Chapter 8

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It was cold. That was the first thing Robin realized when he came to. The second, was that the piece of shit who took him hostage had infiltrated his team and he wasn't there to protect Y/n. That and he was stuck to the wall. Terra's doing, no doubt.

The door opened and Damian didn't acknowledge the man that entered.

"Beast Boy is sending you pictures of Terra's party," Slade held Damian's phone as he stood in front of him. "Shame you're missing it." God, how much he wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

Robin knew he was trying to mess with him. "You should go, playing with teenagers is about your speed," Robin spat, lifting his head up, eyeing the man's eyepatch. If only Y/n was closer when she took the shot, he would be dead. Not that Damian blamed her. Not anymore at least, he grew out of that phase.

Slade crossed his arms. "I won't let you bait me, kid... Oh what the hell?" Slade backhanded Robin. The teen groaned and spat out blood as the side of his face burned from the punch. Any harder and he may have lost a tooth.

Robin grunted and kept himself calm, he couldn't afford to let Slade know how he was really reeling. "Big man, why not get me out of here so I can defend myself properly? Unless you're afraid?" Robin pushed.

"Really?" Slade crosses his arms again, asking if Damian was dumb enough to think he'd fall for that.

"Your outfit said 'give it a shot'," Robin smirked feeling new blood drip down his chin, maybe Slade had loosened a tooth.

Slade's anger took over and he punched Robin in the stomach, sliding his back up against the jagged wall. Thankfully Damian still had his cape or otherwise he would be left with more scratches on his back. He widened his eye in fury and growled. "Grandson of the Demon's Head, you are not. You're an entitled brat. I rose from nothing while you had everything handed to you. You cost me my rightful place," he blamed, Damian could see the rage boiling within him.

Damian sneered, "The family you betrayed?"

"They turned on me by choosing you!" Slade roared. "You took my old family, Damian. So I'll take your new one. Starting with that bitch of yours." He turned around to see what the message Damian's phone got.

Robin was grateful his mask covered his worried eyes. But he couldn't let Slade get to him. Y/n was fine. She had to be fine. She can take care of herself and if something happened Dick wouldn't let a single soul touch a hair on her head.

The phone lit up Slade's face a dim blue, it let Damian see all his ugly features more clearly. "I should reply. 'I am well and will see you soon'. No you're more of a dick. 'Undercover, don't bother me'," he corrected. The bastard put the phone back in his pocket and turned back to his hostage. "It's a shame I don't have more time to break you down. Within a month I'd have you bringing me a pipe and callin' me papa."

If he were an inch closer I break his nose.

Slade must have gotten a call from his earpiece since he pressed two fingers to his ear and went quiet.


He hung up and patted Robin's cheek, the sore one he smacked. "Be a good boy." Damian clenched his jaw as Slade left the room and let his head fall.

Y/n would be okay. Wouldn't she?


Y/n was bored out of her damn mind. She wasn't allowed to go out on the mission and like hell was she gonna stay behind just to be someone's earpiece (no offense to Felicity). So deciding to make the most of her time, Y/n did what any teenager would do.

She sat on the couch and watched her guilty pleasure show while shopping online. Of course she was going her physical therapy exercises to help strengthen her leg, but the way the cringey show grabbed her attention was more than enough to distract her and the sales online added to her relaxation.

She sunk into the couch as she ate her favorite snack. As soon as it was the good part of the episode she heard noises coming from the elevators.

Oh shit.

Y/n quickly sat up, turned off the television, stuck her phone in her pocket and hid the snack she was eating. Can't have the team thinking she doesn't work while they're on missions. Y/n massaged her leg just as the team walked in, looking tired and confused.

"How'd the mission go?" Y/n turned around. Dick rubbed the back of his neck as Kor'i sighed. The rest of the team dispersed into their rooms, most likely to change out of their uniforms, but the couple went to the dining room. "Richard?" Y/n followed them in hopes of finding out what went wrong.

When Y/n entered the dining area she saw photos and documents spread all around the counter. Richard was leaning over the table, examining the evidence laid out in front of him. Kor'i crossed her arms.

"Are we really surprised they would study us? We've been defeating them for months. And you were after them even before that," Kor'i noted. Y/n figured they were talking about Brother Blood's men.

Dick squinted through his mask at the photos, "But this stuff is so in depth: things on genetic makeup, theories about Raven's powers, Beast Boy's too. And Beetle's suit. What's it for?"

Y/n stepped into the room to make herself known. "May I see?"

Dick stepped aside to let Y/n near the table. He was right, there were documents on almost everything about the Titans. She scanned the pictures to see if there was anything on her and not to her surprise there was. Y/n picked up the document, it was about her past, about S/n, the bracelet. It was all laid out right here in front of her. Hell, there were notes about her family. She flipped to the next page and there was her relationship with Damian typed onto the paper. Why would their relationship matter to Blood? To expose their weakness?

Y/n set the paper down to look at the pictures of her. These dated back to when she first joined the Titans, pictures of her on missions, in private, at home. There were some of the team from when Damian first joined and they went to the carnival. The more recent ones were of her and Damian, moments of them relaxing in the living room, swimming in the pool, training, on dates, while they were patrolling. One caught her eye though, it was taken from what looked like outside her bedroom window.

But that's impossible, my bedroom is like fifty feet above ground level. None of Blood's people have powers, they couldn't have taken this clear of an image if they couldn't fly.

Kor'i snapped her out of her thoughts, "We need to get Robin back here. Y/n, has he disclosed his location to you?"

"No he," she pried her attention away from the picture. "He hasn't spoken to me in a while."

"You know how stubborn he can be," Dick commented and stepped closer to Kor'i. Y/n moved back and silently pocketed the photo while they discussed if they should go out to find Robin.

She slipped away into the next room where the rest of the team, out of uniform like she had predicted (except for Raven), was eating cake. Y/n crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, examining the body language of her team. Jaime was slouched against the wall, bummed out about what they had discovered. Raven made a half assed joke while Terra rested her head in her hand. Garfield was excited about something regarding his social media status.

Dick and Kor'i walked in shortly after, telling everyone they needed to be alert for the time being. To be honest, Y/n tuned them out, more focuses on how Terra was reacting. She was the only one to not comment on what they had found. In fact, she didn't seem surprised. Y/n slipped her hand into her pocket to feel the picture and her eyes narrowed.

Y/n couldn't say anything to their leader, she'll dismiss it as her being paranoid or feeling inadequate because of being benched. Dick might believe her but would ultimately side with Kor'i and say Terra was clean. After all, they don;t let just anybody join the Titans.

Something wasn't right and she had to figure it out.

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