How to be a Doofus:

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Keith groaned and pulled the pillow over his head as the sunbeams filtered through the window. The day had officially begun. He reluctantly sat up and quickly realised it was Sunday. He didn't even need to get up. But there wasn't a single chance he would be able to get back to sleep with the amount of light in his and Cassidy's room.

So Keith did what any sane person would do, and lie down staring at the ceiling. Of course, he didn't have a single ounce of the energy needed to get up. He turned over to face Cassidy to see him spread across his entire bed. Keith supposed he moved in his sleep a little...

"Mmm..." Cassidy rubbed his eyes and stared straight at Keith. His face went a little red before smiling. "Oh- uh... Hi, K-Keith! Good morning!"

"Morning, Cassidy!" Keith grinned at his roommate. "It's Sunday! No school. Isn't that good?"

"O-Oh... yeah. That's great." Cassidy sat up and ruffled his hair. "What do you want to do?"

Keith frowned and complied, sitting up again. "I don't know... Oooh! I could show you the gardens?" Keith thought would be a great idea. Unless Cassidy had been there already...

"The gardens? That sounds ama-good. Good." Cassidy turned around and got out of bed. "I'll go get dressed." Keith smiled. Cassidy often acted a little weird, but Keith usually just brushed it off. 


Cassidy slapped his face so hard it actually hurt. He if he kept stuffing up his sentences like that, Keith would be sure to notice. That would be awkward...

Anyway, Cassidy spent an absurd amount of time ruffling his hair so it looked presentable. Although it was something he never thought he'd ever do.

"Cassidy? You done in there yet?"

Cassidy yelped hearing his voice. "Yeah, one second!"

He walked out of the bathroom to see that Keith had already gotten dressed in his usual attire, a hoodie, beanie and grey trousers. Cassidy himself wore a jacket, black t-shirt and jeans.

The two of them head outside for the gardens, Keith leading the way. Although the sun had risen a few hours ago, the air was still cold and crisp. But in a good way. Or maybe Cassidy felt that way because Keith was there. That might be it.

As they approached the gate to the schools garden, Keith turned to face him. "Here we are! I can't wait to show you around!"

Cassidy grinned, he could actually feel his face heat up. "Uh- I'm excited too!" 

They walked inside and Cassidy was immediately stricken by the lush beauty of the gardens. He was honestly surprised he hadn't been here yet. Keith seemed very happy here, Cassidy found it adorable.

Over the past week, Cassidy had actually gotten to know his roommate. In doing so, only amplified his 'feelings' for him. Keith was just... perfect. Or at least to Cassidy he was. A few teachers didn't really seem to like Keith, for whatever reason. Cassidy couldn't find a single valid reason as to why. Seeing him so excited and happy made Cassidy's heart sing. 

Keith beamed at Cassidy. "Come on! I need to show you my little flower patch!"

Cassidy trailed behind him until Keith came to a stop. "Here it is!"

Keith moved to side to let Cassidy see what he was showing him. Ahead of Cassidy was looked like a small grove surrounded by thick vines. A tree grew to the side, it's wood old and dark. The floor of the grove was covered in smallish flowers with every colour Cassidy could ever imagine.

Cassidy walked in, being careful to not tread on any of the flowers; which appeared to make Keith happy. Keith followed, and they both sat down on a part without any flowers. "I often come here after school. It's nice and peaceful." Keith plucked a flower, a small poppy. "No one ever comes here... it's like our little escape!"

Cassidy blushed, trying to keep himself from blurting out anything stupid. "Yeah... it is really nice here... I like it."

Keith smiled at Cassidy's remark and plucked a few more poppies and begun to weave them together. "That's good! I hope we can come here again soon. But I have to go now, I promised Yarrow I'd meet with her."

"Oh, alright. Sounds good!" Cassidy chuckled a little, before Keith handed him the poppy flower bracelet he had made.

"Okay! See you soon,  Cassidy!"

With Cassidy left alone in the grove he looked at the bracelet and grinned. It was quite pretty. He put it on, smiling like a fool.

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