Welcome to Deitne Academy

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Cassidy fidgeted around as his new principal spoke to the other newcomers. He constantly glanced over to Ashling, who's face showed true amazement and excitement, not a usual expression on his face. Cassidy smiled, almost missing what the principal even said.

Before he knew it, students were swarming past him, heading to one of the three explorable locations. He, Samuel and Ashling stayed behind for a little, attempting to not be swallowed by the quickly moving crowd. 

"Hey, Samuel!" Cassidy smirked.

Samuel looked over at him with a dull expression on his face. "What?"

Cassidy began to run straight for his brother "Incoming!"

Cassidy and Samuel pushed through the crowd, Ashling left behind confused. Before he knew it, Samuel crashed into some girl with long, dark green hair; before catching her mid-fall. 

There was an awkward silence, before the girl shoved Samuel off and stomped away, fuming. Samuel looked over to her before turning to Cassidy, who was laughing his head off. "Hey, quit it!"

"Wow," Cassidy said howling with laughter. "How 'gentleman' of you!"

"Cassidy," Samuel gave him the death stare that sent a shiver through Cassidy's body. "Not funny."

Cassidy ignored Samuels remark. "You really pissed her off, how'd you manage that!?"

"Oh, shut up."


Keith quickly escaped the crowd and took cover in the lush gardens. He found a nice secluded spot underneath a large tree. The ground was coated in flowers and tiny little bamboo shoots. He sat down and took in the beauty of the garden. It was amazing as the sunlight filtered through the canopy above. 

Gently sighing, Keith plucked a single flower, a daisy, and gazed into the petals, before taking a few more and weaving them together to make little bracelets. Keith enjoyed making these, it relaxed him and helped take away from things going on around him.

He heard voices and mutters from not too far away, so Keith picked himself up, grabbed his newly made flower chain bracelets and wandered over to check it out. 

A curious voice spoke out once Keith got close. "Hello? Is someone there?" Keith stepped forward and saw a group of people by a pond. The boy who had spoken had rich black hair, and two different coloured eyes, one green, one purple. "U-Uh, hi!" 

A girl with messy brown hair with twigs sticking out of it goes up to Keith and grins. "Are those flower bracelets?"

Keith goes a little red before answering. "Y-Yeah... do you want one?"

"Of course!" The girl smiles warmly, seeming very approachable. "They're so cute!"

She picks out one made of daisies and immediately puts it on her wrist. "Thanks! I'm Yarrow, what's your name?"

"Uh," Keith stumbles over his words. "Keith, n-nice to meet you!"

Yarrow smiles. "Well this is Voshell, Alex, Cookie and Alyssa!" She beckons the others to come over.

"HI!" A blond girl with bright turquoise gills goes straight up to Keith, startling him. "AH!" Keith stumbles backwards, realising what he just did. "Oh, s-sorry..."

The girl, or Cookie, takes a step back, unfazed. "It's alright! Sorry if I startled you. I can leave if you want."

"Oh, no," Keith smiles faintly. "It's fine."

Cookie smiles and gestures back to the people behind her. "We're going to be coming here seven in the morning, you two want to join in?"

Keith mutters a little before Yarrow steps in. "We'd love to!"

(Art for the chapter; there'll be one for each)

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