Chapter 1: Dealing With A Fallen Angel

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3rd Pov

In an building our main character Yuto Akumu is shown to be asleep as his alarm clock was going off until his older twin kicked his door opened.

Yuta: Jackass wake the fuck up! *kicks him off the bed*

Yuto: *groaning* What the fuck bitch?

Yuta: We have school today and Muzan is waiting for us mostly you.

Yuto: Okay okay jeez.

Yuto gets up and went to get ready for another day of hell aka school as he was fully dressed he went down the stairs and walks to the door as Yuta was next to the door.

Yuto: We're heading out mom.

Charlie: Have fun you two and stay out trouble Yuto.

Yuto: *grumbling* Fine fine damn..

They soon left the house as their friend Muzan was waiting for them as they all started headed towards school. As soon as they made to school they heard some yelling as they knew who was yelling.

Muzan: Ugh those idiots.

Yuta: I really hate them so much.

Yuto: Just ignore them I do that all of the fucking time.

Muzan: I hate humans so much. No offence.

Yuto/Yuta: None taken.

They kept on walking as the female students was staring at Yuto as he glared at them they fainted with blushes on their faces.

Muzan: *growls* 

Yuto: You good Muz?

Muzan: Hm? Yeah just fine.

Yuta: No your not.

Muzan: Shut it Yuta.

They heard screaming as they turned their heads as they saw Issei was about to hit by a group of girls until Yuto walked up to them. 

Yuto: Alright ladies enough I'll deal with them.

Girl#1: B-but.

Yuto: I'll deal with them ladies so don't worry.

The girls soon sighed and left Yuto with the perverted trio as he was glaring down at them as it could be seen his red eyes was glowing as he punched Issei in the face

Issei: W-why?! *holds his face*

Yuto: Because you three are fucking annoying to deal with every damn day.

Issei: You broke my noise!

Yuto: Get your ass up you will be fine.

Issei: Jeez....

Yuto: *grabs him* Let's fucking go.

As Yuto throws Issei back onto the ground he soon gotten up and walks towards class as Yuto walks off as they was being watched by a high school girl with red hair as she was staring at Issei the most and a purple haired girl by the name of Akeno Himejima walk up and saw her.

Akeno: Is everything alright Rias?

Rias: hmm....I saw a boy...he seemed quite promising.

Akeno: Oh? My that's sounds quite interesting!

Rias: And *felt something*....Never mind it's nothing.

Rias was having the chills for some reason as she was staring at Yuto.

Rias: 'No he can't be one of them. They was all extinct.'

Time-Skip Into Yuto's Pov

It was after school as me, Yuta, and Muzan was walking to our homes.

Yuto: Hmmmm..

Muzan: Something the matter?

Yuto: Well after dealing with Issei I felt like I was being watched b y someone.

Yuta: But who though.

Yuto: I don't know though.

Yuta: Then maybe your imagination brother.

Yuto: Hmmm......maybe. Maybe....

Next Day

It was the next day as I was walking with Yuta, and Muzan as we soon hears some yelling as we saw the pervert trio with a girl.

Yuta: So Issei got a gitlfriend?

Yuto: I feel sorry for her.

Muzan: Probably forced her to be his girlfriend. *shakes her head* Idiot.

Yuto: Let's just ignore them and go one with our day.

We just went on with our day as it was a regular boring day at school.

Evening Time

It was the evening time as I was walking through the park alone while Yuta and Muzan was heading back home. For me, I was going to get some snacks as I saw Issei and that same girl and I got a get closer as I heard the girl asked him something.

Girl: Would you die for me?

Issei: U-uh...come again?

Yuto: *whispering* The hell?

Girl: I'm asking if you'll die for me sweetie. Here let me show you what I mean.~

Soon a bright light consume her as Me and Issei shield our eyes as she was in a whole new attire.

Yuto: *whispering still* Damnit she's a fallen angel how come I didn't know that.

Issei: Y-Yuma?!

'Yuma': Oh can forget about that name now dear. My true name is Raynare. It's unfortunate, but I must kill you here.

Issei: W-what the hell?!

I soon saw her make a spear from bright light and throws it through his chest, which caused him to fall to the ground bleeding out badly as she was about to throw another one I ran towards her and punched her in the face causing her to crashed into a bench.

Raynare: *gets up* You?! "How I didn't sense him?!'

Yuto: *looks at Issei and sighs* You was a pervert but didn't had to die like this.

Raynare: *laughs* You know him? Human just walk away and pretend you didn't see anything.

Yuto: Bitch shut the fuck up. *crack my knuckles* 

Raynare: *growls*

Yuto: What scared? *smirks*

I watched her summon one spear and throws it at me fast but I dodged it and punched her in the face again and grabbed her throws her far as she flies in the air.

Raynare: How are you this strong?! You is a mere human!!

Yuto: *shakes my head* 

I soon let out some of my aura as dark aura forms around me.

Raynare: *sweatdrops a lot* T-this aura....I need to get out of here!!

I watched her flies away fast as I sighed and made the aura disappears. i turned around and saw a red hair chick next to Issei.

Yuto: Hm so you was the one that was watching me and the idiot yesterday. And you must be a devil.

Rias: H-how did you-

Yuto: I have my ways and save the idiot before he dies. Later.

I soon walks away and headed my way to the store to get some sweets.

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