36. Ambush

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At a meeting

???: eraserhead we've been told that you encourage your students to fight against the villains

Aizawa: I completely that because we didn't know what would be the outcome but Nightwing put his own life for us taking the damage more to him than the other students

???: so you let a quirkless civilian get the most injuries and letting the other quirk students the less injuries

Aizawa: he was fighting for them more than himself we tried to make sure he wasn't hurt too much beside of he didn't help the gas would kill our students and tried not to get one of our students kidnapped

Nezu: yes that is true after all he wants to be a hero like his other classmates and never stops fighting for them

With Bakugou

Bakugou: did you hear that he doesn't stop for himself he stops until we're safe that's why I'm never gonna join you after all the pain he went through I can't break him that's why I can see inside him that that need I knew is better that you scumbags and since we're not at camp I can still fight

Magne: he must of figure everything out

Toga: just let me stab him

Shigaraki: everyone stop no ones gonna put a finger on him he's worthy to be on the villains side I thought we can cooperate

Bakugou remembers back to his internship

Bakugou: what you think were the same

Shigaraki: I have no choice master lend me your power

All for one: that's a wise choice Shigaraki

With Izuku

Red hood was looking at his tracker seeing that we're close to our destination just then I realized that Ochako cling to my arm

Izuku: Ochako what's wrong

Ochako: I'm scared what if we die or you die

Izuku: don't worry I promise I won't die and we're gonna make it through this

Ochako: ok

Once we arrive we hid behind a wall

Red hood: the tracker says that the villains hasn't left this building for the pass day if Bakugou isn't here then we can try to find information here be prepared

I took out my eskrima sticks, Kota got out his staff, red hood took out his pistols, Kirishima harden his arms and todoroki has his arm frozen

Izuku: let's go and stay close

With the heroes

Endeavor: why do I must cooperate I'm very busy

Best Jeanest: get off your high horse you went to UA too

Tsukauchi: we can't get the heroes from the school there's a bigger picture *looks at the other heroes* this maybe the end of the hero society we'll stop at nothing to get this job done

Best Jeanest: knowing Bakugou from my internship he's attacking them so we must hurry

Tiger: our comrade ragdoll was also taken

Mandalay: we must get her back

Gran Torino: toshinori you think he might be there

All might: he will be and this will be the end for him

Tsukauchi: all right we have the surprise on them let's go

Earlier with Izuku

As we were going two drunk guys came to us and try to hit on Momo and Ochako so todoroki and I just pushed them away and kept the girls close to us

Todoroki: it may not be crowded but there still are people so what do we do now

Izuku: Momo make grabble guns

Momo: ok

Once she created them we use them to sneak pass the bystanders Kirishima and I went to take a peek at the window what we saw was the most horrifying thing multiple Nomus

To Bakugou

Bakugou: so you're a sidekick that's lame

Bakugous mind: I should try to get to the back door fast

All of a sudden there was knock at the door

???: hello I have a pizza delivery

Just then the wall exploded to reveal all might


The heroes ambush the villains

All might: we are here

They got the villains tied up

Back with Izuku

Kirishima: Bakugou isn't here

Izuku: well I have a better plan red hood got any grenades let's leave the villains a little gift

Red Hood: ok

He gave me 3 grenades and I threw 10 explosives Wingdings and we ran out as hast as we can then just before the heroes arrive part of the building that had the Nomus exploded and I took off my disguise and went inside to look I saw that only a few Nomus survive but I also found ragdoll so I picked her up and as the heroes enter the building I was walking to them with ragdoll in my arms still conscious the heroes were shocked to see me here then red hood and Kota arrived next to me with their disguises taken off and best Jeanest tied up the Nomus

Back with the villains

Shigaraki: Kurogiri where are the Nomus

Kurogiri: I'm sorry Shigaraki but the Nomus are destroyed someone found out warehouse and blew it up

All might: enough is enough we sent heroes to go to that warehouse and looks like this all ends Shigaraki

Spinner was scared

Spinner:all might please even though I tried to kill him you and Nightwing are worthy of being true heroes

Shigaraki: you think you won you heroes created a garbage like society that's why I targeted you and Nightwing Kurogiri get us out of here

But Kurogiri got unconscious

Gran Torino: we told you to take us seriously we gotten a message by Nightwing before he left the hospital that he figure out all of your identities there no where left for all of you so Shigaraki where's your boss

Shigaraki had a flash back where he was a kid where he was abandoned and the heroes wouldn't help him but one person came up to him and offered to help

Shigaraki: no.... it's not over the game is still mine

Just then two portals open and Nomus started to come out

Kamui woods: what impossible

A portal open around Bakugou and pulled him in

All might: NO BAKUGOU

Kamui woods looked outside and saw there were Nomus out there too endeavor was fighting them off

Endeavor: how is this all possible

All might mind: he made his move

Shigaraki: Master.....

2 min earlier with Izuku

I gave ragdoll to tiger and mandalay. red hood walk up to talk to Mandalay explaining why Kota was with me and him on this mission and Kota noticed that Mt lady was walking up to me and I noticed that she was blushing

Mt Lady: h-hi N-N-Nightwing what are you doing here

Nightwing: doing my job since my friend is the person that the villains kidnapped but I know why you guys are here

My Lady: you do

Nightwing: the police chief told you to come to this location to take care of the Nomus well we came thinking that kacchan might be here but he's not but red hood and I destroyed most of the Nomus and we found ragdoll. *turns to a alley way* You guys can come out know!

My friends came out and they were standing next to me

Kota: we decided to make our own rescue team to save Nightwings friend

Mt Lady: who's he*points to Kota:

I was about to explain her but I was cut off by Kota

Kota: I'm Nightwings sidekick you may call me Robin

Mt Lady: well I was hoping that there would be villains to fight

Ochako: Izuku what happen to ragdoll she's alive but looks different

I look over at red hoods directions who had mandalay in his arms crying because of what happen to ragdoll

Nightwing: I don't know

Tenya: well the important thing is that the heroes have this covered let's go

As my friends and heroes were about to leave the warehouse I stopped in my tracks Ochako looked back at me

Ochako: Izuku what's wrong

Izuku: ......

I took out my eskrima sticks and turn around to the darkness

???: I'm sorry tiger but ragdoll quirk was really useful

Red Hood: who's there

Red hood tools out his guns and the heroes got into a fighting stance

I saw stepping out the shadows was deathstroke but he wasn't alone another figure was coming out he was wearing a well dress suit but also wearing a mask

???: we finally meet Nightwing or should I say Izuku Midoriya

Izuku: All for one

To be continue...

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