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Chapter 1

Drowning in the pool of love,the taste of something that has been denied..when death feels like living..I don't wanna survive...let me live,let me thrive...rebirth was never a choice....

"mommy?"a small voice called out to the woman sitting in the couch with a glass of wine in her hand,her eyes sore from crying,her hair sticking out at different places..and bruises near the corner of her lips and eyebrows...but still it was certain that the woman was a beauty.

The little girl standing by the door probably was not that surprised to see her mommy in this state,it's not the first time though...she had witnessed it more than a 100 times in her small span of livelihood..
"Mommy?ur home?why didn't you wake me up??I had prepared the dinner before...sorry I'm heating it up now u must have been hungry..?!"the 9 year old  cried out as she ran to her mom, engulfing her in a hug ,and pressing a soft kiss on her temple.

The woman looked up to her daughter,her dead dark eyes suddenly sparkling with something which she had been denied by everyone....LOVE.She wondered if she had ever saved a country in her previous life,for God has gifted her a girl so sweet and kind, even though she had the same blood of the man who is the cause of their misery today.

The man with whom she created this lovely angel..the man with whom she thought her life would be perfect...the man,the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life being the most happiest woman in the world...
But also the man who faked it all,the man who broke her heart,the man who tortured her,made her give up on life...

But still she tried,she had to live,she had to show him that she's not weak,not a toy to be played with and thrown away...she was much more,much more than that

And the pretty angel sitting on her lap and caressing away her tears,was the one who made her REALIZE that yes..even though life has always been cruel to her,she still has to live,live and live and not just survive...coz she has her little angel to take care of.

"Mommy mommy,don't cry mommy.. everything will be fine.."even though the little girl knew nothing about the storm that her mother was going through now,she still tried her best to comfort her,just like everyday..just like every night.

"Baby..."the woman hugged back the only possession she has ever had to cherish and the one that will be in future and forever." I'm sorry dear..I'm sorry..."was what she could only utter repeatedly.She felt it was unfair,that her daughter had to suffer the consequences of the faults that she had made...of the tragedy that she is facing..
She has lost it all,visiting her so called husband who has been living with another women for years..and begging him to provide them some money.

She has lost it all,when her husband doesn't even care to hear her cries and pleas...and instead looks at her with such blank eyes,it almost kills her there,he beats her up,calls her a slut and throws some money on her face.

She remains unfazed,she doesn't cry...
She needs to show him,she is strong and okay and not at all bruised up or has scratches of blades in her wrists...even though she has lost it all
She tries her best to suppress her cries,fixing her dress and hair and entering a bar full of hungry men.

And there she goes,drinks,cries and laughs with people she doesn't even know,but at least they make her feel good,at least they call her pretty,at least they make her feel good for a night...at least that's when she feels she has not,yet lost it all,she still has to live.

But when she returns back home, the reality comes crashing to her...this was never the life that she wanted to live!

But that voice,that voice of an angel brings her back...she sees her daughter with a dish full of curry and rice,settling beside her.

."...and then I told teacher that it was not her fault...she was just a bit uncomfortable with new people that's it!!!'what do you think?? "

The woman smiled apologetically "sorry honey,I was not paying attention to what you were saying..umm I feel you are right ... what was it by the way?

"Hmmph!!u always do that,are you that hungry??"the little girl huffed and pouted cutely,looking far from anything but angry

"No babyyy...um actually,mommy has lots to think about... you know...sorry but I'll listen to you now, I am all ears !!"the woman brushed away the strands of her daughter's smooth raven hair,and tucked them behind her ears lovingly.

"Hmm...since you've made me angry now,I want you to finish the whole plate of food,otherwise you're going to get another full serving"she scolded her mother.

"Ohhh god yes yes!I'm doing it right away!! "The woman cried out in fear, suppressing her laughter at how her daughter looked so cute while fuming and pouting.She tried to pick up the spoon, but her fingers got cramped up...she almost forgot that they were bruised up.
"shit,must have been when he stamped his shoes on my fingers"she cursed under her breath.She tried several times to pick up the spoon,but her hands started shaking at the mere thought of the man beating her up,which had happened just a few hours ago.Her eyes swelled with tears,"nope,hold it in,you can't cry...hold it in"she muttered to herself.

On the other hand,the angel sitting beside her stared at her mom,she placed her small,delicate fingers on top her mother's one,gently tracing the bruises.The woman closed her eyes,but couldn't help when a drop of salty water fell on her daughter's fist.

"Mommy, mommy...don't cry...I'm here,I'll feed u okay??"and with that the little girl rubbed her tears away,took a spoonful of the curry and placed it near her mother's mouth.
"Now say 'ahh'"she cutely exclaimed. The woman looked up,wiping her tears away,her eyes held a mix of emotions which no one could ever define.She smiled the brightest smile she has ever flashed to anyone in her entire life and gobbled up the food.
"Mmhh!!"she gave out a delighted moan as the taste of the curry hit her taste buds..the feeling of home hitting her in all the right places.

"Tell me what happened in school today. "
And like everyday,the mother and daughter duo were laughing and giggling over the stories that they shared with each other.
At last the duo made their way towards the bed,and the woman tucked her little angel in the sheets.She sang her lullabies and told her stories,and soon the little girl gave out small yawns.

"Mommy? "

"Yes baby?"

The girl struck out her pinky finger"we will stay together forever,promise?
The woman smiled, even though it truly didn't reach her beautiful eyes.Her hands trembled a bit,as she laced her pinky with the smaller one...


The girl smiled and soon drifted off to sleep.
Like always the day ended happily for her.
But like always,the woman's smile did not last long,the promise....was not kept

She stood from the bed,and made her way towards the closet.
She took out all her daughter's clothes,arranged them neatly and packed them up in her small suitcase,along with her favourite teddy and minion.
She went over to the angel sleeping peacefully in the bed,and kissed her cheeks tenderly.

"I'm sorry baby..."tears rolled down her cheeks "so sorry...I never deserved you my child...forgive mommy"
She left a file and a small letter with a heart sign on top of it the bedside table,along with her mobile phone..

She slowly made her way towards the bathroom,settled herself in the tub full of water,and a picture of her daughter...the only person who has truly loved her...
She took out a blade from her pocket,brought it against her wrist,and slowly sliced the veins open.

Soon her hand began to go limp,her vission blurred.She clutched the picture tightly in against her chest...the oozing blood turning the water ted..such a beautiful yet deadly sight....

Such happiness yet,such remorse...
She finally felt that she was drowning in the pool of love,yet she knew it was something she never got.

"I'll always love you honey...stay happy..mommy will love you forever...


She whispered for the last time,before closing her eyes...

The phone kept on the bedside table beeped out a notification...

Respected Mrs. Carson,
This is to inform you that your daughter is ready for being adopted by Mrs.Steffany Cooper. She will be received by tomorrow,we request you to keep the documents ready.
Thank you for contacting us,stay safe!

(Word count-1567 words)

End of chapter one

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