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Tomorrow would mark a year, a year when Hunter had asked Trevor to be her boyfriend. It was undoubtedly one of the best things she'd ever done. She was scared then, terrified of how it could turn out. Now though, she'd been proved over and over that there was nothing getting in their way.

He could have anyone if he wanted to, girls practically throwing themselves at him at games. Yet, he'd always found her, as if no one else had existed.

Before meeting Trevor, Hunter had doubted her ability to find love. She'd been convinced that there was no one good left for her. So, she did the things she did, trying to fill that craving.

She was eternally grateful for that guy she'd met at the bar, who's name she could no longer remember. Whether he'd purposely given her the wrong number or had been to drunk to type it in correctly, she wouldn't change that digit in a lifetime.

Now, she'd been sat on the dock of her parents lake house, surrounded by the sounds of waves and Trevor's voice. He had the idea, to come back to where it all started. He got the keys from her parents, told them his entire plan and they were supportive.

He'd even gotten Jordan to go to the house before, set everything up. Jordan had been more than willing to do so.

The dock had been strung with lights, candles leading to the end. Even thought Hunter knew what was coming, she'd been just as anxious as the boy beside her.

"Join me on the boat?" Trevor suggested, standing up with his hand held out.

She accepted the offer, letting him assist her onto the boat. Her family had money and they weren't above buying an overly eccentric boat that could've easily been mistaken for a small yacht.

"I used to hate this boat." Hunter said, holding his hand as he lead her into the cabin. He stopped, looking to her with wide eyes and she laughed. "Not anymore, I promise." She gave him an assuring kiss and he continued inside.

"Do you trust me?"

"Indefinitely.." then she looked to the keys in his hand, "maybe."

"I have my boating license, shush."

They wound up in the middle of the lake, the stars bright over them. They'd been brighter over the lake, the clean, cloudless air letting them reveal their true beauty.

"When we buy a house, we should get a boat." Hunter spoke quietly, her eyes focused on the gleaming stars. She felt Trevor position himself behind her, arms hugging around her waist. With him, it always felt new, she never lost the gush of love. That starstruck feeling, those dumb butterflies, they weren't ever going away.

"We should get a house with lots of land. Maybe close to a golf course, and we can even get you a golf cart." She couldn't help but to release a giggle, turning back to get a look at him.

"You're actually gonna let me drive?" She teased, he rolled his eyes, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

"Anything you want, I'll give." His lips had barely parted from her skin, holding her as close as he could.

"A cow?" His shoulder fell back with his laugh, but he nodded.

"Yes, baby. Even a cow."

The moment fell into a warm silence, still caught in each other's embrace. They understood each other, their wants, their needs. That's what made them work so perfectly. They'd never let anything stand in their way, not a single thing could get between them.

Trevor's hold loosened, "wanna get the champagne from the cabin?"

"Yeah." She smiled, kissing him quickly before going into the cabin. She reached into the fridge, taking out the unopened, way too pricey bottle of alcohol. She grabbed it, along with two glasses, humming along to the tune of lover that seemed to be stuck in her head.

"We should turn on the—" the bottle nearly dropped when she saw Trevor. Time seemed to freeze, yet move faster than she could possibly comprehend.

The man that she loved indefinitely, was kneeled in front of her, hands shaking with nerves—something Trevor rarely got. She'd seen him go against the biggest guys in the league and not break a sweat. She'd witnessed him being shoved by his idol and barely flinch. Yet, here he was, as anxious as he could possibly be, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Trevor.." his name came out with a crack, the tears already pricking her eyes. She set the bottle and glasses down.

"Hunter." She could see the velvet in his hand, the small box that she'd only dreamed of. She stepped closer, letting him reach for her hand as he clutched the box in his other. "I know it's only been a year, and I know we're still so young but I love you. I'm so madly in love with you that I don't think I could ever be without you. Without knowing you're mine and I'm yours. I know we made the promise, that we'd do this someday and I intended to wait but I don't think I can wait any longer. So, Hunter, baby, will you marry me?"

She fell to her own knee's letting their eyes level and she kissed him, their mouths didn't move, simply embracing each other in the moment. Hunter was afraid her words would fumble, but she pulled back just enough to get the answer out.

"Yes." She nodded, ever too eagerly, "yes, I'll marry you." He took out the ring, taking her hand to bind them as he slid it over her finger.

"It's beautiful." The diamond was flashy, maybe a bit more than she'd expected. But it was Trevor, and he was a go big or go home, kind of guy.

boats & hoes

good morning my favorite humans

good morning hunny
hows the lake?

im still mad we didn't get an invite

lover girl
someones in a good mood

lover <3
very good mood

i got my nails done

middle child
OH what color?


middle child
whites so boring
but theyre still nice

ex roomie


lover <3

middle child

lover girl

congratulations guys!!
that's amazing, that ring is incredible

isn't it??
i literally can stop looking at it
im so happy i could cry forever

i cant believe this
im so happy for you two

thank you coley
i love you guys so much 🤍

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