Nah, My Leg Is Just Punctured, But Otherwise Im Fine!

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Tony POV

I help Percy up and we start walking to the landing quinnjet when I notice out of the corner of my eye the top half of a ice banshee / ice spirit holding a spike and aiming at Percy.

Thinking quickly (and idiotically) I turn abruptly and stand in front of Percy when she lunges and punctures my leg and I let out a cry of pain and drop to the ground.

"Tony!" I hear Percy cry out as he severs the spirit's head and drops down next to me.

"What did you do that for you idiot!" He scolds me, but I hear the care in his voice.

I groan and give a small grin, "You're welcome, and I've had worse, you know what it feels like to fall out of a portal?"

"You know what it feels like to fall out of an arch and painfully hit the cold water when your even younger than that?"

"But you're immune to water damage, I'm not immune to portal-fall damage."

"Yeah but it was still traumatic."

"So you don't think that it's traumatic to fight an army of Chitauri?"

"So you don't think that it's traumatic to fight an army of Greek monsters led by a Titan in one of my friends almost-dead body?"

"So you don't think that it's traumatic to fight an army of robots you made led by an evil robot that you also made?"

"So you don't think that it's traumatic to fight an army of Greek monsters along with Giants, along with a evil primordial, along with the Roman Camp for a little amount of time?"

"So you don't-" I lead off until I feel a thump, and I realize Percy had kept me distracted long enough for them to get me onto a cot and onto the jet.

"Stop comparing battle scars you two, and plus, don't you think that it's traumatic that you fell asleep in one time and woke up in another, knowing almost nobody?"

Percy makes a pfft noise and scoffs, "No offense Uncle Popsicle, but two of my best friends have already done that."

I grin at the nickname of Uncle Popsicle, he had first called him that after I called him a capsicle when he was 13, when he was first introduced to the avengers.

"Hey guys, I'm getting kinda tired." I mention and Percy shakes his head and just now takes off his helmet.

"We need you to stay conscious until we get back to the tower." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder, "Hang in there Tony."

I shake my head quickly, "Guys I think I'm gonna fall asleep..." I trail off as a few dark spots start clouding my vision and my friends' voice's start fading.

"Tony? Tony!" I could hear Steve and Percy calling my name as the blackness overtakes my vision and I fade into the dark.


A bright white light (lol hey that rhymes) is shined in my eyes when I first regain consciousness.

I try to sit up but I immediately get lightly pushed back down by someone, and I have to squint to see who it was.

"Hey Steve," I quietly drawl out and give a grin and try to sit back up but he firmly holds me in place.

"Hey yourself Tony, you can't get out of bed, doctors orders." He replies orderly, but still with that caring, marshmallow like tone he always has.

"What doctors' orders?" I let out and try to sit up but he still blocks me from sitting up,

"Bruce's." he replies with a slight smug tone.

"Fine." I mumble and lie back down.

"What time is it?" I ask him.

"Two, on a Friday, it's been two days you had been in an unconscious state."

"Two days? How is Sally? How is Percy? Paul?" I start questioning about my sister and her family.

"Percy has been depressed ever since you passed out from blood loss, and even more so after it passed the one day mark, Sally has been a bit better, but she has been less focused on her work, mind wandering, and Paul feels the same way, they were all worried about you Tony, we all were." He sums up and puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"Glad to have you back." ( just saying, this is not Stony, this is just Steve being kind and being a marshmallow. And just saying, ten votes and I will post my picture of a marshmallow as Steve on the next chapter.)

"Glad to be back." I reply, "Hey um," I make a clicking noise with my tongue, "can you get me a water bottle? I'm kinda parched." I ask him.

"Sure, but stay here, I'll be back in a second." He says and walks to the door.

I grin, "Even though you can beat Sam in a race you can't beat a clock!" I call after him.

After I see him leave I look and throw the bedsheets off and walk out of the room and head to the elevator and press the button.

A few agonizing seconds later the elevator arrives and I head up to the bedroom suites and see Clint and Nat chatting away and I hide next to the button panel in the elevator.

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S.?" I quietly call out.

"Yes sir?" The AI replies.

"Hey uh, can you announce that Clint and Nat are needed by Steve in his room, then can you lock them in?"

"Are you sure that is wise, sir?" He questions me.

"Jarvis, I'm smart, brilliantly smart, but one thing is, I lack common sense, so, yes."

"As you wish, sir."

"Miss Romanoff, Mister Barton, your presence is requested in Captain Rodger's living quarters." He lies.

"Thank you Jarvis, we will be on our way," Nat replies as the two of them go chatting off into his room, and I hear the twist and lock of the door once they enter, and their howling complaints.

I grin and jog off to my suite and quickly change into a suit and tie and enter the elevator again, "Jarvis, let them out before they kick down the door."

"I'm sorry sir, but I cannot, that is just a byproduct of the idiotic decision you made."

"Sometimes I hate you Jar."

"I believe a 'fatherly figure' is what that would be called, a clear, 'love and hate relationship'." He smugly responds as we start nearing the lower floors.

"Jarvis also have the security clear the paparazzi and get the limo ready to go to Lockwood school."

"Going for a surprise visit for Percy, I assume?"


"Then I will at once."

I grin, this is gonna be fun.

Woo 1000+ words excluding this in the whole chap! Woo!

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