Chapter Two

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The great instinct

There are always reasons for everything that happened.

“Yes, got it.” With a relieved sigh, Agent Yuri hung up the phone. He leaned his head casually on the sofa for a second before he remembered that he was on duty. He coughed awkwardly, eyeing the girl before fixing his position. While Minhae who had been looking at him the whole-time smile amusingly.

“Is everything okay?” Minhae asked.

“They got attacked in the company’s café, but no one got hurt. They are safe now.” Minhae sighed heavily. Minhae thought nothing could happen if she were not there. Well, she now knows that she was just a side character that did not hold any importance in the novel.

“Do you want to see them? They are on their way to the dorm.” Minhae hesitant for a second. She knew what Hana felt right now. She might worry Hana even more if she goes back home right now.

“No, thank you.” Agent Yuki nodded, not asking any further question.

Minhae sighed. Her eyes once again looked at the agent through the reflection. The curiosity got the best of her. She really wanted to find out where he came from or even what is he.

“Hey-” Before she could even say something, her phone rang, showing Hana’s name as the caller.

“Hey, is everything okay over there?” Hana asked. Her voice sounded hoarse probably from the screaming of terror during the attack earlier.

“Everything is good here. Don’t worry. Are you okay?” Minhae asked. Even when she knew quite everything that would happen to Hana, she still needs to make sure the story didn’t go far away from the original storyline.

“I’m okay now. I hope you don’t worry too much. Come home when your work is done, okay? Don’t cut it short for me.” Minhae chuckled. Her guess was right. Hana wouldn’t want her to come back home for her. She might even get scolded for it.

“I knew you would say that. Get some rest. Tell Dana to rest too.” Minhae said.

“Sure. Continue your work but don’t forget to come home. I’m going to cook, and we were going to have movie night.”

“Suddenly? Sure then, see you!” She hang up the phone, sighing with relieved. Then, she looked at Agent Yuri through the reflection again, only to see that he had been staring at her. She reconsiders whether to feed her curiosity or not. After a few minutes, she sighed, turning her chair to face Agent Yuri who furrowed his eyebrows, confused on what the girl was doing.

“Can I ask you something?” He nodded hesitantly.

“Do you perhaps know me from somewhere?” Agent Yuri smile at how innocent the girl was for asking such question. He nearly thought he had done someting wrong that make her spin around the chair.

“Of course. You are famous in the industry. Obviously, I know you.” Agent Yuri looked happy to answer the question, but Minhae felt frustrated to not hear the answer she seriously wanted.

“I mean, personally?” Minhae asked further.

“I don’t think so.” What Minhae asked had made Agent Yuri thought he did something he shouldn’t do. But all he did all this while was staring at her.

“Okay.” Minhae sighed frustratedly, turning his chair back to the computer, ignoring the look Agent Yuri had given her.

Her head were spinning from all the thought running in her head. Did she just wasted three years of preparing for the future only to find out it didn’t go the way it was supposed to?

Even though Agent Yuri seems like a good guy, she couldn’t possibly be so sure of it. Better be safe than sorry.


The walk home was just like every other day. No one could ever describe how Minhae was feeling at the moment. Looking up at the star was the only thing that soothe her. Although there were some days that the stars would not show themselves.

And that very day, she realized that even the stars could never fill the loneliness. Today, the feeling was just the same. Even with Agent Yuri following behind, she felt as if no one was with her.

With only thoughts filling her head, she did not even realize that she was walking in the middle of road. Until a honking of a car woke her up from the thoughts. Although, she felt like she couldn't really move or run away from it.

Funny how Minhae used to think that it was very dramatic for a character in a drama to freeze and do nothing when a car was heading towards them.

But now she understands how they truly feel and  why they could not move as she too felt like her feet were stuck in the road until someone pulled her to the side, holding her in their embrace.

Minhae looked up at the person that save her. His serious demeanour and his beautiful face that she didn’t notice until she was in this position. Is she that lonely to be going back on her own words? Because even when she was now saved, she could not really move. She didn’t want to.

“Are you okay?” Agent Yuri asked looking down at her face without even releasing the hug.

“I’m sorry. Can we stay like this just for a moment?” Minhae asked, tightening the hug, startling the guy which he can only follows what the girl wants.

“Are you okay?” He asked again although this time for a different reason. He was kind of worried for Minhae. Not as her personal agent but as a fan since her debut. No one really knows he would be a fan of something like a girl group.

After some time, Minhae slightly pushed the guy away when he was deep in his thought. She only looked at the ground, ashamed of what she did earlier. She must be out of her mind.

“I’m okay and I’m sorry for hugging you. Let’s just go back.” Minhae walked ahead of Agent Yuri while he just looked at her with a small smile. He knows she always does that when she felt embarrassed.

He always watch the group's videos and content as a way to forget the reality just for a while. It's not that the reality sucks for him but he felt that it is too tough for him working in this field.

After some time walking, they finally arrived at the dorm. With a quick goodbye, Minhae entered the dorm as she was too embarrassed to even look at Agent Yuri. At the same time, she thanked the author for making the agent to wait outside to guard instead of entering the dorm. That would be kind of awkward for the girls and Minhae couldn't possibly run frok Agent Yuri.

"Minhae, you are home! Are you okay?" Minhae who sneakily walked into the dorm gasped from the sudden voice of Hana's. While Hana, without noticing the gasp, she turned Minhae's body around to look for a sign of wound or something close to that.

"You look great. Although your face seems a little pale but pink? How is that possible?" Hana asked touching Minhae's face while Minhae let out a nervous laugh.

She don't really know why and what cause it but she sure knows that the author has something to do with it. Damn cliche.

"It's nothing, really. You know what Hana? Let me shower first before we watch the movie." Hana smiled and nodded without suspecting any longer.

"Take your time. Dana is currently cooking too. It would take several minutes." Minhae put up a thumbs up and walked to her room, letting out a huge sigh.

"What a tiring day." She said to herself.

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