The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway, Can't Say The Same For Tony

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Percy POV

"Tony!" I scream when we are about fifty feet in the air.

He grins under the mask, "What? Am I not allowed to pick my nephew up from school?"

I frown and bite the side of my cheek, "Not literally!"

He laughs and rolls and somehow I'm now sitting on his back, "Don't worry, were gonna be back soon."

"How soon? You know I hate heights, don't want Thunderpants to blast me out of the air." I mutter into his ear and wait for the boom of thunder, but I guess I kept it quiet enough, and I relax.

"Now, that's how soon." He says smirking as he lands on the landing pad and I practically fall off kissing the ground.

"Tony, why does the ground taste like alcohol?" I ask him and look at him questionably.

"Thor drinks, Thor is from Asgard, in Asgard they smash drinks, connect the dots Percy." He says as he helps me off the ground.

"Thanks, so, where's everyone else?" I ask him.

"Out battling a few rouge ice spirits from Joütunhiem and I came to grab you."

"What!" I shriek at him, "You didn't tell me this sooner?"

"I'm sorry, you were too busy freaking out about flying! Go suit up!" He says and I roll my eyes and I pass Mom covering the coms and cams of the fight.

She turns and tosses me a duffel and I enter the elevator and change into my super suit.

Oh, by the way, I'm Ripcurrent, and yes, I'm an Avenger.

(For the record, Percy's suit is a silver-blue-teal version of Go-Go's suit from Big Hero Six, just because I feel like he would kick arse in it XD)

I rollerblade from roof to roof keeping up with Tony's flying speed as we talk over the coms.

"Where are they?" I ask him.

"Not much farther ahead!" He responds as I feel a cold wind throw me back as I see a spirit fly up over and shriek at me.

"Yeah I can see Tony!" I reply snarkily and start spinning on one skate and take off the other and fling it at her, the celestial bronze structure putting a nasty gash on her stomach and she shrikes again, and I use the magnetic field and call the wheel back and it attaches back to my foot and I start speeding at her.

I launch off of the roof and hit her in the face with the disk attached to my wrist, sort of in the way Steve would. He actually came up with the disks as wheels idea, then Tony actually made the suit.

I land and tuck and roll as I see Steve, Natasha, and Clint handling some more of the spirits, Bruce had stayed back to help Mom and Paul at HQ, and I think Thor was actually on Jountihiem.

I slide off the discs conected to my wrist and chuck the two at a spirit and she turns and wails at me.

"Nice of you to drop in!" Clint says smirking while he kicks away a spirit and comes back around to hit it with his bow/staff/stick.

"I figured you could have used my awesomeness." I reply grinning.

"Sorry, but the team has enough awesome as it is with me here," Clint replies.

"Well actually-" I start as Nat interrupts.

"Hey boys, might want to stop talking and start kicking ass?" She offers and she runs at a spirit and shoots it in the leg then drags it down and forces its head to hit the concrete.

"I'm gonna half to agree with Nat this time." Steve buts in while shielding himself from a blast of ice then attacking.

"You always agree with Nat." Tony retorts while blasting a spirit and she disintegrates into vapor.

"How could she not? She would kill him in his sleep, or worse, prank him." Clint joked and gave a fake shudder.

I laughed and just had swatted away another spirit when I saw one of them aiming their ice at Tony.

"Tony Ten'a'clock!" I shout as he turns and the banshee launches the ice off as I throw a disk.

The disk hits her, but the ice hits the Arc reactor in the suit and breaks the outer shell and it cracks the reactor.

"Shit." I just hear Tony mutter as he stars plummeting out of the air, only one of his boots still sputtering to stay on.

"Tony!" I yell and launch myself into the air and ram into his side so he lands in the water fountain nearby and strain to make the water into a seal so he lands without the H2O getting into his suit.

I land harshly on my side and groan as Clint runs over to cover me.

"You two ok?" Cap calls as he busts the skull of the last spirit and it dissolves into vapor, pretty much Norse has vapor while Greek and Roman have gold dust.

"Side is on fire, I'll live." I groan as Clint helps me up.

"And I'm pretty sure they broke my suit." Tony says getting up and out of his suit.

"Man, all it feels like today is that I'm just getting helped up from falling over." I chuckle.

"Hey, at least your being helped up by the Avengers, feel lucky." Nat says smirking

Over the intercom my mom buts in, "I'm coming over in the quinjet, prep for pick up." She says.

"Thanks mom," I start,

"And Percy, I brought cookies." She says and gives a small laugh.

I give a holler, "Yes!"

Tony comes over and starts walking me to the now-landing quinjet as he suddenly makes a sharp turn and he shouts out in pain.

I look over and see a ice spike protruding from his leg and the severed top half of a banshee wielding the spike as I cry out as well and slam my foot wheel down onto her neck and sever her head from her body as she evaporates and Tony and I drop to the floor.

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