Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"What's going on out there?" Vincent was surprised to see police cars next to the dumpster near his apartment building. At first, he suspected that they were coming to visit him. However, ten minutes had passed and not one of them came by to question him. Vincent walked outside to see what was going on.

He saw Michael Jones, one of his neighbors, holding his small Chihuahua in his arms. Vincent rolled his eyes. He hated dogs.

"So you have no idea where the dog got the tongue from?" the officer asked Michael.

"I told you already. He must've found it in the trash," Michael shifted his dog in his arms. "I took him for a walk and then I went to throw some trash away. Next thing I know...he's got a human body part in his mouth."

"Sir, we aren't sure if it belongs to a human just yet," the officer corrected him.

Michael scoffed, "You think I can't tell what a human tongue looks like?"

"Crap," Vincent whispered to himself. He looked over to the dumpster to see two officers going through the trash. His bag was the one that was torn up so they were checking it first.

"There's nothing in there to incriminate you," Vincent thought. Then his wondered if his visitor had put anything extra in his trash. It was a paranoid thought, but Vincent couldn't help it.

He walked over to the officers, digging through his trash, and called out, "Hi. Can I help you two?"

One of the officers clearly recognized him, "I know you. You're the guy that wrote the demon King movie! You're the father of that serial killer."

Vincent gave a half-smile, "Guilty as charged. Were you looking for something?"

"Yeah, we're trying to find out whose trash this is."

After a few moments, Vincent made a drastic decision and spoke,"Oh. Well I think I can help you. That trash is mine."

FBI Headquarters: That evening

Special agent Sally Roux stared at the file that Eva Lewis had given her. It was a history of Vincent McDaniels by way of documents, court records, notes and newspaper clippings.

"Typical," Sally sighed as she sifted through a pile of outdated articles referring back to Vincent's bouts with alcoholism. She wished Eva had organized the information better. She took out a notepad and began scribbling notes on it.

Vincent McDaniels


Tom McDaniels- Deceased, killed by David Wilson

Beatrice McDaniels-Deceased, Killer unknown (possibly Tom?)

Christopher McDaniels- Deceased, Killed in fire

David Wilson- Deceased, killed by FBI

Sally's pen hovered over the simple acronym. In truth his death wasn't so simple. She had been the one to shoot him. Sally had killed David Wilson in order to stop him from murdering Eva Lewis after it was revealed that he was the notorious serial killer known as the Demon King.

Sally let the pen fall from her fingers and sat back in her chair. She was in her office and it was late. It was raining outside and she could hear the steady thrum of rain pelting her window.

She closed her eyes and thought about what she was missing. Someone was after Vincent McDaniels. Someone hated him enough to want to frame him for murder. Not wanting to kill Vincent was the interesting part. It was as if this new serial killer wanted to punish Vincent.


It was as if they wanted revenge. Sally groaned as she thought of how many people Vincent probably upset over the years.

She sorted through Eva's paperwork which also included some of her handwritten notes.

Christopher McDaniels --à Roger Fleming (uncle)

*After Beatrice was killed

*Tom stayed with Vincent and wife


Sally was already aware of this tidbit of information. She knew that after the death of Beatrice McDaniels, Christopher had gone to live with his uncle Roger Fleming, who also had issues with alcoholism and apparently abuse. The police had been called out to the home several times. The last time it was because Christopher had struck his uncle. The police report stated that it was in self-defense. Eventually Roger Fleming went to live at a residential treatment center called Open Heart.

Vincent was also known to have temporary stays at Open Heart prior to it burning down.

Interesting enough this reminded Sally of Christopher who had died in a fire. Apparently he and David Wilson were supposed to have shared an on campus apartment together but a fire broke out their first night there. David was able to escape but Christopher had not been so lucky. There weren't many articles about the fire, which Sally thought was strange. Perhaps Eva hadn't thought it was very important.

A document that Sally hadn't expected to see was in a sheet protector. It was a death certificate for Vincent McDaniels' son Christopher.

"Now that's strange," Sally whispered as she looked it over. It wasn't completely filled out. A medical examiner or coroner hadn't signed it. She looked at the box that indicated the date of death and her curiosity was piqued. The box that should have told her the day Christopher McDanield died...was blank.

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