Puppy Deku

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Deku could not help but feel a little embarrass. He was in his room, looking into a mirror and finding two fluffy dog ears on his head and when he looked behind him, a fluffy tail to go along with his new ears. He was hit by a quirk that gave him dog features and Recovery Girl said that it would wear off after a week and won't get in the way of his studies. However, he would also have dog-like behavior and might not be able to control himself at first.

Deku was snapped out of his thoughts when a strong smell filled his nose. Without thinking he exit his room and followed the smell. He finds himself in the lounge and looks to find Kirishima and Cocora drenched in sweat. The two got back from working out and were saying hi to their classmates. "Man, you two stink! But don't worry Cocora you're still hot!" Kaminari said, sending a flirty smile to the girl. Deku felt a little jealous that it was not him talking to Cocora. Said girl rolled her eyes, "Thank you Denki, but I should shower and you need one too Kiri." She pokes Kirishima in a playful manner.

Kirishima chuckles and agrees with her. Deku saw them walk toward the showers and he unknowingly follows them. He hid a few times to ensure that they didn't catch him. His ears pick up something and looks to find Uraraka walking in his direction. He panicked and before he hid she sees him, "Hi Deku." She greets him. Deku tried to play it cool, "U-uh hi Ura-Uraraka!" He says. She looks at him with a confused look. But she then smiles, "Don't worry Deku. You'll be back to normal in no time." She assures him. The green boy sighs in relief. He then hears running water and blushes at what he was doing before, "W-well I-I sh-should be g-going!" He stutters and hurries back to his room.

Deku locked himself in his room. "What Was I Doing!?" He screams in his mind, burying himself in his blankets. This was going to be harder than he thought. He was following Cocora or more like her scent. He also smelled Kirishima's but Deku was more focused on the girl. "Was I going to follow her into the shower? That would be incredibly stupid and she might not ever talk to me again, but she has such beautiful eyes and a toned and curvy body-" he rambles on not knowing what he is saying.

He hears a knock at his door and lets out a yelp. He uncovers himself and takes a deep breath before answering, "W-who is it?" He asks. His nose picked up on a very familiar scent. "Izuku, its me, Jayori." Deku blushes, remembering earlier. He steels himself and goes to his door. He grabs the door knob and slowly opens the door.

He was meant with a beautiful sight. Cocora's hair was down reaching her waist, and she was wearing an oversized T-shirt with a tiger on it. She was wearing black shorts, but were mostly hidden by her shirt. "Heh Heh. Happy to see me?" She giggles. Deku looked at Cocora's face and saw she was smiling. "Huh?" He asks, tilting his head. His tail was wagging side-to-side, (this in dog language means 'happy'). This causes the brunette to laugh more, "Oh! Yes!" The green-eyed boy responds.

He covers his mouth after he realize he answered a little to enthusiastic. The long-haired beauty gives him a soft look. She places her hands on his and removes them from his face, "Do you want to talk in your room." She asks him. Deku looks into her blue eyes and nods his head. He moves out of the way, so that she could walk in.

Deku closes the door, but then jumps a bit when he feels something rubbing his ears. He didn't move and tried not to make any noises. But it felt really good and he wasn't sure if he wanted to stop. He let out a small whimper and the rubbing stopped. "Sorry. Sorry. I just couldn't help myself. And, God, you are just so adorable." He looks behind to find Cocora with a guilty look. "Oh, it's okay! I-I mean I was just surprised that's all." He says, not wanting her to feel bad.

The two then sat down on the bed. Deku was being observed by Cocora, she couldn't help herself from letting out a few 'awws' when his ears or tail twitched. Deku explained everything to her, "So yeah I might act like a-a dog for a week." He finishes, looking away with a blush on his face. He looks back at Cocora and sees a smile on her face, "Well, I'm here if you need me and the others are too." She assures him. Deku smiles and without thinking he hugs her.

This surprised Cocora, but she gladly hugs back. She feels Deku move and starts sniffing her. Cocora was a little taken back but she didn't stop him. Deku's tail slowly wags and keeps sniffing her. The blue-eyed girl softly pets him and lies down on the bed.

Cocora wakes up and looks over at Deku's desk to find that it's 6:03 p.m., "Damn. I don't remember falling asleep." She tries to get up but feels something on her. She looks down to find a green hair with dog ears on her, "Oh right Izuku, and he looks like a puppy too." She whispers. She doesn't want to wake him because his head was right between her breasts. But she felt Deku stir and he opens his eyes and looks up at her.

But instead of freaking out he snuggles into Cocora's chest and goes back to sleep, "My Jayori." He says before falling asleep again. Cocora was shocked by his behavior but smiles at him, "We're going to get in so much trouble, but I'm willing to take the risk." She says to herself and wraps her arms around the sleeping boy.

She unconsciously creates orbs of light around the room, creating a peaceful scenery. But unknown to either of them a few of the students were peeping through the crack of the door. "Thanks for making a key for Midoriya's door Momo." Mina thanks the tall girl. "It was only to check on Midoriya. Now let's leave them be." Momo said sternly. "But they're so cute!" Hagakure squeals, fangirling at the scene. "Man, Midoriya gets a girl before me." Kaminari complains.

"This is inappropriate behavior! And we need to wake them up so that they can eat and have three meals a day!" Iida says, waving his hands like a robot. While everyone was deciding what to do, the door was shut softly. Everyone looks to find, of all people, Bakugou by the door. He looks at them with a glare, "It's already so damn noisy and it's their own fault for falling asleep. Mind your own damn business and no one gets pissed." He says. He then walks away and heads to his room. Everyone was stumped by his action, but realized he was right, (in a way).

"Bakugou is right you know." Everyone looks to find Asui with her finger on her cheek. "Midoriya needs to feel comfortable for the time being and Jayori always works so hard. So we should let them be and we'll warn them about Aizawa Sensei later." She finishes and walks off to the lounge. After that everyone left the two be.

Unbeknownst to them, Deku heard the whole thing. He smiles and wags his tail. "Thanks guys." He tightens his arms around Cocora's waist and sleeps soundly.

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