11 - prophecy

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Eleven – prophecy

A week later Kagome was finally up out of bed. Her legs and her whole body still shook on occasion as Inuyasha was always by her side to help her through it all. All most everyone at the temple was surprised at the love between a human being and a demon even if he was an artificially created one. It everyone a while to open up and except both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. The Higurashi family never thought of them as demons as they loved them like the two brothers were family. It still bothered some of them at why the demons would attack and why they seem so keen on Kagome. Even to Kagome, she couldn't help but to feel that Naraku wanted her some reason or another but for what she couldn't figure out.

"Inuyasha...can I talk to you in private?" Miroku asked Inuyasha as he brought Kagome over to a shaded area as she told him that she wanted to see the cherry blossoms.

"I will be right back Kagome." he told her giving her a quick peck on the cheek causing her to blush. Both Inuyasha and Miroku walked off as the demon wondered why the monk wanted to speak to him for. Inuyasha could easily read the monks mind to find out but, he didn't. Once they were a good distance away, Miroku turned facing Inuyasha letting out a long deep breath.

"I wish to start on a new foot with you Inuyasha. It's clear to me that you love Kagome more than I ever could or ever would. I want to apologize to you if I ever said or did anything that upset you." Miroku stated bowing his head. Miroku has been this way ever since the battle at the temple, he had been apologizing to everyone for his rude behavior. Inuyasha was a bit surprised that Miroku would apologize to him. Inuyasha just smiled as he wasn't one to hold a grudge.

"It is all right Miroku. I can forgive you. I just didn't expect you to be apologizing to me. I mean I know how most people view me and my brother. They think we are just as bad as the other demons." Inuyasha replied as Miroku lifted up his head. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were far different from the other demons as they were capable of having and feeling human emotions. Miroku was starting to notice it for himself.

"Hey Inuyasha can I ask you the reason behind why the demons are so keen in having Kagome?" the monk asked.

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea of the reason. And before you ask, neither does my brother." Inuyasha replied in all honesty.

MEANWHILE... Naraku killed some of the demons that obeyed him after their many failures in securing the virgin priestess.

How hard is it to bring me one little priestess? I need her in order to obtain what I desire, power. Whomever has the priestess shall gain incredible power. I guess that I have only one option, I have to do it myself. Stated Naraku.

But master, she is being guarded by the two that the meddling human created to oppose us. Our attacks seemed to hardly phase those two even when they had transformed into their full forms. How can we be certain that they haven't all ready received that power? Asked one of his demons. Naraku turned glaring at the demon as he cowered in fear. Naraku's body was a mix of different creatures combined as his upper body looked human. (think of the image he takes in the second movie. Not the human or the spider form but the other form.) Naraku pulled back his long waist length naturally wavy hair as his dark red demonic eyes flickered in anger.

Because you dolt...those two have no inkling to the prophecy told by the stone that those idot humans had found using the data that they had found on and in the stone to create us. Only I do being their first creation, as I have all of the memories that the stone left for us. According to the prophecy a virgin priestess shall be born under the sign of the fallen star whose blood holds the key to awakening the sealed power to help awaken a new race causing those born of the fallen star to evolve. We are those born of the fallen star that had fell from the farthest and deepest reaches of space. That priestess is a direct descendant to the human whom created those two that is protecting her as I know that she is the one that the prophecy speaks of. Naraku snarled killing more of the demons that obeyed him. 'Those two abominations have forced my hands. This time I shall attend to matters personally.' He snarled as he turned to think of a plan to get what he wanted and to destroy the ones whom stood in his way.

ELSEWHERE... "Hey Kagome, how is it going?" asked a familiar human female voice. Kagome turned to see an older female priestess whose black hair was tied up into a bun as she smiled at Kagome through her black eyes.

"Kagura...I didn't know that you were here. My lord look at you, I almost didn't regconize you. How have you been?" (bet you didn't see that one coming. Kagura as a human instead of a demon. I had planned to have some of the cast of Inuyasha different than how they originally appear in the series.) Kagome laughed as Kagura walked over to the teen giving her a light hug. Kagome moved a little bit allowing the older priestess to sit down.

"Things have been crazy ever since Kana's death. How have you been holding up?" Kagura replied pointing to Kagome's wounds.

"A bit better. I have been beaten up much worse than almost everyone here. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are all most afraid to leave me alone as they fear that my wounds might reopen again even after they had used their powers to heal me." Kagome replied as she watched Miroku and Inuyasha talking. Sesshomaru was making himself useful in helping rebuild and clean up the temple.

"Kagome may I ask you a personal question...what is Sesshomaru like?" Kagura asked blushing. Kagome stared at her friend almost shocked.

"Wait Kagura are you in love with Sesshomaru?" she asked as the older female blushed a deeper shade of pink nodding her head. (I know that you never saw that coming. I couldn't allow Inuyasha to be the only one to fall in love. I was planning to originally use Rin but, she was too young so I decided to use Kagura.) "Well Sesshomaru is very calm and collective. He is nice and kind as he often likes playing with Sota when he gets a chance. He never picks a fight with Inuyasha or anybody else unless they pick the fight first. Have you tried talking to Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked as Kagura shook her head no.

"Every time I am close to him...I can't even speak, let alone say anything. I am too embraced to say anything." Kagura replied.

"Then I have to introduce you to him. I think that you and Sesshomaru would make a cute pair." This statement caused Kagura to blush various shades of pink.

Kagome and Kagura got up from where they sat walking over towards Sesshomaru as he took a short break from what he was doing. Sesshomaru's hair was tied back into a low ponytail as he wore a short sleeve shirt as the top half of the robe set he wore was tied around his waist. Kagura almost couldn't breathe when she saw Sesshomaru's muscular chest.

"Sesshomaru I want you to meet someone." Kagome stated as she pulled Kagura along.

"Kagome you shouldn't be wondering alone by yourself. Where is Inuyasha?" he asked.

"Miroku pulled him away to talk to him for a reason. And both you and Inuyasha need to stop worrying about my wounds. They are fully healed, I am just still a bit weak from all of the resting that I have been doing. I need to get out and about. But that is beyond the point, I want to introduce a friend to you. Sesshomaru this is Kagura Takeru (I know that she originally doesn't have a last name so I created one for her). Kagura this is Sesshomaru. Kagura is one of the priestess that I trained with and is also a good friend of mine." Kagome stated pushing Kagura forward as she blushed lightly avoiding looking at Sesshomaru.

"It is nice to meet you..." she stated nervously. Sesshomaru couldn't help but to notice Kagura blushing.

"The same here." he replied blushing lightly as he found that Kagura was breath taking. Her scent was a mix of cherry blossoms and lilies as he breathed in her scent deep. Intoxicating. He thought to himself.

"I will leave you two to talk." Kagome stated as Inuyasha came wondering over towards them. She took Inuyasha by the hand walking off giggling to herself.

"What was that about?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nothing." she replied trying to suppress her laughter.

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