18: Never Getting Back Together

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Before you read, tell me what you think is going to happen here.


Word count- 367

Hermione pov-

"Hermione, are you okay? You don't have to go if you don't want to." Piper said while rubbing my back.

"Yeah I'm ok, I'll be quick." I got up and went to the bathroom to change, I'm going to be wearing a simple long sleeve, navy blue shirt with gray jeans and black flats. I brush my hair out and grab my scarf.

"Are you ready Mione?" Annabeth asked.

"Yep, let's go."

Annabeth and I walked down to Hogsmeade with our arms linked together. When I saw Ron and his glare I quickly let go and mumbled a quick "bye" before walking over to him.

"Why were you walking with the death eater?" Ron demands.

"Because she is my friend, just like the rest of the exchange students. For you information, they are not deatheaters!" By the time I finished, I was yelling and the other people in hogsmeade were looking at me like an insane person, which according to Ronald, I was.

"Whatever, let's just go. I don't want to be seen out here with a crazy chick." Ron grabbed my wrist really hard and started dragging me along.

"Hey! Let me go Ronald!" I struggled against his grasp trying to escape him but he kept a good grip.

Once we got to the three broomsticks Ron let go and I started running back to the school.

"Where are you going Hermione?!" Ron yelled while running after me.

I stopped and waited for Ron to get a little closer before saying.

"We. Are. Done." I walked all the way back to the castle while Ron just sat there, dumbfounded.

I was happy that my relationship with the devil was over. Though I was happy, I still cried a river as I sat down on the sofa in front of the fire.

The rest of the girls slowly trickled in. Ginny and Luna first, followed by Annabeth, Piper, Calypso, Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel.

We were talking about our nights when it got to me.

"So how was your night Hermione?"

"I broke up with Ronald."


Love y'all,

Beep out! ❤️

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