Chapter 2: Meeting Rias And The Others

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Yuto's Pov

It was the next day since I fought that fallen angel as I was walking with my sister and Muzan as we made it to school and heard yelling.

Yuta: The fuck is going on?

Muzan: Can we have one day without people being idiots.

Yuto: I don't know.

I look closer to see that Issei was with his group again.

Yuto: *mumbles* She revived him that fast huh?

Muzan: *looks at me* You said something Yuto?

Yuto: Hm? No I didn't say anything at all let just get over with this stupid ass day.

Yuta: Hm fine.

Muzan: Alright.

We just ignore the others and went with out day of school as it boring as always.

After School

It was after school as I was walking again alone as Muzan and my sister stayed back to study on a upcoming quiz or whatever we're having tomorrow and I don't really care but I soon hears some voices as I made my way toward the voices I saw Issei was with a person with a spear and the guy was about to throw it but I rushed in and caught the spear.

Issei: Yuto?!

Yuto: *sighs* I always have to save your ass again.

???: Who are you?

Yuto: Just a person saving a fucking idiot.

???: Are you a devil boy?

Yuto: No. *throws the spear back at him*

I threw it back at him but he dodges it as it sliced his cheek a bit and he make two more spears.

???: Child you should stay out of people's business!

Yuto: Yeah I don't care. *cracking my knuckles* Bring it on you old fuck.

I was getting ready to fight the man but soon Rias walked up next to Issei.

???: *saw her* It's you. You're from the house of Gremory. These belong to you?

Rias: The brown hair boy is with me. The white hair isn't.

Yuto: I'm on my own. Now speak before everything will be bathe in your blood.

???: Hm *pushes his hat down* I'll be taking my leave. And you white hair boy you isn't no mere human. Shall we seek each other again, I'll kill you for sure by the name of Dohnseek.

I watched as he soon flew away as I looked at my hand to saw it was smoking a bit.

Yuto: Still hate those damn spears....

Issei: Yuto what was that?! You caught the spear thing fast!

Yuto: *groans* Please shut the hell up I should have let him kill you.

Issei: W-why?

Yuto: Because I fucking hate you.

Issei: Then why save me?!

Yuto: *closed my eyes* Pity...

Issei: *eyes widen*

Rias: *sighs* Issei I'm sure you have question.

Issei: Y-yeah I do! Who the hell was that guy?! And why he tried to kill me?!?!

Yuto: *growls* Ugh...

Rias: Well to put it bluntly...I'm a devil and so are you Issei. I am your master.

Issei: W-woah! W-wait so Yuto is too?!

Yuto: *punched him into the ground* Hell no I'm not one of them!

Rias: *sweatdrops* I-i'll bring someone to get the both of you so you can get every answer you need Issei and I need answer from you too Yuto.

Issei: *rubbing his face* O-okay.

Yuto: Tsk fucking fine.

Next Day

I was with my sister and Muzan as we was sitting in class as I hear the girls expect them was screaming and talking to some one as I turned my head and saw it was the 'pretty' boy of the school Kiba. 

Kiba: Yuto Akumu?

Yuto: Need something?

Kiba: Rias ask me to come get you.

Yuto: *sighing* I forgot. *looks at Yuta* Tell mom I'll be late okay?

Yuta: Your funeral bro.

Yuto: *gets up* Lead the way pretty boy.

I soon followed him as the girls was screaming more about the pretty boy and the red eye king was seen together. After some minutes we made it to where I saw the dumbass and Koneko the mascot of the school.

Yuto: Hm so the loli is here too? Great.

Issei: Yuto calm down.

Yuto: *shot a glare at him*

Issei: *backs down*

Yuto: Pussy.

???: Oh you is here.

I turned my head and saw who was talking to me.

???: It's nice to finally meet The Red Eye King.

Yuto: Still hate that name, but it's 'nice' to meet you too, whoever you are.

Akeno: Where is my manners I'm Akeno Himejima.

Yuto: Hm.

After a few seconds Rias soon came.

Rias: Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Yuto: *scoffs* Took your damn time huh.

Akeno: *smiles* The impatient ones are always the best. *giggles*


Rias: Let's get started everyone. We like to welcome you two into the Occult Research Club.

Yuto: I was here by choice but whatever...

Issei: Uh..thanks.

Rias: But you should know the name of the club is just a front. It's supposed to look like this some sort of hobby. 

Yuto: You don't say.

Issei: Than what is it?

Rias: Well, since you asked I'll be frank with you. I'm not the only devil here Issei. 

Issei: Wait are you saying that's what all of you are?

Rias: And the winged man from yesterday was something else. A fallen angel.

Yuto: 'Just like gramps a bit.'

Rias: Some thine we're the same, which isn't true. They want to serve God. But it's too late for them. Their dark emotions, have forced them into the underworld. The confusion is understandable because they, too walk the earth misguiding humans. But they wish to please God; so their goal is to wipe us devils out and gain supremacy over our realm. You call it Hell. And of course there're the more recongnizable angels who clearly sent down by God to defeat us as well. So we're constantly defending ourselves from both sides. 

Issei: Uhhhhhh...

Yuto: *sighing*

Rias: *look at Issei* Something the matter? You look a bit overwhelmed.

Issei: Well, propbably because I am. I mean, you're talking about some freaky-deaky stuff here.

Yuto: It's not that freaky it just boring.

Issei: Well to you man.

Rias: Remember Yuma Amano?

Issei: *eyes widen*

Rias: Of course you do. How could you forgotten. You two dated for a little while didn't you?

Issei: Where do you hear that name? Never mind I don't want to know.

Yuto: *thinking* Oh it was the bitch that stabbed your ass. *laughs a bit*

Issei: *looks at me* Wait you remember her?!

Yuto: Yeah I do. Why even ask?

Issei: Matsuda and Motohama don't remember anything about her!

Rias: We can erase human memory.

Issei: But Yuto remembers!

Rias: We will find about that later.

Issei: But she must have a reason. But what.

Rias: You mean Yuma's? She needed to kill you.  But rather something within you that was dangerous or threatening. Once that was verified, you was stabbed in the middle with a spear of light. 

Issei: That explains the freaky shit she was saying about God and something sacred.

Yuto: Something dangerous in the idiot. *laughs* Other than what being a pervert? Or maybe he got one of those dragons gramps told me about.'

Rias: Yes you have the sacred gear.

Akeno: It's basically a very intense and unique power that's found in a rare few. In fact only people I know of who have possessed it are historical figures, so you're kind of a big deal around here!

Rias: The thing is this power can be so uncontrollable that some who have it become a threat to those in the underworld. Issei...please hold up your left hand.

I watch of how Issei is trying to focus but is getting distracted so I slapped the back of his head.

Yuto: Dumb ass focus so we can leave.

Issei: O-okay!

He kept on trying but failed.

Issei: I-i can't...

Yuto: Wow you is even more pathetic than I though.

Rias: Yuto be kind to Issei he is tried.

Yuto: And failed fucking miserably like always.

Fifteen Minutes Later

It had been fifteen minutes as Rias soon let Issei leave and it was just me and the others.

Yuto: So now can I go?

Rias: Not so fast. I have question for you Yuto.

Yuto: *stare at her* Hurry up with them.

Rias: Question one; how did you know that I was a devil?

Yuto: I have my ways. Next question.

Rias: Hm alright, how did you catch the spear of light from Raynare and Dohnseek.

Yuto: Imma say it again I have my ways. Can I go now?

Rias: After this final question, what are you?

Yuto: Just a person that's all. I'm leaving. *turns around*

Rias: Do come here tomorrow, I want you to spare with Koneko.

Yuto: Hm, child abuse.....wonderful. Later Rias, and the others I don't give a fuck about.

I soon leave the club house and made my way home.

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