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eleven months later,

"Stop texting Trevor." Courtney grumbled from beside Hunter, reaching for the phone that she'd been glued to since they got in the car. "Number one rule of a bachelorette party is no texting the guys." She took the phone, reading the texts and rolling her eyes before stuffing it into her purse.

"You can't just take my phone, what if there's an emergency? What if Phoebe gets sick or—"

"Your cat is gonna be fine." Mya retorted, though she too had been grinning at her phone.

"No boys goes for you two, pass it back, babe." Courtney held out her hand, earning a grumble from the girl in the passenger seat. "I'm not texting Cole, so you're not texting Jimmy or Z." She stated, Mya slapping her phone down into her hand.

"And me?" Jordan asked, having been driving the car.

"No boyfriends for you either." Courtney said, "you can text ours in case of an emergency but tonight, we're single."

"I'm not cheating on—"

"Not that kind of single. You don't have to go full single Hunter. Just.. let loose." Courtney had been fully invested in the bachelorette party and making sure the night had gone perfectly. So far, they had barely made it downtown but she'd laid out a list of rules for them.

"Single Hunter is tucked away forever." Hunter mumbled, smiling down at the ring that she'd been far too infatuated with for the last eleven months. "This time next week, I'll be Hunter Zegras and honeymooning in Jade Mountain with my husband and—"

"If anything dirty comes out of your mouth, I'm getting out of this car." Jordan stopped her and her face burned hot at the mere thought of Trevor.

"Says you. Ive had to hear about you and Quinn nonstop for the last two months." Hunter retorted, adjusting her satin, white dress.

"You try being closeted and hiding a relationship for five months."

"Dude, the closet was glass. It's the whole you and Quinn thing we didn't expect." Mya stated and the two others agreed. "I honestly thought after the kings game that you and Turcs were—"

"Wait, you thought me and Alex were a thing?" Jordan laughed at that.

"I didn't! Z's the one who started it and Jack and Cole were—"

"They all thought that? Even Jack?"

"To be fair, you two got super drunk and sang ABBA for nearly two hours. It was pretty gay." Courtney teased, patting his shoulder as he let out a huff.

"Yeah.. Quinn wasn't too happy about that." Jordan mumbled, pulling into a parking lot of a club. "Alright, if I have to carry anyone out of here tonight, it better be my sister." He unbuckled, turning to face each of them.

"I don't think I'll drink that much."

Four tequila shots, two margaritas and a hurricane slap shot later, Hunter had been far past not drinking much. Her flirt game was strong, with women. She'd danced until she broke heel and Jordan had to get the vans she had in her car. The 'bride to be' satchel had only earned her more drinks through the night, some out of congratulations and a lot from men who thought they'd be lucky enough to ruin a marriage before it started.

She'd found herself at the DJ booth at one point, convincing the DJ to play Taylor Swift. If she was eveb the slightest bit sober she may have been embarrassed when the man handed her a microphone, letting her slur the words to the song. Mya was right beside her the whole time, encouraging each drink she was given.

By three in the morning, Jordan indeed had to carry his little sister from the club. She had the hiccups, runny mascara from crying over how much she loved Trevor, and her white dress was stained blue and pink from alcohol.

"Woah—" she giggled out a hiccup, "why is the ground on backwards." Her words were slurred, arms dangling off her brother's shoulders as he carried her on his back.

"Lift up your head." Jordan spoke softly, he was regretting offering to drive when they could've ubered. Courtney was drunk but coherent enough to guide Mya out who had almost been as hammered as Hunter.

"It's still moving." Hunter hummed after she stopped talking, her vision surely blurred as everything spun. "I want pizza."

"You don't even like pizza." Jordan said and she whined, tossing herself back and Courtney held her up before she fell.

"Pizza me!" Mya exclaimed, bolting to the car when Courtney had let her go. "Guys! I lost my phone!" Mya patted down her nonexistent pockets and Courtney dug into her purse once Hunter was secured.

"I've got it, babe." Courtney held it up and Mya slouched against the car. "Okay, let's not sit on the nasty ground." The blonde held out her hand, trying to pull Mya up only for them both to fall.

"Papa Jo, we need help." Mya giggled, the two both too drunk to try and get themselves up.

"Give me a second." Jordan dug for his keys, "is she awake?" He asked, noting how Hunter had suddenly gone quiet.

"'M woke." Hunter mumbled, clinging onto him as he unlocked the car. "Can sleep without Z." She'd been falling asleep, the alcohol taking over all control she had of her body.

"You can't sleep! We're getting pizza!" Mya squealed, flailing her arms up excitedly as Jordan gently placed his sister into the back seat.

Hunter sat up in the seat, "wake me for 'za!" Jordan rolled his eyes, assuming she meant pizza and he turned to help up the other two.

"Court, can you get directions to a pizza place open?" He asked, helping Mya in as Courtney went around to the passenger.

"Yeah." Courtney responded and Mya kicked Jordan as he tried to close the door.

"Ow! Mya what the—"

"I can close doors." Mya whined out and he nodded, stepping back to let her close it.

The drive to get pizza was back and forth from quiet to loud. The two girls in the backseat both half asleep with random bursts of energy.

"This is so good." Hunter hummed in response to Mya, mouth full of the pepperoni covered pizza.

"I go home?" Hunter asked, slightly chewing threw the bite she took.

"Yeah, Z's gonna love this." Jordan answered, glancing back to his sister with a laugh.

"He woves meh aways."

"Gross! Hunny chew!" Mya smacked the girl's shoulder and Hunter retaliated, smacking the slice onto the others face.

"What the—you bitch!" Mya wiped the sauce from her cheek as Hunter laughed.

"C'mere, you got a little—" Hunter leaned forward, kissing the corner of her best friends mouth.

"Oh, my.." Courtney rolled her eyes at the two in the back seat, picking the pepperoni's off the pizza pie on her lap.

"My house!" Hunter pointed a greasy finger onto the window, giggling as she saw the home.

"Technically it's Jamie and—"

"Sh, shush." Hunter waved off the other girl, pulling against the car handle. Fortunately the door was locked, Jordan still parking the car in the driveway.

"Can I have a napkin?" Mya asked, leaning over the front seat as Courtney turned back with a napkin in her hand, wiping off the rest of the sauce from her face. "Thanks, Court. Coleys lucky." Mya leaned forward, kissing the other girls nose.

"Why are you two so affectionate when you're drunk?" Courtney groaned, pushing her back as Jordan got out to help Hunter.

"Jo-Jo!" Hunter squealed as the door was opened.

He struggled to help her from the backseat, as she continued to pull against him, practically deadweight in his arms. Mya had been able to get out on her own, her and Courtney already up to the house.

"Don't want your help." Hunter swatted his hands, "I can walk."

"You can barely talk, sissy." Jordan was a saint, his patience somehow sticking it out. "Just let me help you, then you can go cuddle Trevor." She perked up at the mention of her fiancé.

"I'm marrying him." She still didn't move, but had stopped fighting. "I'm marrying him on Saturday and.. and I'm a mess. Look at me, why would he want—"

"Hunter, you're not a mess. You're just drunk and-okay, right now, you're kind of a mess but Trevor doesn't care. He loves you and has been texting me for the last two hours to make sure you're okay and now he's expecting you to—"

"Yo, Jo!" Jordan let out a breath of relief as Trevor came running out of the house. He'd been in his sleepwear, sweatpants and no shirt.

"Dude, please help." Jordan was defeated, knowing Hunter would respond better to Trevor.

Trevor stopped outside of the car door, letting out a chuckle at the sight of Hunter. She was pouting, the white dress she left in stained, her mascara was still smeared, face covered in glitter.

"You auditioning for euphoria?" Trevor teased, kneeling down in front of her.

"Get me a blunt and I'll be—" she hiccuped, "set."

"You ready for bed, baby?" Trevor brushed her hair back from her face and she nodded. "Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?" His voice stayed soft, hands staying at the sides of her face.

"Cant walk. Jello legs." She poked at her thighs and he let out another laugh, this time at how she'd still been so cute even if she could barely form words.

Trevor got her out of the car, straddling her in his arms and her hands clasped around his neck. Her head burrowed into the space between his neck and shoulder. She was exhausted, could've fallen asleep from the short time it took to get into their bed.

She did fall asleep, actually, only waking up as Trevor had taken off her dress. He had one of his shirts in his hand, already having set her shoes aside. Hunter barely budged, eyes peaking open momentarily as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, sliding her arms into the sleeves of the t-shirt.

"Do you need anything?" He asked, leaned over her as he noticed her eyes opened.

"You." Trevor nodded, though he grabbed the water bottle from his nightstand and set it on hers. He turned on the fan, letting it blow in her direction as he knew she'd be hot when she woke. Finally, at her request, he got into the bed, bringing her into his chest.

"I hate this." Hunter groaned out, having been sat by the toilet for the last thirty minutes. "Why's it so blue?" She flushed it, head rested against the cold wall.

"Gross, what'd you drink?" Trevor asked from outside the bathroom, his stomach nearly as weak as hers was in the moment.

"I can't remember." She let out a long whine, "did I have pizza?"

"Courtney came in with a box so I'm assuming you-" the contents in her stomach came up again and Trevor gagged from the otherside of the door, doing his best not to vomit, himself.

"Sorry!" Hunter called out, finally getting herself able to sit up properly. "I couldn't get out a warning that time."

"It's fine, I'm just—god, that's disgusting." Trevor peaked his head in, immediately turning back the other way.

"What're you going to do when I'm pregnant and get morning sickness?"

"Not hold your hair." He retorted and she let out a weak laugh, forcing herself up to the sink as her stomach finally began to settle. She took out her toothbrush and got a good amount of toothpaste on it.

"How we doing in here?" Hunter scrubbed at her teeth, peaking out of the bathroom to see Jamie.

"Jimmy! Now you come?" Trevor muttered, "could've used your help a minute ago."

"I wasn't gonna hold her hair, man, that's your job." Jamie retorted, waving to Hunter who waved back to the best of her ability. "How's karma feeling?" Jamie smirked and her brows furrowed.

"Tarma?" She asked with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"You kissed my girlfriend."

"Woah, what?" Trevor asked, and Jamie nodded, glaring playfully at the girl in the bathroom.

"Yeah, Jo said she kissed Mya after hitting her with pizza." Hunter shrugged, unable to remember that happening. Trevor laughed, falling back onto the bed at the thought of it.

"You're just mad you didn't get to watch." She said after spitting out the toothpaste.

"I'm not Z nor am I mad." Jamie said with a small smile, "want breakfast?"

"Something that'll make me feel not like shit." She told him, earning a quick thumbs up and he left the room.

"Mya's the only person you kissed last night, right?" Trevor asked when he'd stopped laughing. Hunter thought back, but she couldn't remember anything past sharing a shot with an old man.

"Uh.. ask Jordan?" She answered and his eyes went wide, nodding unsurely. "I'm very sure that I didn't and if I did it was probably just Courtney."

"Im asking Jo." He said and she stuck her toothbrush into the holder, following him from the bedroom. "Jordan, did she kiss anyone last night?"

"Mya." Jordan answered from the couch, his attention on his phone as he texted who they all assumed was Quinn.

"Just Mya?"

"Um, yeah? Wait, there was this woman who kissed her but I think that was like her way of congratulating her." Jordan said, lifting his head to look back at Trevor who nodded.

"No guys?"

"God, no." Jordan answered, that seemed to ease Trevor's nerves. "Just Mya and that woman who I'm pretty sure was married herself."

"Okay." Trevor nodded, turning back to pull Hunter into his arms. "Good." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I kissed a milf?"

"Yeah! You kissed a milf!" Courtney exclaimed, opening her phone far too quickly. "See." She flashed the picture she took and Trevor's eyes went wide.

"Babe, I'm kinda jealous of you."

"I still got it."

authors note,
one more chapter after this :(

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