head up. His eyes widened and he looked around to make sure no one else was near.

"Y/n?!" He whisper-shouted, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Cardinal went up to him and looked for a way to pull him out of the wall. "Saving your sorry ass, what does it look like?"

Robin shook his head, "You need to leave now."

"Why do you insist on fighting with me? I am trying to help you, or are you too dense to realize that? Everyone else was taken, it's too late to go to anyone else for help." Cardinal took off her mask to look Robin in the eye. She ignored the tears of frustration welling up and blurring her vision. "I am not leaving you, Damian."

Damian shook his head, "There is no way to get me out without Terra's help. Y/n, you need to go before they catch you."

"They'll kill you," Y/n insisted.

Robin's nose flared the slightest bit. Oh. So he was sad too. "I was a pain in the ass. You deserve more." She did not like the sincerity in his voice.

Y/n stepped back with an offended look on her face. She gripped her mask and tried her best to appear angry. "That's your goodbye." It was more a statement than a question. "No, I don't accept that."

Robin scoffed at her stubbornness. "I am going to yell if you don't leave," he threatened. "Go."

Y/n stood her ground.

Robin took in a breath to yell but Y/n moved forward and pressed her lips to his. They both closed their eyes to relish in the moment they both longed for. Pulling back, Y/n rested her forehead on his shoulder.

"I'll go."

Robin grunted to keep himself from sniffling - moments like this proved he was the Batman's son - and nodded. "I love you, Y/n."

Y/n cupped the back of his neck to hold him closer, "I-". Her scream cut her off as she was jerked back from the hug and lifted off the ground. Her gloved hands moved to free herself from the bastard holding her up by her hair.

Robin yelled and thrashed at her attacker, "Slade! Let go of her!"

Y/n hissed in pain as Deathstroke tightened his grip on her head. The man laughed maliciously, pulling Y/n closer to his chest.

"It's nice to see you again, Y/n. It's been a while." Deathstroke held onto her side, "I see you've grown up."

Robin had to hold himself back from going feral.

"Too bad for you," Y/n grunted. "I know you like little girls."

Slade didn't seem to like that comment. He fell silent and threw her into the wall. Y/n wiped some blood from her mouth and stood up, ready to fight.

"I wouldn't call myself 'little'," Terra said as she stepped into the room with her arms crossed. Cardinal went to attack her but suddenly the wall grabbed her and placed her in a similar prison to Damian's. She fought back and tried to squirm out of the rock but it was useless.

"Terra, stop this!" Y/n pleaded. "He's using you! Can't you see that?"

Terra growled and slapped her across the face. "You don't know anything about Slade or anything about me. We love each other. More than you and that brat could ever know. He cares about me."

"He's playing you. You're nothing to him! Expendable! You think you're the first girl he's taken in?"

Terra paused and glanced back at Deathstroke then back at Y/n. "You're lying."

"Terra, love, let's go."

Y/n raised her voice to cover Slade's. "Ask him about S/n! He took her in, brainwashed her by making her feel cared for. Then he killed her."

"Terra, we're leaving," Slade grabbed Terra's arm and pulled her out of the room.

"Ask him about S/n!" Y/n called out once more before the doors shut.

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