Chapter 6: The Wrath Of Yuto

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3rd Pov

Some Time Later

Issei and Yuto was back at the research club house as Issei explained everything to Rias. But to his dismay Rias said no to help her as she slapped Issei and was about to slap Yuto but he shot her a glare causing her to back up.

Yuto: Tch....I'm going to go save her then.

Issei: Yeah, I'm coming too.

Rias: No you two will not she's apart of the church, and you two are in the Gremory family.

Yuto: I'm not apart of your bullshit family I'm apart of my own bitch. Let's go Issei.

Issei: Right.

Rias: I can't let you two do that.

Issei: It's because I'm your precious pawn. Can't do nothing without your most variable piece can you?

Yuto: *growls* Fine then I'll go by myself then.

Rias: Yuto no!

Yuto: Bitch you don't tell me shit to do!!!

As Yuto yelled that out he let out a lot of his dark aura shocking and scaring everyone in the room as he just sighed a calmed down a bit.

Yuto: I'll save her again.

Yuto opens the door and slammed it behind him.

Yuto: Hang on Asia.

Yuto then started making his way towards the church that he fought Freed. Few minutes later, he made it as he was looking at the place he soon heard some noise and he turned his head and saw Issei, Kiba, and Koneko.

Yuto: Hm you three sure did took your fucking time.

Issei: *panting* You runs fast as hell man.

Kiba: Sorry for the wait.

Koneko: Hmm.

Yuto: Whatever, they already know that we are here and Koneko kicked the door, but gently but some force.

Koneko: Copy that senpai.

Koneko soon kicks the door in as they walk in they soon saw Freed and some priest.

Freed: You scum are here to die! Lovely~!!

Yuto: Where is Asia shit for brains.

Freed: Oh right. *chuckles* You mean that dirty devil loving whore of a sister? All you have to do is to go the basement, she's right underneath the alter we're currently standing on.

Yuto: Tsk..

Freed: But you have to go through me to get in! *laughing*

Yuto: You three handle the fucking I'm dealing with the priest.

Yuto dashed forward passing Freed as the three other started attacking him. With Yuto he was killing the priest one by one as he was doing that he see a bright light as he covered his eyes a bit.

Issei: Damn Freed's gone!

Yuto: We'll deal with them later!

Yuto soon punched the ground as it made the floor cracked up thus causing the priests to fall into the hole. The four made their way down the basement and come across a chamber of some sort. They was soon meet with the voice of Raynare.

Raynare: Come in devils and thing. Though I'm afraid you're too late.

They saw Asia tied up on a cross and her clothes was tattered up with her head lowered.

Issei: ASIA!!

Asia: *raise her head* Issei and Y...Yuto? Y-you two c-came..

Yuto: We'll get you out of here.

Raynare: I hate to break up the reunion. But the ritual's finishing up.

A green light appeared in which made Asia started screaming in pain.

Kiba: They're after her scared gear.

Issei: What happens then?

Kiba: .......*whispers* I'm sorry.

Soon a pair of small green rings were pulled from Asia's body by an unseen force as she stopped screaming as her head dropped breathing slowly.

Yuto: ......*clenched his fist and growoling*

Raynare: Twilight healing. At last it is in my hands.

She soon plunged the rings into her chest and her body started glowing as she started laughing as the laughter started pissing off Yuto more and more.

Raynare: When times comes, I'll be at my high point. *laughing* I'll be safe and sound while the rest of the world burns! 

Yuto kept growling as the dark auar started showing up and he soon powers the dark aura up.


Issei: Yuto!

Yuto didn't heard him as he was powering up more and as he was powering up he soon let out a creepy smile.

Yuto&???: I hope you is ready for this.

Yuto soon charged at Raynare as some fallen angels come out and attack Yuto by throws their light spears at him stabbing him but that didn;t stopped him from beating and killing some of them as his fist soon light up in some blueish aura.

Yuto&???: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!!!!

He soon started punching one of the angels multiple times as he soon punched the fallen angel into the wall causing it to crack everywhere.

(like this)

The body of the fallen angel dropped to the ground as he turned his head and looks at the rest.

Yuto&???: Who's next? *smiling*

Issei: I-is that Yuto?

Kiba: I-i-i don't know.

Koneko: ....

Raynare: What is he?!

At the Akumu's House...

Yuta was with her older sister and brother as they soon sensed something and they stand up.

Danny: Is that who I think it is?

Yuta: That's Yuto and something else.

Sazzak: He have a sacred gear? Shit we need to head there now!

The three siblings soon rushed out of the house and made their way to where Yuto is.

Back with Yuto and the others.

Yuto soon ripped the wings of one fallen angel and stabbed them into her head. He soon looks at Raynare and then at Asia.

Yuto: .....

Raynare: *growls*

In a mere second Asia was soon in Yuto's hands as he quickly taken her off of the cross and ran up the stairs as Isse, Kiba, and Koneko followed. As they made it upstairs he soon placed Asia softly on the ground.

Issei: Come on. Almost to freedom Asia. We're almost there.

Asia: *looks up at Yuto as he was bloody and placed a hand on his cheek* Y-yuto...

Yuto: *snaps back* Huh? Asia we saved you.

Asia: T-thank you for saving me for only the last amount of time of me being alive.

Yuto: What? You will get healed trust me.

Asia: I-i know my time is up, but I'm happy that you and Issei was my first friends. B-but this is goodbye...

Issei: What are you talking about?! You will be fine and you will meet our friends.

Asia: Oh Issei...I'm sorry....

Her hand soon dropped to the ground conforming her to be dead as Yuto was staring at Asia with no emotion in his eyes just emptiness and Issei was praying as his head was hurting. Soon Raynare showed up.

Raynare: A devil praying for forgiveness in a church? That's funny but so sad.

Raynare showed that her wounds from getting healed and started mocking everyone and Issei went after her but she soon beat him down as Yuto was standing there and something in him snapped and the dark aura showed up and covered him.

(Like this and play the music)

The pressure of his aura shook the area as he soon punched Raynare in the face and grabbed it before slamming her into the ground. Raynare made light spears and stabbed them into Yuto smirking as she looked up to see that it didn't even fazed him as he throws her into a wall and tries to punch her she moved out of the way as she look at her wounds as they wasn't healing.

Raynare: Why aren't my wounds healing?!

Yuto: ........

Raynare: Answer me what is this?!

Yuto rushed at her and started punching her in the gut and face which causing her to cough out a lot of blood as he land the last punch which caused her to crashed into the wall again and made it fall down on her. He walks over and grabbed her back the neck and started squeezing.

Raynare: Y-you b-b-bastard.

Yuto: *squeezes tighter*

He kept on squeezing but he was soon tackled by his older sister Sazzak as his older brother Danny helped trying to keep him down as Yuta was in front of him.



(Stop playing the music)

Sazzak: Brother calm down now!

Yuto: *tries to break free*

Danny: Jeez he's getting stronger!

Rias and Akeno soon walks up and saw the Akumu's silbings.

Rias: Who are you two?

Sazzak: Quiet devil we're trying to calm our brother down!

Rias: What? How did yo-

Danny: Shut it please. Yuto calm down please.

Yuto: *growling*

Yuta: Damn it. Muzan!!

Muzan soon came up and rushed towards Yuta and as the two siblings let him go she hugs Yuto.

Muzan: Yuto calm down listen to the sound of my voice. Please calm down.

Yuto's aura soon disappears from his body as he was panting and hugging Muzan.

Muzan: There there...

Yuto: .....

Sazzak: *sighs* Okay what can someone tell me what happen?

Issei: R-raynare killed our friend by taking her scared gear..

Danny: Fallen angels sick to my stomach.

Raynare: S-shut human.

Danny soon slapped her.

Danny: Quiet.

Sazzak: Hey Danny I have an idea for the girl and the fallen angel.

Danny: What?

Sazzak whispers to Danny as he nods his head.

Danny: Alright. Devil you can revive the blonde girl in your peerge while we take the fallen angel.

Rias: What?! You can't make demands!

Yuto: Do it or else Gremory.....

Rias: *sweating and sighs* Fine.

Danny: Good. Now lets go before mom gets mad.

Sazzak: Right.

Yuta helps Yuto up as Sazzak grabbed Raynare and rips out the small green rings from her chest and throws it to Rias as the slibings plus Muzan and Raynare soon disappears with their speed.

Rias: I still need answer from you Yuto....*clenched her right hand*

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