Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Next Day

Vincent McDaniels was smoking a cigarette and cradling a small glass of whiskey. It was ten thirty in the morning. The film was on hiatus for the next day until another statement could be given to the press in regards to Luke's death.

Things weren't going well for Vincent. He thought back to yesterday when the police had questioned him about the tongue found in a neighboring dog's mouth.

"Damned dog," Vincent muttered.

The officer had looked at him skeptically when he denied knowing anything about the piece of flesh.

"You just said this was your trash," the officer said, holding the bag of trash which was in another clear plastic bag to be examined later as evidence.

"Right, it's my trash...but I think I would remember throwing away a tongue. That dog could have picked it up anywhere."

"I never said we found a tongue," the officer said.

Trying to trick me, are you? Vincent smirked, "No you didn't but my neighbor did."

The officer squinted his eyes as if he didn't believe Vincent. Vincent gave the officer a thin smile. "I wish I could help you out more officer. I already gave my information to the other officer so is it alright if I go back to my apartment?"

"Don't leave town," the officer warned him as he nodded.

Vincent laughed, "Even if I wanted to...I couldn't. I'm Vincent know...the author?"

The officer gave him a blank stare and answered, "I'm sorry...I don't read too many books."

Vincent held a fake smile, "No worries. In any event, I still wouldn't leave town. Most people would recognize me."

"If you say so sir. Just don't leave town," the officer said and walked away before Vincent could spout off a retort.

Vincent clenched his fists and bit his bottom lip. He could feel the anger coursing through him as he walked to his apartment. After he slammed the door behind him he cursed, "If you say so? Jackass."

Vincent was questioning the officer's ability to read when his phone rang, "What is it?"

"Mr. McDaniels?" the timid voice of Holly, his assistant was just what he needed to soothe his wounded ego. "Did you pick up my dry-cleaning?"

"Yes sir."

"So why are you calling me?"

Holly stammered, "Well...well I was going to get some and I wanted to know if you wanted anything, sir."

"Holly, do I drink coffee?"

"Yes sir."

"Do I like coffee?"

"Yes sir," she said it with such a lack of assuredness that it almost sounded like a question.

"Then why wouldn't you get me a coffee? Hurry up and come back. Don't forget to bring me an egg McMuffin."

"But sir, McDonald's stopped selling breakfast already."

"Did I ask you if they stopped selling breakfast? Just get me a McMuffin!" Vincent clicked the button to hang up on her and smiled. If only the person who sent the tongue to him was as easy to manipulate. He enjoyed the challenge of discovering the identity of his opponent but rankled that anyone thought they were worthy enough to cross virtual swords with him.

He pulled out his phone again and dialed a number he knew by heart, "Have you found her yet? No? What's taking so long? How hard could it possibly be to find one person? I expect results!" Vincent once again, disconnected the call. It had been months and he still hadn't found his sister, Wanda. He looked at his laptop which was open on his coffee table. He didn't know who was trying to play a game of cat and mouse with him, but he was ready. He assumed his opponent would also use the Disciple forums. He opened up the Deadly Disciple website and typed a message to the person stalking him, "Here kitty...kitty...kitty."

Meanwhile in a Neighboring City

Wanda stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was almost unrecognizable.


Her hair had been dyed a different color and she now wore colored contacts. A recent nose job had altered her looks significantly. What looked the same was her sad expression,an almost defeated look that no amount of designer make-up could disguise. She hadn't planned on doing any of these things until she received a visit from a long lost kindred spirit. That kindred spirit had paid for the physical changes and helped her survive without having to fall back on her old profession of selling herself.

Wanda thought it was a shame that someone couldn't help her with her son's death.

Artie, was Wanda's only son. He had been murdered by the Deadly Disciple. She still blamed Vincent McDaniels, her brother, for his death. The Deadly Disciple and the Demon King were both serial killers, created by Vincent. Perhaps not directly...but that didn't matter to Wanda. She still held her brother partially responsible for her son's death.

Wanda turned to see her son's green bird, Zucchini. She wondered if the bird missed her son. It probably spent more time with Artie than she ever did. She frowned as she thought of how she would never get the opportunity to make that time up with her son.

Her phone rang and Wanda answered, "Yes?"

"Are you ready?" the voice on the other line asked.


"Good. Tomorrow the plan begins."

Wanda heard the call disconnect and smiled. She had always been afraid of him but now she was ready to face her brother Vincent McDaniels.

At McDonalds 10:45 AM

Holly cradled the coffees in her arms as well as the bag of breakfast that she had begged the manager to cook for her. She literally had to get on her hands and knees to beg him. An extra twenty dollar bill and some name dropping also had to happen for him to finally agree to make her an egg McMuffin outside of the McDonald's precious breakfast hours.

"That was quite a show back there," a familiar voice called out to her.

Holly turned around to see the actor Ian Crawford standing behind her in sunglasses and a baseball cap. She was surprised no one else had recognized him.

"You must really like egg McMuffins," he laughed.

"It's for Mr. McDaniels," Holly mumbled.

"Oh then that makes more sense," Ian stood in front of her, making her feel uncomfortable. She wasn't used to holding long conversations with anyone.

"Okay...well I should get going," Holly turned around and heard Ian say behind her, "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow Holly."

She didn't bother to turn around and look at him but continued on her way. For some reason, she felt very uncomfortable around Ian Crawford.

Later that Evening

Leonard Cohen's Everybody Knows was playing in the background. It was late and a photo album of pictures and newspaper clippings was left open on a mahogany desk. Its owner was rummaging through the pages, eagerly devouring each photographed smile...each expression.

Pictures of Vincent McDaniels adorned the album. A newspaper clipping by Eva Lewis took a full page.

"Vincent McDaniels and his legacy of Death"

The article went on to chronicle how his children were all tragically killed. Below the article was a picture of Vincent looking mournful. The caption below the picture was quoted text, "I miss my children. Despite their actions, I still loved them. I still miss them."

A single finger traced the black text, "Is that true? Do you still miss me, father?"

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