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As the three of them drive back home in the limo, Cassidy didn't hesitate to elaborate on Samuels accidental catch. "Cassidy- stop it! You're not being funny."

Cassidy simply smirks back at his brother. "Then why's Ashling laughing, then?"

Samuel immediately glares at Ashling before he bursts into a gentle laughter. "You have to admit it Samuel- it was funny."

Pouting, Samuel sits back and glares out the window. "You didn't even see it."

"Believe me, I didn't need to."

They arrived back it Hiraeth, Cassidy beaming, still laughing at his older brother. Their father goes up to the black limo and groups them all in a huge hug. Cassidy smiles, hugging back immediately. Their father pulls back with a warm and cheery smile. "So? How was by boys' first day?"

"Amazing! I need to tell you about what Samuel di-" Cassidy exclaimed, before Samuel quickly cut him off. "NO."


Their father smiles at Samuel, causing him to falter. "Let your brother speak, Samuel."

Cassidy ranted on about the random green-haired girl scenario as the four of them walked off to their home, Samuel burying his face in his hands the entire way, clearly embarrassed.

Arriving back home after a while, Cassidy locked the door behind them and looked outside, the small neighbourhood that he had grown up in, he would be leaving soon. It felt so strange. Would he feel homesick? Would he worry too much? What if he had a horrible roommate!? 

He shook his head, trying to numb that stupid anxiety and worrying. It couldn't hold him back, not now. This opportunity was amazing, he was going to the school. The one everyone talked about, and the one everyone wanted to go to...

"Hey, Cassidy?" Cassidy turned to see Ashling around the doorway to their room. "Can you help me pack my things?"

"Yeah! I'll be right there! But why now?"

Ashling shrugged. "Why not?"

Grumbling, Cassidy walked over to help. "Fair enough."


"Alright, I'm going to bed, you two." Their father smiled at Samuel and Cassidy, since Ashling was already in bed. "Don't stay up too late."

Cassidy hugged him one more time. "We won't."

As their father walked off to his room, Cassidy and Samuel awkwardly sat on couch together while the stars began to shine outside, lack of sunlight dimming the room.

"So, uh..." Cassidy fidgeted around for a little after breaking the silence. "How are you, with the whole... Deitne thing..."

Samuel sighed, reclining back into the couch. "Alright, I guess. You?"

Cassidy looked to the wall, unsure how to answer. "I don't know. I'm excited, obviously. It's Deitne Academy for crying out loud... but I guess I'm a little nervous too."

"Fair enough." Samuel smiled, his expression still as cold as always but reassuring. "I'm sure you'll be alright. It can't be that bad, right?"

Cassidy frowned. "It absolutely can, dumbass."

"Oh!" Samuel gained a posh but agitated look on his face. "That's no way to speak to someone older than you, now is it?"

"Yes." Cassidy smirked at him. "It most definitely is. Dumbass."

"I would shout at you, but Ashling is alseep."

Cassidy lifted an eyebrow. "Isn't dad asleep too?"

Samuel reclined again. "He's not asleep."

Standing up, Samuel walked off to the hallway. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight little troublemaker."

"Goodnight dumbass."

As Samuel shut his door, Cassidy got up slowly and stretched a little, still a little stiff from the long drive. He headed off to his and Ashling room, and flopped onto his bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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