17: We're just friends

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(The picture above doesn't matter I just like it!)

This is my Theyna date


Word count- 462

Thalia pov-

I'm nervous, scratch that, I'm terrified. I just asked my best friend to go on a date with me and she said yes! Maybe I could just back out now...

"Thalia! Are you ready?" Piper yelled from the other room.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!" I was wearing what I usually wear.

I finished putting on my shoes and walked out to see the most beautiful mortal woman in existence.

Reyna was wearing her usual camp shirt and black legging, her hair was in a braid on her shoulder as always, but gods she was beautiful.

"Y-you look beautiful Rey-Rey." I cursed myself, why can't you act all cool brain?!?

She laughed quietly,

Her laugh is adorable I thought to myself.

"I'm just wearing what I usually do." She said with a smile.

I regained some of my confidence and replied with,

"Who said I didn't think you are gorgeous all the time?"

That got her blushing.

I took her hand and started pulling her while running.

She yelped but quickly started running herself.

I had layed out a blanket in the middle of the quidditch pitch, and brought some crisps.

When we made it we layed down and stared at the stars, I was pointing out constellations.

"That one right there, you see? I new her. Her name was Zoë Nightshade and she is forever in the stars." I started to cry a little as I spoke about her.

"Are you ok Thalia? Hey, it's ok, she's happy now." Reyna calmed me down.

"T-thank you Ra-Ra" I said, drying my tears from my face.

We stared at eachother in silence for a minute before quickly breaking our accidental staring contest.

"I-it's getting cold, we should probably head back inside." Reyna stuttered.

"You're right."

We walked back into the castle in silence, not the so awkward I want to die in a pit silence, but the this is very calm and peaceful quiet

When we finally made it back only Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were the only people in the room.

"Hey guys, why are you back so soon?" Ginny asked.

"We got cold." Reyna replied.

We spent the rest of the night talking about our night, having a dance party, building a pillow fort, and gossiping.


I'm sorry for the short chapter! I'm tired and had no inspiration. :/

I hope the next chapters are better

*there is swear warnings on any chapter that might have some, though I didn't have any before, for Ramadan!*

Have an amazing rest of your day/night my fellow demigods, satyrs, naiads, dryads, and clearsighteds!

Love y'all,

Beep out! ❤️

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