Chapter 22

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I'll be changing up the order of the P.O.V.'s very slightly for the sake of the plot (So now, instead of Rob, Preston, Vikk, Jerome, Mitch, Lahclan, it's Rob, Preston, Vikk, Lachlan, Jerome, Mitch)

Also, for ??? P.O.V.'s, I'll simply be referring to them as 'unknown' from now on

~Unknown P.O.V.~

"Master, there have been reports of a third white gem, spotted in the ravine near the Power's kingdom. The creepers actually believe the individual to be Prince Lachlan himself."
A long sigh. "Of course Notch converted more than two. Keep an eye on him-have some of the spiders track him. Until the other two are dealt with, I don't want to head of any trouble from him. Speaking of which, how did the... Talk with Seto go? Well I trust?"
"Very good. When will the plan proceed?"
"If all goes well, the two white gems, Seto, and any comrades will be eradicated today."

Warnings: Sad, mentions of death

     ~Lachlan's P.O.V.~

       It may not be flight, or something cool like control of the weather, but I'm actually relatively content with my power. I've classified it as elasticity, which lets any part my body stretch, bend, or twist to impossible feats, like a rubber band. At first, the sensation was weird; almost uncomfortable. It felt like every fibre of my being was being squeezed and stretched, to the point is breaking. But gradually, as I experimented with just how far my powers extended, no pun intended, I got used to the tension. Now I'm actually having quite a bit of fun with it, making my arms like noodles, bending like a ventriloquist, turning my head 360 degrees, and stuff like that. But in the midst of tying my legs into a pretzel, I realize that I should probably get going before the world ends. I have absolutely no supplies or food, and no where to go. It's just me, myself, and I... For now.

        "Well then, I guess I'd better start making my way to the other guys. Or girls." I decide, standing up and stretching, sighing in pleasure as my back cracks and pops easily. "Two of them seem to be off in that direction, so hopefully they'll have some food and items to share. So that's where I'll head now. And maybe I'll do some hunting on the way... A little foraging, maybe a couple fist fights with some mobs... Yeah that sounds good."

        Nodding several times to myself, I shake out my limbs, and take a glance at my gem to see where the strings of light are leading me. There's a momentary depression as I conclude that no one seems to be making their way towards me. In fact, they seem to be moving away. But I quickly dispel the thought, shaking my head and turning to face the right direction. Taking a breakfast glance at the bright sun to estimate the remaining hours of daylight, I let out a long and determined breath, adjust the crown on my head, and march away.


After several hours of walking on foot, traversing through a couple different biomes, and only stopping to hunt for food, I find myself weaving my way through a thick jungle biome. Tall blades of grass catch on my feet an ankles, and I end up tripping way more often than I'd like. But this biome is huge, and skirting around it would take way too long. The ribbons of light are leading me through it, so that's where I'll go. By no means does it make it any easier, though. And plus, there's this one spider that seems to be following me around, sneaking by in the shadows, and only ever visible from the corner of my eye. I shiver uneasily, feeling a set of eight eyes piercing into my back. But it's day time, so it should have no reason to attack, right?

"Oh thank Notch, a clearing." I gasp in relief, as I look up to see the trees thinning, and the sun shining brighter.

Making one final push, and breaking through a web of vines, and stumble into the clearing. I'm lead to believe this is the thriving jungle kingdom or village King Sky rules over. I may have been a rebellious child, but I picked up the basics in terms of Kingston territories and such. And this seems like the correct location based on my knowledge. And so, it's not a surprise I'm expecting to see a bustling village, alight with noise, swarming with people, set tall against the bright blue sky. But what I'm met with steals the words from my mouth.

       "What... Happened?"

        Once obviously a powerful domain, the village is no more than ruins; remnants of buildings and houses scattered over the ground. Having overheard talk of an unusually large siege of white-eyes mobs that passed by this area, it's safe to assume, that this was their work. But that's not the unsettling part. The thing that really makes the hair prick up on the back of my neck is that the fact this place is a ghost town. Not a single living soul roams the barren streets. No one has respawned. Granted, some may have been killed in a most unfortunate way, resulting in a longer spawning time, but surely not everyone? There's got to be at least one or two people who bled to death-and generally the rate of respawning for that is only one or two days, maybe less.

        A glint of something shiny catches my eyes, and I push the objective of travelling to the side, instead deciding to a little investigation. Maybe a little scavenging. I could use some better equipment, seeing as I'm only armed with a simple wooden sword, and a few measly pieces of raw beef. Approaching cautiously, I bend down and scoop up a purple shard of a... Gem? My eyes widen as I follow the trail of shards, as they lead to where the body of a woman is slumped against something that used to resemble a wall. My eyes widen. Her gem... It's broken? But how?! Mobs wouldn't purposely target a gem unless... Unless directed otherwise. And suddenly, realization smacks me in the face. The mobs. The ones with white eyes. They're under the control of that Herobrine guy! Oh man... This is bad.

        I frown, setting the piece of gem back down, and spinning around in a slow circle. Everywhere I look, bodies are scattered, all with shattered gems. It seems there's nothing I can do for them now. Dang. If only I was a little quicker, I could've helped them. Well... I guess at least now I can take stuff without feeling guilty. I reason, sighing. My eyes automatically shift towards the castle, still partially standing. If there's going to be anything left untouched or not burnt, it's in there.


Having a sword pressed against your neck is exactly as terrifying as you'd think. My body jerks to a stop, and I eye the diamond blade uneasily, not daring to do much more than breathe. Panic threatens to override my thoughts as I hear pairs of footsteps approach from behind to accompany whoever is holding this blade to my neck. I contemplate using my powers to get out, but decide I'll only use them as a last resort. For now, they haven't seen my gem, and I don't really want them too either. I sneakily shove my hand into my pocket.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here." A menacing voice spits out, uncomfortably close to my ear.

In a regular scenario, I'd be severely intimidated. But hearing that all to familiar voice, my eyes light up with shock and wonder.

"Adam? Is that you?"

I hear a sharp intake of breath from behind me, and the razor sharp sword lowers slightly. I'd know that voice anywhere. And by using his real name, that only a select few know about, Sky is understandably hesitant to slit my throat.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?"
"Well, if you could remove your sword from my neck, I'd be able to turn around and show you."

The sword immediately lowers, and I turn, smiling brightly as Sky's jaw gapes open, peering over the tops of his sunglasses with brilliant golden eyes. I also see none other than Jason and Ty, standing off to the side, with equally dumbfounded expressions.

"Prince Lachlan? What are you doing here?" He babbles, tucking away his sword.
"Or a better question, is how are you three alive? This place is a mess!" I retort, trying to divert the attention away from my presence.
He frowns, black sunglasses gleaming. "Trust me, I know. As you know, I was at the banquet held in your kingdom. When I returned here, I found my kingdom in ruins, all expect for my castle. Reinforced with obsidian, it's still partially intact. I was hear token to find many of my dearest friends and family slain, but was even more confused as to why and how they weren't respawning. When I came here to investigate, I found Ty and Jason here, hiding out in the castle. They explained to me all about the wave of mobs. Thankfully, since they were out on a squid hunting mission, they got back just as the siege ended, and the mobs were leaving. But they were here long enough to see a lot of it."

Ty and Jason nod, their lips seemingly glued together. I nod in understanding, expressing my sympathy. They'll most likely be out of it for a few more days, as they try to get over witnessing the deaths of their friends.

"But what really gets me is that they said the mobs would purposely target gems, and shatter them. No ones ever witnessed them behave like this ever before." He mumbles, brows furrowing.

I perk up at this, realizing that my assumptions were correct. Well... I guess they deserve to I so what's happening. And if I'm ever going to reveal my new identity, now is my chance.

Who knows... Maybe they'll be able to help me.

Question of the chapter:


Hint: There's a fight coming up soon, within a chapter or two... And MANY characters including Lachlan are going to be playing s role in it ;)

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