Chapter 8: The Chicken Man Comes

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Yuto's Pov

Two Days Later

It's been two days after getting Samara, as today was the same old school day as I was in class minding my own business until Yuta tapped my shoulder.

Yuto: You need something?

Yuta: You notice that everything had been more quiter and Rias isn't bothering you at all right?

Yuto: Oh yeah been the best two days yet, cause she's was annoying me about where did I get Danny's sword.

Yuta: *sighs* You was the one that took it.

Yuto: Hey I did left a note. And it said that I need it for something.

Yuta: You is lucky dad was around cause he would of smacked the shit out of you.

Yuto: Tch, mom got to smack the hell out of me first. *rubs my head* Still fucking feel it.

Yuta: Well now you know not to take people's shit without asking.

Yuto: Oh fuck off, sis.....But yeah you is right Rias hadn't bothered and that's.....weird. Very weird.

Yuta: For once you is using your brain.

Yuto: *sighs* Lucky enough this is our last class. Sooooooo....

I gotten up from my seat and walks out of the class room and made my way to the club house as I open the door and saw everyone including someone that I know.

Rias: Yuto?

Yuto: Sup bitches but not you Grayfia, you is cool to me.

Grayfia: Well it's nice to meet you again Yuto.

Issei: Wait you know Miss Grayfila?!

Yuto: Yeah she know my family. And also Grayfila tell your damn husband he still owe me my 50 bucks.

Grayfia: *sighs* I will remind him again.

As I watch them about to start talking a portal appeared which it then lit on fire as I sighed a bit as I know who is coming out as the person appeared.

Riser: And Riser had arrived in the human realm. *turns around* I have come all the way to see you. My beloved Rias.

Issei: Okay, who is this douche?

Grayfia: This gentleman is Lord Riser Phoenix. He is a pure blood devil of noble birth third heir in line to the House of Phoenix. 

Issei: And that means...what?

Grayfia: He is also fiance to the next head of the House of Gremory.

Issei: Fiance to what? You're joking right? 

Grayfia: I am not. Lady Rias has been engaged to Lord Riser for quite some time now. 

Issei: They're getting married?!

I watched as Akeno prepared tea for Riser as he drinks it.

Riser: Lovely the tea prepared by my Rias' queen is most delicious

Yuto: 'I hate he speaks in third person.'

???: You tell me.

Yuto: *looks around a bit but stops* 'Who the fuck said that?'

Akeno: Thank you for the compliment, sir.

I looked over to see that Rais was standing up probably trying to get away from the idiot.

Rias: That's enough Riser. Let it go. Why don't you understand? I have no intention of ever marrying you.

Riser: But my darling. Riser believes your family's circumstances are still such that you cannot afford to be se selfish. 

Rias: I will not bring my family to ruin. I have no intention of denying your right to our name. However, let me be clear, my husband will be my choice. 

Riser: Remember, it's imperative for devil to remain pureblood. We're still recovering our numbers from the last war.

Yuto: 'Lucky my other side wasn't in involve with your stupid war.'

Riser: Both your father and Sir Zechs decided on this arrangement with the future of devils in mind. 

Rias: My father, my brother, and my whole clan made this decision because they are in too great a rush. For the final time Riser I will not marry you.

Riser: *touches Rias' chin* For the final time Rias. Riser bears the reputation of the House of Phoenix. Besmirching our good name is unacceptable.

Issei: Hey!

Riser: Riser doesn't care if he has to incinerate everyone in this room. You will return to the underworld with me.

Yuto: 'They changed the name too? Gramps ain't going to like that.'

Grayfia: There's no need for incineration. My lady Rias, Lord Riser. As you know, I am here by order of Sir Zechs. Which means there will be no disruption of peace. 

Riser: When told such an ominous thing by one who is known as the ultimate queen. Even Riser can become somewhat fearful. 

Grayfia: My master anticipated there would be a conflict of some sort. As such he has assigned me a last resort, should communication break down. 

Rias: Yes, of course he did. Would you care to be a little more specific?

Grayfia: If my lady insists on putting her personal preferences above those of her family. She is settle this via a Rating Games with Lord Riser. 

Issei: Wait, what's a rating game? That sounds familiar. *remembers* Oh yeah, Sona mentioned something like that before, didn't she? 

Kiba: It's a game noble devils play with each other. Long story shirt, they and their servants compete in battle to determine who wins.

Issei: Like the chest thing? 

Akeno: Exactly, it's the reason we have individual powers that are inspired by what we call evil pieces. In order to play the Rating Game.

Issei: Wait so that means...

Yuto: Yeah dipshit, can't help y'all in that.

Riser: Riser has played through numerous Rating games, and has scored several wins for himself. Unfortunately my inexperienced bride had never even qualified for an official game.

Akeno: He knows only mature devils are allowed to participate, so it's not as if she's had much opportunity.

Issei: So you're saying that we're at a disadvantage? 

Koneko: We've got more to worry about than that. 

Riser: Rias, I have to ask is this adorable group the extent of your servants? They're all you have? 

Rias: Expect the red eye boy, so what if they are?

Riser: Oh so he's not in your peerage? *starts laughing*

Yuto: *growls a bit*

I watch as Riser snapped his fingers as an portal appeared and group of females appeared out.

Riser: Riser have fifteen pieces. In other words I have a complete set. 

I watch as Riser was messing with one of his people in his peerage which slowly annoyed me as Issei gotten made and actiaved his scared gear and tries to attack him but another one of Riser's peerage beaten his ass.

Yuto: Wow fire chicken you had one of your slaves to beaten Issei. As for that you earned zero respect for me.

Riser: Quite when in  the first of a devil human.

Yuto: Oh shut your ass up

Riser then snapped his fingers as the same girl who took down Issei tried to attack me but I caught her weapon and watch her struggle to get it out of my grip.

Yuto: Now my turn.

I then kicks the girl hard causing her to crash into the wall as I thrown her weapon back to her.

Yuto: Nice try girly. Now for the idiotic fire chicken.

I was about to walk close to him but Rias started speaking. 

Rias: Grayfia. Tell my brother I agree to the Rating Game.

Grayfia: I will inform him immediately. 

I did watch as Riser and his Peerage soon leave before they all glared at him as they left.

Yuto: Tch. I'm heading home, can't help you this time Rias. Hope you have some fun. *walks out of the building*

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