10 - temple battle

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Ten – temple battle

Sesshomaru licked his lips as he hunched over in pain unleashing his full true form. Sesshomaru's dog-like wolf form was much different from Inuyasha's as he had patches of gray fur which looked almost like storm clouds around his feet and around his main body from his chest circling up to his shoulders. His ears were more dog-like than Inuyasha as he only had one tail. His eyes looked more like the way Inuyasha's did when he was in half form as he still had the blue crescent moon mark on his forehead as the slash marks on his muzzle converge into a capital V.

What do you say little brother, shall we teach these demons a thing or two about hurting those that are under our protection. Asked Sesshomaru.

Lets! Snarled Inuyasha as he bearded his fangs leaping high snagging a couple of demons in his claws and muzzle. The demon group converged onto the two canines attacking them with everything they had as it seemed to hardly phased the two dog-like wolves. Dark blue sparks of lightning bolts (Sesshomaru's dragon strike attack) erupted from Sesshomaru's mouth killing about half of the demons. Golden whirls of light (think Inuyasha's wind scar attack) flashed from the tips of Inuyasha's tails killing more of the demons. Suddenly both ears could hear a female human screams as several of the demons found where Sesshomaru had hid Kagome. The teen laid limp in their talons blood dripping out from her many wounds that they had inflected on her as they tried to fly away with their prey. Inuyasha snapped as he went feral a huge gusts of golden light (think of Inuyasha's black lash wave attack) killing all of the demons that held Kagome. The teen began to fall suddenly as Sesshomaru lept over his brother shape shifting back into his half human form catching Kagome in his naked arms before she crashed into the ground. Inuyasha roared as he sent attack after attack at the demons as they fled.

Inuyasha stop. I have Kagome, calm down! Sesshomaru shouted at his brother in his demonic tongue. But it was too late, Inuyasha was lost inside of his feral mind unable to hear his brother. When Sesshomaru tried to touch Inuyasha's mind mentally, he got a huge mental back lash of emotions that he never felt before. "Kagome please wake up. Only you can stop him. Please stop my brother before he is lost forever in that feral mind. I can't reach him." Sesshomaru pleaded shaking the young teen. Kagome slowly opened her eyes witnessing the destruction that Inuyasha was causing. Her body was intense pain. Inuyasha turned his heal looking at Sesshomaru ready to attack his own brother whether or not he was holding Kagome in his arms. Kagome's eyes went wide as it seemed that the dog-like wolf would definitely kill them both.

"No Inuyasha don't. Please stop..." she stated coughing up blood. Kagome then breathed deep before she shouted out..."OBIDAS!" causing both Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's beads to glow. Sesshomaru winced at the tugging beads, even though he was in control of himself as he could still feel the effects of the beads. Inuyasha let out a loud whimper of pain as his mind snapped back into place. Then the beads stopped glowing as Kagome's breath shallowed out. Inuyasha let out a loud long howl of sorrow as Sesshomaru placed his ear close to the teens frail body.

She is still alive Inuyasha. You got to help me out here. Revert back and help me treat her. Sesshomaru told him telepathically.

I...I...can't... Inuyasha replied. Sesshomaru looked at his brother almost wide eyed. He couldn't revert back until Kagome was better and when he knew that she was safe.

Damn it! Sesshomaru cursed in his demonic tongue as he had to heal Kagome's wounds and take out the poison that was in the girls system. Just don't take my head off for this. You will have to heal her while in that form while I take out the poison. Sesshomaru snapped at him as the dog-like wolf nodded his head. The two worked as people began to slowly venture out from where they were hiding at.

Sesshomaru sank his fangs into Kagome's major wounds where the demons had bit her as Inuyasha curled his large dog-like wolf form around his brother and Kagome. Inuyasha's body was glowing in a radiant white light. Sesshomaru worked quickly not paying attention to the on lookers. Sesshomaru knew that he was naked as a result from going into their full form but he would worry about clothing later as his main concern was on Kagome. Sesshomaru took the poison out of Kagome's body as demon poison proved quite deadly to humans but for demons like him and his brother they were imune to the effects. Finally he got to the last wound watching as Kagome's breathing returned to normal. Inuyasha's body stopped glowing as he let out a low set of whimpers. Sesshomaru reached up patting his brother's muzzle.

"She will be all right Inuyasha. I got all of the poison out of her body. All we wait for her to recover." replied Sesshomaru as Inuyasha's tails wrapped around his brother's naked body. 'Now the hard part, explaining what happened.' Sesshomaru thought to himself mentally as Inuyasha's size decreased but his form remained the same.

Several days had passed as Inuyasha laid down by Kagome's bed. He was still in his dog-like wolf form as he was now the size of a large Saint Bernard dog. He remained unmoved from Kagome's bed. A new set of clothes laid folded on a chair which was specially made for Inuyasha of a special fiber that proved to remain on his body when transforming into and out of his other forms. Everyone in the temple was told about Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and what they really were. Sesshomaru had told them that the form Inuyasha was in at the moment was their true form or what they called their feral form, their half demon forms or what they called their battle forms was mostly used for when they were fighting demons, as their human forms allowed them to bled in with humanity. Inuyasha's ears perked up when he heard the door open. Sesshomaru entered the room as Inuyasha whimpered at him as his brother as he moved towards the bed. Sesshomaru took off the cloth that laid on Kagome's forehead wetting it in a bucket of water before placing it back onto her forehead. Sesshomaru gently scratched Inuyasha's ears as his brother laid back down.

"I know Inuyasha, all we can do is wait. Humans don't heal as quickly as we do. I already have done all that I can do for her. It is up to her will power to live." Sesshomaru stated as Inuyasha whimpered again. Sesshomaru hated seeing his brother like this. Inuyasha had remained in feral form for a long period of time as he hardly ate anything. Inuyasha's ears perked up again when he heard Kagome moan. Inuyasha's muzzle rested close to Kagome's face as her eyes fluttered open.

"In...yu...as...ha...?" she asked weakly as suddenly Inuyasha shifted back to his human form. He didn't mind that he was butt naked.

"It is all right Kagome. I am here." he stated as crystal blood tears glittered down his face. It was the first time that he had cried tears of blood while in human form. "I am just happy that you have finally woke up. I thought that I had lost you." Kagome brushed back his blood tears letting out a weak laugh.

"Never gonna happen. You were pretty adorable in that dog form." she replied as Inuyasha smiled holding her hand to his face.

"I am glad that you think so Kagome. You just rest up and get better soon." he replied as Kagome nodded her head drifting back off to sleep. Once asleep Inuyasha got dressed into his new set of clothes as he now wore a dark red oriental style robe set (think of the robe of the fire rat that he wears in the series). Sesshomaru wore an outfit of a similar nature except his were white and gray (think of the outfit that he wears in the series minus the fur and armor).

"Go and get something to eat and get some rest little brother, I will watch Kagome for you." stated Sesshomaru as Inuyasha thanked him before leaving the room. Sesshomaru moved pulling up a chair close to Kagome's bed wondering if he would ever find the same kind of love like Inuyasha and Kagome had for one another.

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