Punk x Nerd AU

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"Hah! You're pathetic you know that!" A green-haired teenage boy was currently on his knees, being picked on by a group of bullies. One of them took his glasses, "Hey! Give those back!" He yelled trying to grab them, but two others grabbed him and held him down. The leader took the glasses and dangled them in front of his face, "Or what?" He mocked. The others laugh at the poor boy.

The young boy felt like crying but wouldn't succumb to it. The leader kept laughing at him until he felt the glasses being taken out of his hands. "Hey! Who-" he didn't finish because a fist collided with his face. He stumbled back and bumped into one of his goons. The bullies look to find a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail and a fit, curvy body. "If you boys know what's good for you, you will leave, right now." She said coldly, with a piercing glare.

The leader got up, his nose bleeding a bit, "Pfft, you think I'm gonna take orders from a girl. But if you apologize I could show you a good time." He says slyly, reaching his hand out to touch her chest. But his wrist was grabbed and the brunette was squeezing it hard. "Don't even try that crap." She released his wrist and roundhouse kicked him. She hit him with so much force he crashed into a wall.

The other bullies got frightened but then started to surround her. The girl got into a fighting stance and waited. One bully charged at her but was stopped when the girl bend down and grabbed his legs and waist then tossed him to another bully. One by one, the girl took down every one of them and all that was left were the two that were still holding down the green-haired boy. During the fight, the boy couldn't help but stare at her in awe.

She then walked towards the three and the two goons let go and ran away, the others followed suite. The leader looked back, "Don't think this is over!" He shouted, trying to sound intimidating. The girl took a step to him and the leader flinched then ran off as well. The boy rubbed his shoulders to ease the strain put on them. He sees a pair of gray tennis shoes and look up to find blue eyes looking down at him. The girl bend down, "Are you alright? Sorry about those guys, they're nothing but narrow-minded jerks." She hands him his glasses and the boy takes them and puts them on. His green eyes look at her and sees her pickup his books, "Oh! I can do it!" He quickly picks up his stuff.

But he feels a hand being placed on his face and his head is force to look into the girl's eyes again. "Don't rush. By the way my name is Jayori Cocora." Jayori says softly. The boy blushes, "Oh-uh, m-my n-n-name is Izuku M-Midoriya, but I a-also go by D-Deku." He stutters. Jayori smiles and gathers all of his books and puts them in his backpack. She gives it to him and gets up, "Well, if you have any trouble you can call me." She lends her hand for him to take. Deku was hesitant in taking her hand, but he slowly takes it and Jayori pulls him up.

The two stand together, not knowing what to say but then a 'ding' is heard. Jayori grabs her phone from her jacket and looks at the message. "Oh, it's my dad. Hey, we should exchange numbers." She says. The green-eyed boy blushes, "Uh, y-you wa-want my n-number?" He stutters, "I mean she saved me and she's pretty, but she's so cool and strong. This would be complicated and she would probably get bored of me soon-" He mutters, completely disregarding the girl next to him.

Jayori couldn't help but giggle, "He's definitely a cutie." She whispers to herself. She places her hand his shoulder and he jumps. Looking at her, his face very red, "Uwah! Sorry, I have a h-habit of muttering." He apologizes. The brunette smiles at him, "It's cool. And do you want to exchange numbers?" She asks. Deku takes a deep breathe and nods his head. The two switched phones and put their numbers in them. After the exchange, Jayori bid him farewell and left. Deku waves her off and starts heading home, excited for his next encounter with the blue-eyed girl.

Time Skip: (Three Days Later)

Ever since meeting Jayori, Deku has been having trouble focusing. He had tried to call her but ends up backing out. He wonders if she even remembers him. "Deku, are you okay?" He looks up to find Uraraka and Iida looking at him with concerned. "Oh! Yeah I'm fine." He says, packing up his stuff. The three have been in the library studying. "Midoriya, are you sure you're alright? It is important to have a clear head when doing school work." Iida says, chopping the air.

Deku wanted to say he's fine, but he wasn't a good liar. Before he could reply, Uraraka let out a gasp. "Uraraka what's wrong?! Do you need any medical help?!" Iida said, worried for his friend. "I-I'm fine. It is j-just that-" She couldn't finish her sentence and instead points at something. The boys confused by her actions look to see what had gotten her so shaken up. Deku took off his glasses and cleaned them and put them back on. Right across from them is none other than Jayori.

Iida looks at the brown-eyes girl, "Uraraka is that someone you know?" He asks. The girl takes a deep breathe, "Uh, well, not exactly. She's Jayori Cocora and she's one of the toughest people ever. Someone said that she beat up an entire gang just because she felt like it." She whispers, not wanting to get the said girl's attention. Iida was surprised to say the least, but Deku felt that there was more, "When did that happen?" He asks. Uraraka thinks for a minute, "I think 3 says ago." She answers.

Deku didn't tell them about his meeting with Jayori but kept quiet. Iida looks over at the punk-looking girl, "Well, we should probably get going. She might be bad news and we do not want to be associated with any negative influence." He states. He and Uraraka pack their stuff and head towards the exit. "Uh, you guys go on ahead. I need to do some extra reading." He says nervously. The two look at each other than back at Deku, "Alright but be careful Midoriya." Iida says, Uraraka wanted to say something but got a call and had to leave.

With them gone, Deku walked up to Jayori. He had his eyes closed, "Okay. Just a simple 'hi' and then what?" He mutters. He didn't stop until he bumped into something, "Heh, you might want to keep your eyes open when you walk." He opens his eyes to find himself being pressed against Jayori. Her blue eyes looking into his green ones, he also felt something being pressed on his chest. His face becomes incredibly red and backed away from her. Before he could apologize, he felt a hand on his mouth and was dragged to a private section of the library by Jayori.

Once they were alone Jayori let go of him and released his mouth, "Sorry for the sudden action. I just didn't want you to get kicked out of the library and don't worry, I know you didn't mean to get in my face. Oh, hold still." She grabs his glasses and rights them. Once they were fixed she returns her hands to her sides. Deku didn't know what to say, "She is too good for me." He thinks and covers his face. Deku uncovers his eyes and sees Jayori looking at him with a patient look.

He takes a breathe and lowers his hands, "Um, I just w-wanted to s-say hi." He says. Jayori laughs, Deku looks at her, "Sorry, sorry. I just-why didn't you text me or call me?" She asks, genuinely curious. Deku scratches his cheek, "W-Well, I thought th-that you got bored o-of me." He answers. Jayori looks at him and smiles, "What are you talking about? I know we only met a few days ago, but I honestly wanted to get to know you. Anyone who can take a beating like that is tougher than they look." She compliments him.

Deku never thought he was tough. Although he was picked on and came home with some bruises on some days, but he never let it get the best of him. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone dinged and he got a messaged from his mom. "Huh?! It's already 4:30! I need to get home." He bid Jayori bye and started to run. "Hey! Hold on!" He stopped and looked back at the long-haired brunette, "I can give you ride if you want." She offers. Deku's eyes widened, "You have a car?" He asks. Jayori bought out her keys, "Not exactly."

When they arrived in the parking lot, Deku was astonished. A motorcycle, black with purple flames was parked before him. He looks over at Jayori, "That's yours?" He asks. Jayori nodded, "Yep. My dad bought it for me. I made some modifications and she is as smooth as she is fast." She walks over and starts the bike,  "Don't worry, I always carry an extra with me." She tosses him a helmet while she puts on hers. Deku was nervous but also excited. He never rode on a motorcycle before but he didn't want to disappoint Jayori.

He took off his glasses and put them in his container. He put on the helmet and made sure his backpack was zipped up then got on the bike. "Uh, d-do you m-mind?" He asks. The girl looks at him, "Not at all. And don't worry I won't go too fast, but just hold on okay." She assures him. Deku shakily wraps his arms around her waist, Jayori puts on her goggles and drives off. Deku tightens his grip and finds his face in Jayori's hair. "Huh, wow. She smells nice and it feels soft." He thinks.

He looks at Jayori, despite his vision being blurry, seeing her focused the green boy couldn't help but rest his head on her shoulder and close his eyes, a smile on his face. Let's just say, that was the first of many rides.

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