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Warnings: Blood

     ~3rd P.O.V.~







     The marvellous polished oak door swung open with such force, the hinges unlatched from under the pressure, and the door fell to the ground with a loud thud. The thud of the broken door echoed off the walls, all the way from the end of the room where it fell, to the other side, where a bald man stood. Stroking his black beard, white gem shimmering magically on his hand, Notch eyed down the figure striding out from the cloud of dust. First a foot, then the rest of destruction itself came out into the open, empty white eyes gleaming just as dangerously as the black gem on his hand.

     "Herobrine." Notch addressed, lowering his hand and standing at his full height, red cape flowing behind him. "You dare come here, enter my domain, when you bear a black gem?"
     "You know very well why I came here." Herobrine sneered, a menacing scowl spreading across his face. "Give me the power of the white stone, or I will take it myself."

     Notch, looking at Herobrine with a judgemental eye, stepped down from his raised podium, until he became eye level with Herobrine.

     "I have killed every black gem that dare show themselves for the past century. Entity303, Dreadlord, Null, all of them. What makes you think you can do better than them?"
     "Because for this fight specifically... I've managed to hire a little... Temporary help."

     Herobrine grinned slyly, snapping his fingers. From the broken doorway, stepped out three new figures, slightly transparent but still distinguishable. A figure completely concealed by a wispy white cloak, save for its eyes, which shone like red beacons in the dead of night. A grim reaper styled figure, with a ripped purple cloak, and a skeletal body. And finally, a pitch black figure. No face, no details, no anything. Notch gasped, recognizing these three figures. They did not have gems, but he knew them by heart. They were once all black gems, that by all means should have been dead. Entity303, Dreadlord, and Null.

"I managed to reincarnate your three greatest foes... And after I beat you and steal your stone... They will disappear, for they will be of no use to me. Not that it matters to you anyway, because you're about to die."

And in a snap, the chaos begun. There was nothing Notch could do. One black gem was fine. Two was quite dangerous. But four...?

Kicks, explosions, slashes, punches, mobs, anything and everything you could imagine pelted Notch, who was unable to defend himself against the onslaught. Even a chicken hit him at one point! That was just plain insulting. But after what seemed like hours of endless torture, Notch lay sprawled out on the ground. Bruises, cuts, and burns littering his entire body, broken bones and internal bleeding destroying his insides. Blood spilled from the wounds, caking the ground and his clothing in his blood. He barley had enough strength to lift his head, and watch Herobrine stroll over to his broken form, not a scratch on him. He kicked Notch firmly in the stomach, causing him to cough up more blood. He snickered at that, planting a firm foot over Notchs hand, over his gem.

"Any last words...?" Herobrine seethed, pressing harder on the gem.
"...d...del... Delta six."

And with that, Notch let his head fall back, and shut his eyes tightly. Herobrine, confused at the words, raised an eyebrow. But then brushing it off, he smiled maniacally and pushed down hard, shattering the gem underneath his foot, and finishing Notch once and for all. With a sound like glass shattering, hundreds of tiny gem shards scattered across the floor. But the instant Herobrine didn't feel the surge of power he was supposed to get after killing Notch, he knew something was wrong.

Stepping back, he furrowed his brow as he stooped down, and picked up a shard of Notchs gem. It was green. Rage boiling inside him, he cried in fury, crushing the shard of gem in his palm, throwing the small pieces as hard as he could against the ground.

"CURSE YOU NOTCH!!!" He screeched, white mist spilling from his eyes in pure rage.

After displaying his hatred by wreaking havoc on the throne room, Herobrine then stormed out of the castle, absentmindedly destroying things in his wake. No matter, Notch is gone either way. Even if I do not hold his powers, now nothing in this world exists that could have a chance of stoping me. This world WILL be mine!


     In the meantime, unbeknownst to Herobrine, in six different locations across the land, six gemstone began to change colour. Two purple, one gold, one green, one blue, and one red...

All turn white.

Question of the chapter:

Who's hyped for yet another book :D?

Edited 08/27/19

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