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Chapter 3
A soulmate is what I found in you.Never let go of this hand that you’re holding,even if we fall...let’s fall together and forever…

A car had been waiting outside the apartment, as Delaney made her way towards it.The window jutted down, revealing the girl sitting in the driver’s seat.She had short Auburn hair and hazel eyes with freckles covering her tanned cheeks. She wore tight skinny jeans with a loose fitting baggie shirt,and a  pair of timberland sneakers.

"Good morning babe!!"she chirped out, scanning her friend from top to bottom.
"You look gorgeous as usual. It’s a pain in ass to move around with such a beauty like you "

"You’ve got quite a look for going to work,not a surprise though" Delaney chuckled out and pulled out the seatbelt.
"Hmm you know nothing of fashion babe,I wonder how's that even possible,since we have been hanging out for decades now ,should have got some amount of fashion sense from me by now,don’t ya think so?"

"I’m not going to  a fashion show in the first place,and secondly I don’t like standing out that much,so yeah this makes some sense,unless you’ve got none at dear Audrey."

A smack was placed behind Delaney's skull,followed by some punches and slaps in her stomach
"You have a big mouth,my girl. You see,you are soo fucking gorgeous  already,I sometimes get jealous of my own soulmate,but still."

"You can’t kill me right? "

Yeahh!and that truly sucks!"

Audrey was not the one at fault though,because Delaney truly was a beauty,both from inside and outside.
Her beautiful raven wavy hair,big doe blue eyes and and red rosey skin made her stand out the most.She had that aura around her,always calm and mature which really attracted people towards her .She had a lovely bright smile ,and a very outgoing personality too.She was a good listener,a keen observer and a marvelous speaker,her voice as smooth and sweet as dripping honey.She had always and always been the most desired and popular girl in school and university,and Audrey was proud of her.

And Delaney knew that all to well,for she have had many admirers and friends,but none of them were like Audrey,she was that one girl who had been with her through every situation.They met after Delaney had moved out with Miss Cooper, in North California after her mother’s death.The nine year old Delaney was a devastated wreck back then, her life totally broken and shattered by the sudden loss of the only person to whom she had clung to ever  since her birth.

Mrs Cooper knew back then,that bringing back the girl to her normal self would be the greatest challenge she had ever taken up in her life.She did everything she could,but still nothing changed in Delaney.Her eyes stayed cold,words never left her mouth,she ate and threw up,her health deteriorated heavily and her face lost the gleam and happiness that it once carried.Mrs Cooper cried every night,thinking she wouldn’t be able to save her little angel anymore,who always sat by the window looking in the distant sky with her mother’s letter clutched in her hand,no more tears left to cry from those beautiful eyes.

But one day, everything changed.The day when the neighbour’s little girl with fiery red hair came to pick up her basketball which had landed in their terrace somehow.The girl was pretty,yet quiet tomboish too,and requested Mrs Cooper to get her the ball.But by that time,Delaney has already fetched it,and stood by the door with the ball in her hand.The red haired girl widened her eyes,and slowly approached the angel  holding her ball out for her.She took the ball,looked at Delaney in the eyes and gave out a huge smile.

The little angel,a bit confused as to why the latter was so happy,tilted her head, making her look like a confused puppy

"Umm,wanna b-be fri-friends?"she croaked out,her voice too soft and heavy with all the crying and sobbing she did everyday.

"Yesss!wanted to ask the same thing!Ur truly an angel,goshh you can even read minds?Will I become an angel too if I be friends with you??By the way,I’m Audrey,Audrey Harper,glad to meet ya! "

Delaney chuckled out cutely 'you don’t need to become an angel, mommy used to say that every girl is an angel herself, if only she lets her love and positivity spread out like her wings,and I’m Delaney Carson,nice to meet you too!"

And that was it.

From that day onwards,these two angels became inseparable…sleeping in the same bed,eating from the same plate and even sharing their secrets with each other.Audrey's parents were divorced too,but her mother had a well established job for herself,and never let her daughter feel any kind of distress or discomfort at all.

Delaney snapped out of her thoughts as the car started to move,with Audrey side glancing at her for once and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears.Delaney smiled at the gesture,and ruffled Audrey’s hair,making it appear a bit messy.
"Hey hey!!what do you think ya doing??I’m driving ya know?now I need to restyle my hair again"…she huffed angrily.

‘Now don’t act like a  grumpy granny! I know you’re not. You’ll get wrinkles even before you turn 30’ Delaney laughed out loud.

"Ohoh baby girl,say whatever you want, I’ll still look the same smoking hot like I do now" Audrey smirked back
"Yeah yeah,and I’ll grill some bbq meat over you,how does that sound?"
"Good and then you mean to say you wanna eat me up??Am I that hot? "

"Not u moron!It’s the meat,my lovely chicken thigh meat,are you drunk or something?Stop the car right now!I can’t have a drunkard driving me to work!!ewww you smell of booze!

U little shit just wait untill we reach,I’m gonna dump you in the waste bin and walk away with booze… "

And the never ending bickering had just yet started.

The car finally pulls up at the parking lot of the Adler interprise.The girls come out of their seats,still bickering over which came up first chicken or egg.

The passerbys stare at them in awe,wondering what these two beauties are fussing  about.
"Told ya,egg came first,now if u don’t believe me, that’s neither my fault or the egg's,it’s fucking yours "

"Fault my ass!The chicken is definitely the one to come first,and she hatched some eggs that’s it,it’s as simple as pimple duhh.

"Bitch u don’t get it!There must have been an egg rolling on the ground,so Neolithic people or some shit took it up and held it by fire.That’s how the chick came out!!and grew up to be a chicken!

"Ur the Dumb bitch in here,do you think the egg fell from the sky?someone needed to lay it in the earth ,and therefore a preggo chicken did it!!how r you soo dumb??and how can you crack an egg by bringing it near fire??gosh this is the dumbest shit I have ever heard !! "
"How many times are you gonna repeat the word ‘dumb’? "

"As many times as you are!!"Delaney pointed out

"This is too much of sass,my gastric will get worse now."

"Hah and the sass is for your constipated ass.. "

"What has my constipation gotta do with it?? "

‘Nothing but being irrelevant is my style'

"Jeez! I give up!"Audrey screamed in defeat
"But I don’t "Delaney mimicked the intensity of her scream"but for now let’s drop it,it’s my first day in work,this chicken talk is making me hungry. "

"Then go eat up your boss,I heard he’s a hottie" Audrey smirked mischievously."And if possible ask him the question too.."

"WHAT THE HECKING FREAKING FRACKING SHIT ARE U splutteri--??" Delaney screamed whispered ,"how can you even say such vulgar things!?he’s my boss for god's sake,I haven’t even met him!and how the heck do u know this about him??OMG MY HEAD IS SPINNING,WHEN DID YOU JOIN CBI??"

"Hmm now don’t start overreacting and shit,and head off.I think it’s almost time now. "
"But I won’t forgive you if I see a chicken inside the office welcoming me "

"Ohh come on,he is a cock you know,and you may find chickens like you flocking around him.You know for a cock, chickens get realllyyyyy worked up"Audrey smirked, her mind working on naughty things again

"Ooh now I give up!!"Delaney hides her flushed red cheeks with her hands."how shameless can you get??"

"You don’t know me babee"Audrey sing-songed."Now go,make sure to have lunch and contact me when you’re free,stay safe okay??"

Delaney smiled sweetly,her heart filling with warmth when Audrey pulled her in a bone crushing hug.
"Hmm okay,you stay safe too" she murmured back.
"And where's my goodbye kiss babe??"Audrey looked at her in the eyes, probably in no intention to make a joke out of it.

"Ohhh come on,not here please"Delaney whispered out,trying to set her free from Audrey’s stong grip over her body.

"But baby girl.I won’t leave without a kiss"…Audrey whispered back in her ears.

"Uhggg people sure gonna think this is weird. "Delaney sighed in defeat and quickly pecked her cheeks Audrey returned her back one too,and nuzzled her face in the crook of her neck whispering a last goodbye and take care,before letting her go.

Delaney walked towards the gate,with everyone's eyes on her,all awestrucked by her sharp yet soft beauty.
She turned back and waved at Audrey,before vanishing behind the gate.

Audrey smiled to herself as she looked towards the gate,her eyes holding a mix of emotions which glistened in the sunlight.
It held love,but just maybe a scary lot more than it was supposed to hold.

(Word count-1724)

End of chapter 3

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