Chapter 2: Into the Devils HQ

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Date: July 29th, 2018, 8:05pm

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Demon city Tokyo, a place where Humans and Demons coexist with one rule; never to cross path with each other. However that rule had been broken on a number of occasions by many individuals. However on this very night something strange would happen that change Tokyo forever.

Meanwhile at a certain Demon HQ building....

"Ingrid I want you to capture anti-demon ninja Murasaki." Edwin Black ordered his servant.

(This is what Edwin Black looks like...he's a jerk. /:(....)

"Of course Black-sama." Ingrid replied. "I won't disappoint you."

(This is Ingrid...)

"I would hope not." Edwin said. Just then there was knock on the office doors. "Enter." A man wearing a white trench coat and glasses walked inside the office. "Kiryuu, what do you want?" (This is Kiryuu Sabato, He is literally the worst...)

"Lord Edwin, I have captured anti-demon ninja Murasaki." Kiryuu said as he shown a blue haired female unconscious and tied up to some sort of flesh table that a couple guys were carrying into the office.

(Like this...that is Murasaki... just picture her unconscious)

"I hope you kept your cover while you did that." Edwin said. "I don't need anymore problems to deal with." (A/N: He didn't keep his cover, he sucks at doing so.)

"Oh I did, I just lead her into one of my traps and captured her." Kiryuu explained. "I hope you allow me to torture her for information."

Just then a woman with red Hair suddenly rushed into the room and then stopped to catch her breath at Edwin's desk.

"Oboro, you better have a good reason for interrupting this meeting." Edwin angrily said.

"I...*huff*... do *Huff* we've picked up a couple of strange magic energy readings in certain areas of the city." Oboro explained as she showed him a map of the 2 locations.

"Hey what about m-." Kiryuu started but was stopped.

"Shut up!" the three yelled at him.

"I get no respect here." Kiryuu muttered to himself.

Meanwhile with the Marines...

In a room not to far from the office a certain red summoning circle suddenly appeared and out came the 3 Marines. They landed on the ground hard, but luckily they weren't badly hurt.

"Ugh, Matthew what the heck did you do?" James asked getting up.

"I don't know, I just dripped a little bit of blood on the circle and did nothing at first!" Matthew replied. "And then it just lit up like a lightbulb!"

"Well I think that's what triggered the damn thing!" James hissed.

"Um...Guys, where are we?" Howard asked. "Cause were not in the jungle anymore."

The 3 Marines looked around and were indeed not in the jungle anymore, but inside what looked like a janitors closet.

"Okay this is very strange." James said as he and the others looked around. "Better find out where we are."

"Agreed." Matthew said.

"We better make sure were not somewhere behind enemy lines." Howard added.

James then saw a door and opened it to reveal and very nice looking hallway that looked like someone rich lived there. Soon they all entered the hallway and flicked the safety off their weapons then stopped at another hallway. James then slowly looked around the corner and saw a group of people and what looked like some sort of flesh table with someone on it in a doorway and nobody was looking his way, he then turned back to his 2 Marines.

"Guys I think that there is someone on that strange table there." James explained. "And I'm gonna go get them."

"Are you sure about that?" Matthew asked. "What if they are with the enemy?"

"I don't think they are with the enemy and who exactly ties up somebody to what looks like a table made of flesh?" James asked.

"Fair point." Howard said. "But how do make our escape?" James then looked down the hallway they were in and saw an elevator just at the end of the hallway.

"That's our ticket out of here when I get the person on the table." James pointed out. "You 2 go call it and I will get the person on the table." The 2 Marines nodded and headed to the elevator to call it. As Howard and Matthew called the elevator James carefully walked over to where the group was and noticed that one of them was carrying a axe of some kind and as he got closer he could hear people talking in Japanese.

Then once James was 5 feet away from the group he pulled the pin on a smoke grenade and then threw it into the group and detonated making smoke everywhere. Then while everyone was blinded by the smoke James then ran up to the Flesh table and quickly cut the woman that was on it free and he started carrying her and the axe on the one guy. Then ran as fast as his legs would let him back to the elevator.

However as James rounded the corner he heard a male yell at him in Japanese and James just ignored it and kept running and made it to the elevator. Matthew and Howard meanwhile were just keeping the doors open when they saw James sprinting towards them and then they all got into the elevator as the doors closed. James now then tried to catch his breath and calm down.

" never doing that again." James said.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Matthew said. Then suddenly a green tentacle punched a hole through the elevator door and then started opening the doors. The tentacles opened the doors to reveal a man in a white trench coat but, he was face to face with Howards shotgun in which fired at his head reducing it to purple mist. The elevator doors then closed again and then when down.



"Well....That just happened." James stated. "Anyways lets see if we can't find an escape vehicle to get out of here."

"You really think we'll find one Sargent?" Matthew asked.

"I think our chances are pretty good Corporal." James replied. "I mean there has to be one here somewhere."

"I hope your right..." Howard said.

Meanwhile with the demons...

Edwin, Ingrid, and Oboro walked up to Kiryuu's dead body that was head-less and his blood was pooling around him.

"Oh well, I have to give those Humans credit for killing him." Edwin said. "I was going to dispose of him but they beat me to it."

"What should we do, Black-sama?" Ingrid asked.

"I want you 2 to capture them and bring them to me." Edwin ordered.

"Alive or dead?" Oboro asked.

"Alive if possible, but if they put up to much resistance kill them." Edwin ordered.

"We won't fail you Black-sama." Ingrid said as she and Oboro then ran down the stairs to try and cut them off.


And ill stop right here for now...

let me know what you guys think of this I might update this again soon

That's if teams RWBY and JNPR wont mind although they might do something....

(help me...send reinforcements plz....!) *Door is blown off* OH GOD! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! *I fire my M16A1 at the doorway.* Send help!

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