Chapter One

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The anonymous agent

Who are you?


The aromatic scent of the freshly brewed coffee and a little song played on the radio were enough for Minhae to get a little bit of peace from the busy life she was in. She hummed one or two songs in her head until the buzz coming from the little pager in her hand signalling that her peace had come to an end.

Although that day seems to be so peaceful for Minhae. Not getting caught in public, no spilled coffee like the other day, no noisy people in the street and no creepy stalker in her way. Other people would kill to get a peaceful day like that but for her, it was bad luck. A rare day like this would usually come with a greater chaos.

Well, she would still enjoy the day because only a day like this she would choose to freely show her face in the public. Only a day like this she would feel least worried although you never know what will happen later. For the first time in a while, there's smile on her face, her body felt light and her steps felt like its not touching the ground. But good things always last just for a while.

It stopped the moment her feet touched the company's ground. The guard ran to her like they have been waiting for her and that made her smiles faltered. Something bad must have happened.

"Am I late?"

"No, Miss Minhae. Director instructed me to accompany you to the meeting room. Let's go." Deep in Minhae's heart, she knew that the guard was not guarding her for nothing. The company was supposed to be the safest place for their artist to work. Why would they guard her in her own nest if it was nothing?

Once she reached the door of the meeting room, she took a deep breath before pulling the door with a distant heart. The room felt as if someone had dropped a bomb that would explode at any time. No one dare to break the silent until Director Kun did it himself.

"I'm just going to tell you straight to the point. Yesterday morning, Hana had witnessed something she shouldn't see. A murder. So, she had become the primary witness of the case. Since the murderer had not been caught, Hana is in a great danger. And that's include the others." Director Kun said with a heavy voice. To say that everyone was scared was an understatement. One could never underestimate a murderer who was on the run.

Without anyone noticing, Minhae pulled out her phone to take note of the start of the story. Even though the book disappeared, her memory don't and Minhae dreaded this day the most. She never thought this day would ever come.

"So, I hired three agents to be with the three of you. They will come around this evening. I hope you all will not wonder around until they come, okay?" All they could do was nodded to the director's instruction as this was about life and death. However, Minhae looked at the director shocked to hear that all three of them would get an agent each.

"Although it concerned the three of you, I can only hire the agent for Hana as she is most likely the main target." Director Kun said.

"Okay, you are dismissed." He walked out of the room with a huge sigh. Losing his precious artist by death was never on his list in his entire carrier.

The meeting room were left with an uncomfortable silent as they pondered on what was happening. Minhae scanned both of her members' face as she too felt a little bit overwhelmed. Although with a different reason from the others.

She was more confused on why the storyline would change. Or was it her memory that failed her? Even so, nothing could be certain when the story had just started.

Other than that, to say that Minhae felt concern for her members was an understatement. Hana looked gloomy rather than scared probably putting all the blame on herself when it was never her fault to begin with. While Dana, her other member looked scared like normal human would do in this kind of situation.

After a few minutes, they headed to the practice room with complete silence with only the footsteps can be heard. No one dare to say anything until Hana started to speak right after they safely made it to the practice room.

"I'm sorry girls, for putting all of you in this situation. I'm a very bad leader." She said with her head hanging low. No one could possibly explain how heavy her heart was from all the blaming she put on herself. Minhae sighed to herself and gave Hana the hug she seriously needed even though it was never enough to wash any of the bad thought away.

Minhae too, could never imagine how it was to be in Hana's shoes but at least, she understands how foreign and scared it may be. Hana had never chosen to be the main character.

"It's not your fault that you've seen such a gruesome sight. Don't beat yourself up because of it." Minhae assured Hana and that made a smile formed in her face.

"Don't think about it too much. Let's practice." Dana said. The shocked had fully gotten into her but she was not strong enough to assure herself, let alone to assure others.

All of them except Minhae seems to be in their own world. No one had imagined to ever be in this rare situation that would only happen in a novel.

But Minhae knew and believe that nothing bad would happen to any of them. They will finally go back to how it used to be.

They practiced by themselves until the clock stroke 12 in the afternoon. That was until their manager, June and three other people came into the practice room. Seeing that the agents that the director had hired had finally came, made almost all of them sighed in relieved.

Except Minhae whose face had shown that she looked rather shocked than relieved. Although no one noticed the looked on her face.

"Okay, girls. From now on these three guys will be your personal bodyguard." Minhae scanned the faces of the three people. Although she only read about them, she felt like she knew how their face would look like. Except that one guy that had never appeared in the storyline.

"Agent Cao Yuchen. I will be guarding Miss Hana." Agent Yuchen said with a cheeky smile. Minhae scanned his whole appearance and nodded approvingly.

"Agent Moon Chani, will be guarding Miss Dana." This time, Minhae only looked at him for a glimpse as she felt like someone was staring at her.

"Agent Ahn Yuri, guarding Miss Minhae." He gave Minhae a sweet smile which she just nodded awkwardly.

She had prepared herself for the past three years to meet new faces that would be in their life. However, that one guy with a name she did not know of scared her.

She could only wondered why the storyline would change. What was the function of giving her the heads up on what would happen in the future when it didn't even happen the way it supposed to happen.

"Okay I think that's all for introduction. You going to be free all evening. So, see you tomorrow!" June said with a bright face. Other people would mistaken that he just wins a lottery with that smile of his.

"Do you want to get lunch?" Hana awkwardly asked when June had left the room. Dana agreed happily while Minhae felt hesitant about it.

"Watch out!"

"Shield them from the bullet!" The agents had flipped the table to use it as a shield, covering all of them. Now they know, the murderer was not just an individual. But rather a group of people.

Minhae knew what would happen later although she was not so sure this time. But she wanted to put her theory to the test. She wanted to see whether the attack would happen if she was not going to be there.

"I have something to do in my studio. You two can go." Minhae said, earning a nod from Hana and Dana. She felt relieved that they did not ask anything until she remembered that now, she need to be alone with Agent Yuri which she did not think it through. She could only blame herself if Agent Yuri turned out to be the secret villain of this story.

Along the way to her studio, no one said anything. Minhae with her own thought while Agent Yuri just being professional doing his own work.

Entering Minhae's workplace, Agent Yuri scanned the whole room in awe. The room smelt sweet, and the arrangement suit Minhae the most. Simple but pretty.

Without, Agent Yuri noticing, Minhae looked at him from the reflection of her computer. Although Agent Yuri was an agent, one could never confirm if he was a villain or just a side character. On the inside, Minhae felt as if she was going to die anytime soon. Even when Agent Yuri did not give the vibe of a villain. For now, she just going to put a distance between them. Just to be careful.

Only the song fills the silence between them and Minhae thought it was better that way. She used to it. Although time to time she would spare a glance to him. He would sit there with a serious face and observed anything she do. The silence went on until his phone rang.

The attack.

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