In The Case Of Your Uncle Picking You Up From School, Panic, Then Act Sassy

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Percy POV

I stare at the clock, waiting for school to be released. It's been two days after Tony passed out from blood loss and I have been spending an hour a day with him before I start my homework, or honestly do anything.

"Percy?" Paul calls from the front of the class.

"Yes?" I ask and turn my head to him instead of the clock.

"May I speak with you outside?" He asks getting out of his seat.

"Yeah." I respond as we leave the classroom and he closes the door.

"Percy, I know that you are worried for Tony, but I don't want your academics falling because of it. Your friends are worrying for you, they have asked me what's up and I just tell them to ask you."

"I know I know, I'm just worried about him." I reply, a tear forming in my eye.

"Hey, don't worry about him right now, he will wake up, I swear." He says to me and puts both hands on my shoulders.

"Alright," I say and wipe the tear away from my eye and walk back into the classroom for the few minutes.

My phone buzzes in my lap with a text, Paul let's us have our phones out for the last half hour, and I look at it and see it was from Annabeth.

"What's wrong?" She texted me.

"You know Leo and the Hephestus cabin haven't managed to make monster proof phones right? So you texting me like this isn't risky at all." I text back

"Percy what's wrong?"



"I said nothing annabeth!" I text back and shoot her a glare across the classroom.

She shrugs and puts her phone away as we start paying attention to the lessons when out the corner of my eye I see out the window and notice a tall, strawberry-blonde woman in a pencil skirt and white blazer get out of a car. I grin a little, it was Pepper, probably here to pick me up.

The bell rings and I sling my bag over my shoulder as I see Pepper enter the building as Annabeth approaches me.

"Ok Percy, what's wrong? I haven't seen you this upset since, never." She says and gives me a hug.

I hug her back a little, "Annabeth, I'm fine, I promise you."

"Are you sure?" She asks me with a stern look on her face.

"I solemnly swear." I promise her.

"That I am up to no good?" She completes the phrase with her arms folded, "You better not mean that."

"I promise you, things are great."

"And about to get better." Pepper says, coming up behind me, "May I please talk to this young man for a second?" She asks Annabeth.

"Of course." She says, "I will hold the race for you, cya."

"Thanks Annabeth!" I call after her.

I turn to the redhead and smile, "Hey Pepper, are you hear to pick me up?"

She shakes her head, "No, I just wanted to tell you, you know that 'hall race' you do every day?" She asks and I nod, "Well, you might just want to run a little faster today." And she just winks and walks off.

I stand there confused for a few seconds, then shrug it off and run to the starting line for the race, and actually see a crowd of people standing outside, surprising that they were there. We never have crowds.

I grin and keep running and shout, "Three Two One Go!" And bolt off as the others Laugh and follow suit while we dodge people to get to the finish line. Soon I get lost in the sea of people, and can't see the faces of Leo, Frank, or Jason.

The sea of people thins out and I turn to find them and start jogging backward as they stare in my direction.

"What? Got something in my tee-" I say until I bump straight into someone behind me and almost knock them down as I turn and grab their hand and all I see is a pair of sunglasses, a mustache, and a silly, idiotic grin as he pulls me down with him. *

I groan on the ground and he groans too, "Hey." I say while sitting up and I help him up as he grins.

"Hey Percy, " Tony says and we both grin and hold a staring contest, then I shove his head away with my hand.

"Oh what was that for?" He laughs and I grin as Jason, Leo, Frank, Piper, Hazel, and Annabeth come over.

"Percy, you know Tony Stark?" Leo gasps, his mouth hanging halfway open.

"Your gonna eat flies Leo, close your trap." I say and Leo stops staring and I look at Tony

"What are you doing here?" I ask him with my arms folded.

He grins and I know he is up to something, "Well, I am just here to see you! And also, ya know, give you a ride back." He grins and points at the car Pepper was in and I see her and Happy inside chatting.

"Thanks, but I can get home myself." I say whole the others stare at me.

"Or are you sure?" He says while grinning like a idiot.

"No, carry me." I say sarcastically.

He sighs while grinning, "Ok then!" And he grabs me by the waist and picks me up and I stare dumbfounded.

"Really!?" I shout and sigh as he carries me to the car.

"Well, talk to you guys later!" I say to my friends and wave as they still stare, not knowing what was going on.


Tony drops me in the car and he sits down next to me in the back as Happy starts driving off, and we stare at each other for a few seconds, then burst out laughing.

"Did you see their faces? Priceless!" I gasp and Tony snickers,

"Yup, la de da I'm just gonna pick you up and lug you to my car. Yay!" He says sarcastically and Pepper turns to us from the front passengers seat.

"You guys can be so cruel sometimes." She mock nags and we stop and sit up straight.

I give her a fake salute, "Yes Ma'am, Captain, Ma'am!" And Tony shrugs.

"No idea where this kid gets it from." And we all laugh. As we drive to stark tower.

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