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Cassidy grumbled, staring straight at his combat uniform. "I expected some sort of weird uniform thing, but this is a little..."
The uniform looked more like a knights than a students, and Cassidy wasn't too fond of that. Although, he didn't have too much of a choice.

Walking out to the arena, he saw everyone else in the weird uniforms waiting for him. "Well class, now that we're all here, I'll introduce myself."

Cassidy sighed. This was the last class or the day, and he was already a little sick of the introductions. It wasn't even the third day yet...

"My name is Miss Flick, I hope you all enjoy this class. Now, we'll be starting with a simple exercise. Please pair up, and I'll explain further."

Cassidy looked around and quickly noticed Samuel and Ashling had paired up together. "Really guys?"

"Mmhm." Samuel nodded. "Just pair up with you perfect roommate~"

Before Cassidy could respond, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Uh, C-Cassidy?"

Cassidy turned immediately, seeing none other than Keith himself. "Oh, uh... hi, Keith!"

"Uh, do you have a partner yet? Yarrow had to leave for the rest of the day." Keith smiled, making Cassidy's heart go at a possibly unhealthy rate. 

"No. We can be partners! I'd lo- if you want to." Cassidy quickly fixed his sentence, hopefully Keith didn't pick up on it...

Keith smiled again and grabbed Cassidy's hand. "Great! Come over here!"

As Cassidy was being dragged away, he looked over to Samuel and Ashling who were already in conversation. Those two...

Keith stopped eventually and let go of Cassidy. "Cassidy, this is Alexander and Alyssa, my friends! Alexander and Alyssa, this is my roommate, Cassidy!"

The two waved to Cassidy without making a sound. Cassidy figured he should say something. "Uh, hi!"

"Alright, lets get started!" Miss Flick grinned. "Since we're focusing on archery in the first five weeks, we'll do an exercise on that."

Cassidy smiled. While he wasn't too content on this class, archery was fun enough.

"Do any of you have a background with a bow and arrow?"

A few people raised their hands, including Cassidy and Samuel. Their father was a hunter of sorts, after all.

"Alright, a fair few of you. Well then, if one person in your pairs is experienced, they can help you. If neither of you are, come to me and I'll help you get started. Can I have two volunteers to help me set up the targets?"

Alyssa and Alexander raised their hands and went with the teacher. The other students went into more conversation, and Cassidy felt strangely awkward. "You good, Cassidy?"

"Oh!" Cassidy flinched a little. "Yeah... so you've never used a bow and arrow before?"

"Nope. I was hoping you would teach me." Keith shrugged.

Cassidy smiled. "I'd be more than happy to!"

"Okay, kids! Come get a bow, quiver and some arrows each and you and your partner can take a target and get started."

Cassidy walked over and got a bow and quiver for the both of them as Keith took a few arrows. They chose a target at the left side of the arena. "Alright. I'll show you how I do it." Cassidy knocked an arrow against his bow, altered his stance and let it fly. The arrow pierced the top of the bullseye. "Like that."

"How'd you do that!?" Keith stared at him in disbelief.

"Well, a good footing, aiming and good old practice, I guess." Cassidy smiled and fetched the arrow. "Now, you try."

Keith in turn took out an arrow and knocked it surprisingly well for a first timer. He pulled back and let go, though the arrow hit the floor a little too early. "Aww..."

"That's alright, it was your first go, after all." Cassidy said, trying to keep his tone gentle. "Here."

Cassidy then moved the target closer and then came back. "Look at what I do."

As Cassidy knocked his arrow Keith immediately pointed out Cassidy's stance. "Ohh. Do I need to have footing like that?"

"Well, some people don't, but it's easier to start with it."

Keith nodded and copied Cassidy's moves. Cassidy then put his arrow away and took hold of Keith's arms. "You don't want to aim directly at the target when it's far away. The further, the higher you aim. Got it?"

"Yep." Keith adjusted his aim a little and let the arrow go. It flew for a while, before hitting the left area on the outside of the target.

Keith grinned. "I hit it!"

"You sure did."

After the class, Cassidy got out of the combat uniform with much happiness. He practically waltzed back to his dorm. Although he knew he could be almost anywhere on campus right now, he liked the homey feel that the dorm gave him. Also, Keith might be there. That was always a plus. 

He closed the door behind him and sighed. It was nice to escape for a little while. Though he would have to leave again for dinner in a few hours, but that was okay. He didn't really mind.

The hours rolled past, and soon the schools bell rang, signifying Cassidy had to leave for dinner. Oh well...

As Cassidy walked to the cafeteria once again, he smiled. People were rushing past him as the sun began to set, laughing and chatting to each other. It was really weird and strange here, but in a good way.

He sat on the table he, Samuel and Ashling usually sat on, and soon enough they joined them. "Hey, Cassidy. How are you?" Ashling smiled.

"I'm alright, I suppose. Could be better. Guess you could say I spent the last two hours and a half staring at a wall." Cassidy shrugs.

Samuel frowns. "That's a bit strange... You sure you're fine?"

"Yeah... You know me." Cassidy shrugged. "I'm fine."

As dinner finished up, Cassidy and Keith walked off together to the Winter tower for the night. The sun was gone now, hidden behind the hill; and the moon began to shine. The breeze started to feel more chilling than refreshing as night crept up on them.

"So, uh, Keith... You excited for tomorrow? I think we have church day or something..."

"Yep!" Keith nodded. "I am, It'll be great. I think-"

Cassidy chuckled. "Yeah, hopefully it'll be good. I don't think our class is too bad, so it should be fine."

"If you say so."

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