Chapter 1: Into a Demon world

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Date: July 29th, 1969

Location: Various areas in South Vietnam 

The war in the Vietnam had now been ragging for more then 4 years and American forces were hurt a lot from it. However with the public back in the us protesting against the foreign conflict only meant that American forces would have to withdraw sooner or later. However among the American forces still in Vietnam some were wanting to stay and keep fighting. They however weren't in a position to chose what they wanted and a great many of the forces wanted to go back. 

With James, Matthew, and Howard...

The small group of three Marines were patrolling nearby one of the bases looking for any North Vietnam soldiers that were trying to sneak up onto the base. Of course they volunteered for the job as no one else would do it. 

"I am getting tired of this place." Matthew complained as carried his M60 over his shoulder. "I want to be back home playing poker."

"Well we all cant get what we want Corporal." James replied as he cut down another big leaf with a machete. "But with any luck we will be out here in no time, and we can go home after our tour here."

"Now that would be nice, to leave this terrible place and never come back." Matthew sighed as he took a glance at the blue sky.

"I don't know, I kind of want to stay here." Howard said. "My parents wouldn't be happy if they found out I ran away from home to join the Marines."

"You ran away to join?!" Matthew exclaimed. "Why?"

"I didn't exactly have the best parents in my life, they were really harsh." Howard explained. "When I was old enough I joined the corps to get away from my parents."

"Man, I couldn't think of doing something like that." Matthew said. "I think if your parents were harsh on you, you would run away from them." 

"Yeah, I'm surprised that James didn't tell you earlier." Howard said. "I told him a while ago."

"Well you told me not to say it to anyone else and I have." James replied. "I can keep secrets you know." 

"Huh, well I was encouraged from my dad to join the Marines." Matthew said. "After some of the stories he told me about the second world war, I was inspired to join." 

"What's your reason for joining Sargent?" Howard asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it." James replied and suddenly the group came across a small opening with a odd pentagram in the center.

(Looks something like this.)

"What the hell is this?" Matthew asked as he looked over it. "Something for demonic stuff?"

"I don't know, maybe the Vietcong had something to do with it." Howard suggested.

"I don't think the Vietcong had anything to do with this." James said as he examined the odd circle. However Matthew then got curious and slightly cut one of his fingers with his knife and let a drop of blood hit one of the circle lines. At first nothing happened, but then circle started to glow blood red as Matthew bandaged up his cut. The 3 Marines were shocked when the circle started glowing and were about to step off it but it then suck them into a red portal and the circle then vanished.

However when those 3 Marines were sucked into portal, other American and allied forces were sucked into similar portals to another world.

At the same time with Dandy and Daniel...

The 2 101st airborne soldiers were currently looking around in a old building for a place to sit down. 

"Well at least now we can catch a break." Dandy said as he dusted off a old cushion.  

"On that note you and I can agree." Daniel replied as he was about to sit down next to Dandy but then suddenly a red portal opened up underneath them and sucked them into the portal. Only a little bit of dust floated down to the ground and the 2 soldiers were no where to be seen. 

With Mitchel and Amado...

Now it might be strange to some when they see a US Army green beret with a Filipino soldier and it is a very rare sight for some. However Mitchel and Amado actually met when they were kids when Mitchel's dad went to the Philippines to visit Amado's father as they were friends during the second world war. Mitchel and Amado had been great friends ever since that day, but as the war they were into together it was hard for both of them.

"I can't believe our enemy wont play by the rules!" Mitchell complained as the 2 walked around a US military joint base. "It just isn't fair!"

"Well, can't really blame them my friend." Amado said. "But I'm sure that something we turn in favor for us."

"I hope your right." Mitchell replied. "Cause me and a few others have been stealing intel on enemy positions and other things."

"Yeah, me and my comrades also have it pretty hard." Amado said. "I just hate it when they ambush us and their is little that we can do about it."

"All in all we both agree that the enemy were facing sucks." Mitchell stated.

"Yeah, and they are not brave enough to face us head on." Amado added. Just then another red portal opened up underneath the 2's feet and they fell into it. The brave men that were transported to somewhere else would face very difficult challenges along the way. But the enemy they will face will take them head on.


And ill stop it here! Let me know what you guys think!

I do thank all those who helped supporting me to continue my writing! Thank you all!

Anyways I will try to get back on track and maybe with some help along the way.

Please give my your guys thoughts on this story it really helps!

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