Chapter 7: Dodge!

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3rd Pov

It was the next day since Yuto almost killed Raynare as she was spared and became a maid with Viser to help around the Akumu's household. With Yuto, he was walking with Muzan and Yuta to school.

Yuta: You good still brother?

Yuto: Yeah I'm fine just snapped a bit yesterday.

Muzan: A bit? I heard that you killed a lot of fallen angels yesterday.

Yuto: They were in my way so I killed them.

Yuta: *rolls her eyes* Yeah yeah jackass.

They soon made it to school as they saw Asia who notice them.

Asia: Hi guys!

Muzan: Good morning Asia.

Yuta: Sup.

Yuto: Hey. You feeling okay?

Asia: *nods her head* I'm doing well. Oh and *hugs Yuto* Thank you for helping my yesterday.

Yuto: .......*smiles and hugs back* Heh no problem.

Yuta: Wow that's a first.

Asia: *lets go* What you mean?

Muzan: You is the second person to make him smile and hugs back.

Asia: I am?

Yuta: Yeah the dumbass rarely smiles.

Asia: Oh..

Yuto: Let's just get school over with cause I guess Rias has something for me.

Asia: *nods her head* Yes she does. 

Yuto: *sighing* Of fucking course.

All four walks inside and they started their day of hel-I mean school.

After School....

It was after school as Yuto was with Rias and everyone.

Yuto: Okay what you got to show us today Gremory?

Rias shot a glare at him for a quick sec as she made a bat.

Rias: This is my familiar you three. I believe you two have meet each other Issei?

The bat soon turns into a human.

Issei: Hot flyer girl's your familiar.

The girl runs back into a bat as Yuto sighs a bit.

Akeno: And I've got one too, of course. *makes a imp appears*

Issei: And that will be an imp?

The imp walks to Yuto and his picks it up and placed it on his shoulder.

Akeno: He seems to like you Yuto.

Yuto: Yeah surprising.

Koneko: This is Shiro. *shows a small cat*

Kiba: Mine's badass.

Issei: I don;t care about your tiny dancer.

Kiba: Why you gotta hate man?

Yuto: *punches Issei in the face*

Asia: Yuto.

Yuto: Sorry he got a punchable face.

Rias: Stop doing that, and you three will get one. Familiars are a major part of being a devil and for a 'human'. Why you're in need, they're always there to back you up.

Asia: That's great, only problem is we have no idea how we're supposed to get one.

Yuto: 'If I remember you have to follow the Ash wannabe.'

Rias: That's the next step.

Soon there was a knock and the door opens to reveal the student council.

Sona: Sorry to interrupt.

Issei: Whoa, what the heck is she doing here?!

Yuto: 'Oh great them.' *sighs a bit*

Asia: Issei, Yuto. Who are these people?

Yuto: Meet the student council the one in the middle is Sona Shitori and the one to her right behind her with the glasses is Tsubaki Shira, and they brought the rest of the council here.

Rias: Hello, Sona, what can I do for you?

Sona: Nothing, I just wanted to congratulate you on increasing the number of your servants.

Issei: Hold on, how does she know about that.

Yuto: They are all devils idiot. Almost everyone is in here expect me.

Sona: *looks at Rias* Is this true.

Rias: yes it's true Yuto is just here helping us.

Yuto: And I hate every minute of it.

Saji: Wait a human is in here? *laughs* You speak so highly of yourself. You should obey us weaklin-

Yuto soon punched Saji squared in the face shocking the council with his speed as he made Saji crashed into the doors.

Yuto: Call me a weakling again. I dare you....

Rias: Yuto cool it.

Yuto: Tch, whatever. *walks back to Asia*

Asia: You need to look at your temper Yu.

Yuto: *sighing* Yeah yeah.

Rias: Anyways we are about to head off to get our newest members a familiar.

Sona: When?

Rias: Next week.

Sona: Well, that's a bit of a problem for us as we was going take Saji to get one, as you know he only takes people once a month.

Rias: In that case, why don't we have a friendly little contest to sort this whole thing out.

Sona: A contest?

Rias: Whoever wins earns the right to make their request first.

Sona: Surely you're not talking about a Rating Game.

Rias: Oh, no. We'd never get permission to do something like that.

Sona: Yes you're right. Besides, this isn;t the time to call attention to yourself, not is it?

Rias: *glares at her* Don't go there. I know we should settle the good ole' fashioned high school way: with sports!

Cut To The Next Day...

People was all around the tennis court as they was watching Sona, Tsubaki going against Rias and Akeno. Issei was watching the girl's skirts going up and down.

Issei: Oh man, tennis balls ain't the only thing bouncing today. This game freaking rules!

As everyone was watching the girls playing tennis Yuto was sleeping on the ground as he didn't care about the game.

Issei: *saw Yuto* He doesn't care at all?

Yuta: No he don't cause it's a waste of time.

Issei: What how?! Look at them boobies!

Muzan: Ugh hearing your voice makes me want to kill myself.

Issei: ....*watches the tennis match*

Back into the club.

The match ended in a draw as Koneko was holding the broken rackets.

Koneko: Too bad it was a draw. Since nobody won, they're suggesting we all compete in a team match.

Yuto: Yeah no.

Asia: Why not?

Yuto: Waste of my time Asia.

Asia: Please join. *does puppy dogs eyes*

Yuto: Tch.....fucking fine I'll help jeez. I hate those puddy dog eyes bullshit.

Rias and Akeno walks in.

Rias: We've chosen dodge ball as the game to play. We meet the Sitir's tomorrow night in the gym. So...Let's win this.

Yuto: *smirks* Oh they are good as dead.

Rias: You is joining Yuto?

Yuto: Because Asia asked nicely to me.

Asia: *smiling*

Next Night.

Yuto and Rias' group as in the gym as the group was streching, Yuto was jogging around.

Rias: They outnumber us by one person so we've asked the extra to be the referee.

Issei: I'm like the worst at sports; I don't even know if I remember how to play.

Yuto: *stops jogging* Just grab a ball and hit the person. Then dodge the enemy's ball. *grabs the ball from Rias and throws it at Issei* Dodge!

Issei soon got hit in the face by the ball.

Issei: Ow! The hell man?!

Yuto: Learn how to dodge first jackass.

Soon Sona and her team showed up.

Sona: So ready to rock and roll?

Everyone got into position as one of Sona's team members hit Koneko and rips part pf here shirt.

???: That's a point!

Issei: Aw, right in the tit.

Koneko: I need a drink anyway. *walks off* 

Tsubaki throws the abll at Rias with some of her magic as Rias catches the ball.

Sona: Well, catching Tsubaki's spike head on is pretty impressive.

Rias: Don't forget Sona, I'm a Gremory. That's how we role.

Rias soon toss it at one of Sona's member mixing in with her magic and elimated her. Someone was about to hit Issei but Yuto swoop in and caught the ball.

Yuto: Pay attention. *toss it at someone and it hits them*

Everyone was throwing the ball at each other and some was using their magic. Soon Sona throws the ball at Issei and that hits him in the dick.

Issei: *falls to the ground*

Yuto: *laughing*

As Issei got off the court the next round starts as Yuto throws the ball at Saji hitting him in the dick but more painful than what Issei got.

Saji: *on the ground with tears*

Yuto: Pathetic, all talk no bite.

Few Minutes Later 

After sometime it was just Yuto and Sona left as Yuto had the ball.

Sona: Bring it Akumu, I will catch this and will win.

Yuto: I like to see you try, bitch.

Yuto closed his eyes and breathes in and out as his dark aura appeared on his hands causing Sona and her team to look at him with shock.

Sona: He's got a sacred gear?!

Yuto: *open his eyes and looks at Sona* Goodbye.

Yuto soon throws the ball with his brute strength at Sona was she was about to use her magic to block the ball, it bypass the magic and hits Sona causing her to crashed into the wall.

Yuto: Hmph too easy.

???: T-that's game!

Asia: We won! We Won!

Sona: *holds her stomach and the ball* W-well a deal is a deal. Since you beat us you get first pick of familiars Rias.

Rias: Why thank you Sona.

Back At The Club House...

Everyone expect Yuto was celebrating on winning.

Rias: I want you to know I'm thankful, to each and everyone of you and doing what needed to be done to beat those devils. I hope you guys feel very proud.

Issei: Hell, all I did was get knocked in the love spuds.

Yuto: And it was funny. Very funny. I need to get back to my house. *walks to the door*

Asia: But aren't you coming with us?

Yuto: Yeah, I'll meet you guys in that forest.

Yuto soon leaves the club house and started running towards his house. Soon Rias and the others made it to the familiar forest as Issei looks around.

Issei: Uh where are we?

Akeno: Duh, a magical forest where all the familiars live.

Kiba: Don't be scared this is where we came to get ours too.

???: What took you so damn long?

They all turns their heads to see Yuto near a tree holding a weapon.

Issei: How did you get here?!

Yuto: With this. *shows them the katana*

Rias: Where did you get that?

Yuto: It's a family weapon that my gramps gave it to my dad who gave it to my older brother.

???: Who wants me?!

Issei: Hey who's there?!

Towji: The master of the familiar, aka 'The Towji!' 

Issei: it's the guy?

Asia: Oh wow.

Towji: If you're goal is to find familiars galore, you've come at the right time, that's for sure! The full moon is out to help you decide, and I'll be the one to act as your guide.

Akeno: If you can't tell, The Towji's way obsessed with making things rhyme. 

Issei: Uh-huh.

Towji: Now, how can I help you?  Tell me all your wants and desires. A strong one? A fast one that likes to set fires? 

Towji went on with his rhymes as Yuto was already gone as he was talking with Rias and the others. Yuto was walking around and he soon hears a loud screeching noise.

Yuto: The hell was that?

Soon a dragon lands right in front of him.

???: Who are you? And why are you here?

Yuto: I'm Yuto and I'm looking for a familiar, that's all.

???: Why do I smell demon blood within you?

Yuto; How the he-*shakes his head* I'm half demon dragon. Now state who you is.

Tymilth: I am Tymilth, the dragon of the dead and power.

Yuto: Hm..So let's go test out how strong you is. *pops part of the katana out*

(Like this)

With Rias and the others.

Towji was leading the others as they heard a dragon screeching and some explosions.

Rias: What was that?!

Towji: That must have been Tymilth of the dead.

Issei: What dead?

Towji: Tymilth is a dragin all right, a dead but powerful dragon.

Asia: Wait where's Yuto?

Issei: Wait Yuto is fighting that dragon now?!?!

Asia: Oh no..

Towji: That boy you name got to be the bravest of them all, but will die like the rest.

Towji kept leading them to where the familiars are.

Back With Yuto And Tymilth....

Yuto soon slice Tymilth in the face and punched her as she crashed down Yuto soon lands on the ground as he was damaged up.

Yuto: *panting a bit* Is that all you got dragon? Cause I can go for round two.

Tymilth: *growls but stops* You win hybrid....

Yuto: *put the katana back in it;s covers* You put up a good fight there.

Tymilth: Same with you hybrid. Never would of though a hybrid of a demon and human cause best me as devils couldn't.

Yuto: *shrugs* I don't know. So you want to be my familiar.

Tymilth: I have no choice but to accept since you bested me in a fight.

Yuto soon walks over and put his hand on Tymilth's face as he started chanting unknown words. After he did that a small symbol appeared on Tymilth's neck area.

Yuto: There. *hops on Tymilth* Let's go back to Rias and the others.

Tymilth: Hm I already have their sent.

Yuto: Hm, don't tell them I'm a hybrid, nor the demon parts got it.

Tymilth: Alright.

Tymilth stands up and flies in the area to where Rias and the others are. Soon they made it as Tymilth lands  and Yuto jumps off.

Asia: Yuto?!

Yuto: Sup.

Towji: Does my eyes deceive me ot that you tame Tymilth my boy. You are one strong lad.

Yuto: That I am. *saw a purple dragon* Is that yours Asia?

Asia: *nods her head* Mhm. His name is Yu.

Yuto: So you named him after me? *smiles and ruffles her hair* Good one Asia.

Asia: *smiling* Thank you Yuto.

Yuto: Well time for me to go. *looks at Tymilth* You got a human form?

Tymilth: That I do. *changes into her human form*

Issei: *has a nosebleed* Tits....

Yuto: Hmm...I;m going to give you another name is that cool?

Tymilth: I guess?

Yuto: How about Samara? Since you look like that ring girl from those movies.

Tymilth(Samara): Samara? I like it. Thank you Yuto.

Yuto: Hm, it's fine.

Yuto soon walks to a corner of the area and takes the katana out and made some slashes in the air and it open a portal.

Rias: What?!

Issei: What the hell?!

Yuto: Question will be never answered.

Yuto and Tymilth(Samara) walks into the portal as it closes.

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