Chapter 21

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Had to rewrite because for some reason the entire chapter deleted :/

Warnings: None

~Vikk's P.O.V.~

As my bleary eyes adjust to the dim lighting of... wherever I am, the first thing I realize is that the mutant and mage for some odd reason decided to spare my life. In fact, not only did they spare it, but it appears they healed my wounds. How do I know that they saved me, and my wounds weren't healed from respawning? Well, as I carefully push myself into a sitting position, I glimpse the bandages wrapping around my larger wounds, and I feel the sharp bite of pain that originates from the zombie bite on my arm. Having just woken up however, I unintentionally neglect the significance of said bite.

Smacking my dry lips, I rub groggily at my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Seeing the enchanting table, potions lining the shelves on the walls, and other bits of magical items, I automatically assume I've been brought to the mages base. Why? I haven't a clue. But I certainly don't plan on sticking around to find out.

"I've gotta get out of here..." I mumble, shuffling off the bed I was placed on. "Before the mutant and the mag come back, and reconsider their choice of saving my life."

In reality, they couldn't really kill me, even if they wanted to. No gems other than shite or black can crush another white gem. However, that doesn't mean they can't lock me up and torture me or simply just kill me over and over again. And because I still haven't discovered what my supposed power is, it gives me all the more reason to pack up an go ASAP.

Now I'm not a thief, but only equipped with a few spare pieces of bread and literally nothing else, I make my way hastily over to the nearest chest and open it in search of a weapon, more food, and maybe some spare armor. Take only what you need. No need to give the mage another reason to potentially kill you. I remind myself, ignoring the appeal of a fancy set of diamond armor and tools, and instead settling for a set of iron armor, an iron sword, and half a stack of baked potatoes. I quickly toss the items into my inventory, shut the chest, and turn around to be on my way...

Only to come face to face with the mage.

I let out a yell of surprise, jumping nearly a foot in the air and falling back over the chest behind me. The mage steps back in surprise, and I scramble to my feet, drawing the iron sword I literally just stole and backing up against the wall as far as I psychically can.

"Woah, hey, hey! Clam down bro, I'm not going to hurt you." The mage says, holding his hands up and making a "calm down" sort of gesture. "We're on the same team!"
"The same team...? What are you-"

The rest of my sentence is lost as the mage flips his hand around to reveal an exact replica of the white gem I bear myself. I lower the sword slightly, the gears in my head spinning as I begin to piece everything together.

"So... that's why you saved me!" I exclaim, staring at the mage in disbelief. "You're one of the white gems too! But how did you know I was a white gem?"
"You see these white lines?" The mage asks, nodding at the line connecting our gems and the others that spread out in different directions. "I made them as kind of like a tracking device. They're showing us where the other white gems are."
"Oh I see." I say, mentally faceplaming for my stupidity. Then, another realization dawns on me. "That would explain why Kenny said you were so strong... and does that mean the mutant is a white gem too?"
"Indeed. His name is Preston, and judging by your attitude, I'm assuming you're not gonna be like the rest of your village and mock him. My name is Rob. And you are...?"
"My name is Vikk. I suppose I owe you an apology for taking your stuff. And also thanks for saving me back there."
"It's not a problem really, you'd do the same for me." Rob shrugs, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "So have you figured out your power yet? Preston is basically a lava creeper, and he can melt into a puddle of lava and reform and stuff. My power is that I have access to the two master classes of magic. They take up a lot of energy to use though."
I shake my head, "Nah. But that sounds pretty cool." I lament, subconsciously scratching at the bandage around my arm.

Rob nods in agreement, and he's about to say something else when suddenly there's the thudding of something racing down the stairs, and a healthy young wolf bounds into the room. Clamped between it's jaws is a black and gold satchel, which the wolf drops at Robs feet, before proceeding to bark wildly.

"Silver? What are you doing here, girl?" Rob mumbles, brow furrowing as he bends down and retrieves the satchel. 'Silver' yips again, spinning around in a circle. "Where's Preston?"

I watch on in confused silence as suddenly a look of terror flashes across Rob's face, and he quickly stands up, mouthing an 'oh no' and gripping the satchel tightly.

"Rob? Is something wrong?" I ask in concern, tilting my head slightly.
"He went in and triggered the security system!" Rob babbles, his eyes widening like snowballs.
"Who triggered the what now?"
"Vikk I'm so sorry, but I have to go. Preston is in danger. I'll be back soon, please make yourself at home!" Rob explains hastily.

Before I can even begin to speak the questions on my tongue, there's a bright flash, and Rob is gone in a puff of smoke. I slowly shut my jaw, my eyes drifting to the line that was connecting our gems, and seeing it grow rapidly dimmer.

"Okay then... I guess it's just us, Silver."

At the mention of her name, Silver tilts her head, studying me with curious but friendly eyes. Although the news that Preston is in danger worries me, I trust Rob has it under control, so knowing I can not do much to help I kneel down and beckon Silver over so I can get to know her better. Patting my lap, Silver yips and trots over, her bushy tail wagging as she sniffs my hand and proceeds to lick it relentlessly. I laugh, pulling it away.

"You're a cute little wolf." I compliment her, receiving a bark and another wag of the tail in response.

I wonder what it would be like to be a wolf. I ponder, running my fingers through her thick silky white fur. The world must look so different. And it must be weird walking on four legs. Although to a wolf, it must feel normal. Yknow, I wouldn't mind being a wolf for a day, if only to see what it feels like.

     Suddenly, an ebbing pain like I've never experienced jolts my entire body, and I let out an involuntary yell of agony. Silver jumps back in surprise, tilting her head curiously. Stumbling back, I fall onto my butt sending new waves of pain up my body that resound in my skull. I grab at my head, groaning and withering on the ground as I hear nauseating pops and crunches, and watch in horror as my body begins to twist. Bones snap and reform, and it feels like I'm dangling from my face as the skin is stretched and pulled and my nose and mouth flatten and elongate. A hot burning dances all over my skin, and I claw desperately at my body, trying to get the uncomfortable itch away, but it proves to do absolutely nothing and I watch in morbid fascination as white hair spurts from my skin. There's a weird pressure near my tailbone, and a sudden push causes me to yelp in pain, but strangely it comes out as more of a whine. And after my body's stops convulsing and shaking and pulsing, and after I calm down, I notice that strangely not only does the world seem larger but everything looks clearer and I can hear and smell the slightest of things.

     Shaking my head dizzily, I move over to where there's somewhat of a mirror resting against a wall, and my jaw hits the floor. White fur, a tail, a snout, four legs... I'm a wolf! I exclaim internally, turning in a slow circle and inspecting myself. Off to the side, Silver is staring blankly, clearly schooled and bewildered at the sight of a regular human being transforming into a wolf just like her. She takes a hesitant step back, unsure of how to respond. I attempt to speak, but all that comes out is a series of growls and barks and whines. This is so odd. I guess this is my power? Shape-shifting?

     I spend another minute checking myself out in the mirror, still in awe despite a lingering pain. Then focusing my willpower, I manage to go through the painstaking process of turning back into a human. Although half-expecting to be naked, seeing as my clothes just kinda vanished during my transformation into a wolf, I'm relieved to see that they appear upon my reforming. As the last of the pain fades away, I tap an inquisitive finger to my lips.

     "I think this calls for a bit of experimentation."


     Several minutes of trial an error later, and I think I've got a general idea of the limits and capabilities of my new power. First and foremost, trying to transform into any hostile mob is a no-no. Passive mobs, like sheep and horses and parrots are alright, but things like creepers result in an unbearable pain, like the very fibres of my being are ripping apart and being set aflame. The same thing goes for other people. I tried transforming into Kenny, and later Rob, and both times I was met with the agonizing pain I experienced trying to turn into a hostile mob. Neutral mobs are incredibly painful as well, but still bearable to a degree- which is why it must have hurt so much when I transformed into a wolf.

     Secondly, it seems the larger the difference is in volume between myself and the thing I am transforming into, the more it hurts. So for example, turning into a snow golem doesn't hurt that much at all, since they're about my size to begin with. But turning into something like a sword, or a horse, is a lot more painful because there's a big difference in size that my body has to adapt to. Although I really can't complain, as the sheer amount of things I can turn myself into is absolutely insane. As long as it's not a hostile mob or human, I can turn into it, and it doesn't matter wether it's living or non living either. I could turn into a cloud if I wanted to! All in all, a smile spreads across my face at this oddly satisfying power I've been given.

     "Man, all this experimenting has made me hungry." I say to no one in particular, seeing as Silver, who was greatly disturbed at my frequent morphing, ran off somewhere with her tail between her legs. "I wonder what Rob's got for food around here. I'm feeling kinda dizzy."

     Shuffling away, I go and rummage through a chest, before realizing I still have a half a stack of baked potatoes in my inventory, along with his other stolen goods. Man I must really be groggy from all that. I forgot all about Robs stuff. I think, returning the armor and sword, along with a majority of the potatoes. But then, closing the chest, I go and sit down on a chair, and being munching at a potato. I wince as another sharp pain shoots up my arm, which for some reason is still bothering me. But I don't pay too much attention too it, which in hindsight, is a bad mistake.

     Because only a few minutes later, and I'm out cold on the floor.

Question of the chapter:

Why did Vikk black out?



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