2: Leo

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You won't have any cliffhangers this chapter I swear.


Word count- 651


"This sucks." I said while kicking the ground.

"Calm down Leo, it may be nice to go somewhere new" Calypso said while grabbing my arm lightly.

"We still have to go protect this 'Harry Potter' and make sure he doesn't die, how is that nice?" I exclaimed.

"We'll be fine, besides how bad could this possibly be?" Said Calypso calmly, "Now, lets go pack."

Will pov-

On my way back to the cabin, I spotted Nico running towards me so I slowed down while he caught up.

"Hey neeks, what's up?" I asked casually.

He mumbled something under his breath
"What? I didn't here you" I said, confused.

"Can you please help me pack, I would ask Hazel but she is with Frank and I didn't want to be rude." He looked embarrassed.

"Sure, just give me a sec while I go grab my stuff."

"Alright" he muttered.

Nico pov-

I grabbed the bag Will had helped me pack the previous day and ran outside. I went to the dining pavilion and saw the son of Apollo I've grown to like so much.

"Hey Will!" I called.

"Oh hi Nico!" He yelled back.

We stood there staring at each other, deep in though.

"Oy, lovebirds! Time to go!" The annoying kid named Percy yelled.

"Shut up Percy!" We yelled one unison.

"Whateve. Just hurry up, we have to go in like, one minute."
We grabbed our bags and ran frantically to the top of half blood hill where everyone but Leo and Calypso were.
"Where's Leo and calypso?" I asked, confused
"Right here." said a very out of breath Calypso.

"Hello young heroes, I will teleport you to the leaky cauldron where you will stay until September 1st, goodbye."

And then we were gone.


When we landed I thought I was going to throw up.

"I am never doing that again!" I yelled.

"Are you the ES's?" A tall man asked
"Yes we are" Annabeth said.

"Well then, follow me" he said and started to walk upstairs
"These are your rooms!" He said "Boys on the left, girls on the right." And with that, he left.

Harry pov-

"Come on now, just aparate to kings cross, you'll be fine." Said Hermione to Ron.

"Fine" he said reluctantly.

We aparated to the station and imediatly saw a group of eleven super model looking people all arguing in different languages. I noticed a tall boy that looked like me with sea green eyes, and tanner. Next to him is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen- with a blond ponytail, tan skin, swirling gray eyes, and a bright orange shirt. On the opposite of her, I saw an elvish Latino boy holding hands with a sandy haired girl with a braid. Across from them, there was a boy that could have been an Asian football player with his arm around a girl with cinnamon colored hair and black skin, her eyes seemed to be gold but I couldn't tell. Next to them, in an intense argument was a boy with cropped blond hair, glasses, and a purple shirt, and a girl with choppy brown hair with braids and feathers, an orange shirt, and eyes that I could not focus on. Then I spotted a girl with a dark brown braid with a purple shirt and cape. Talking to her was a girl with short black hair, electric blue eyes and highlights, with a leather jacket. Sitting on the ground right outside the group was a boy with blond hair, bright blue eyes (though not as bright as the boy with glasses or the girl in the leather jacket) and a boy with pale skin, black hair, and onyx eyes. I will have that blond girl, how would she resist the boy who lived? I thought to myself.


Love y'all,

JJ out!❤️🌺

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