12 - the demon Naraku finally appears

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Twelve – the demon Naraku finally appears

A month had gone by as slowly some of the people that was gathered at the temple left to start repairs on their own temples. With the Higurashi family being the ones that the demons were after, some of them felt safer away from the family. It didn't matter even if two bio-engineered demons were there to protect them. Some of the people were not too sure if they could trust Inuyasha and/or Sesshomaru even after what had happened. Even if they were artificially created demons whom were capable of being and acting like humans, it still didn't change the fact that they were demons. All though not everyone felt this way about Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Sesshomaru and Kagura have begun to see more of each other which made Inuyasha happy that Sesshomaru had possibly found his mate. Kagome had finally fully healed even though small scars could still be seen from where she was severely injured by the demon attacks. It still plagued everyone to the reason to why Naraku was after Kagome for.

"Maybe there is something on the flash drive from the information that I had managed to download from the computer archive from the place that had created you two." Kagome stated remembering about the data that she pulled off of the labs computer before Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had destroyed the lab. 'Maybe somewhere on that flash drive laid some sort of information to what Naraku was up to.' Kagome dug through her backpack to find the flash drive. She had to borrow the elder's computer to look over the flash drive. Unfortunately she discovered that some of the data laid in code as it was impossible to solve. It gave everyone only some of the information that Kagome all ready knew. "Well there goes that idea. Unless somebody is skilled enough to crack this code, it doesn't give us any more information about what Naraku is trying to do and why he wants me." Kagome sighed out loud.

"Don't worry Kagome, we will not allow him to hurt you." replied Inuyasha. Kagome smiled weakly still worried. She knew that both brothers would never allow any harm to come to Kagome as they were going to protect her with their lives.

"Thanks Inuyasha. Have you seen Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked.

"I believe that he is outside with Sota and Kagura." replied Inuyasha as Kagome simply smiled.

Both her and Inuyasha went outside to find Sesshomaru right were Inuyasha had said.

"Hey Inuyasha... tag your it!" yelled out Sota slapping Inuyasha on the back. "And no using any of your demonic powers either!" Sota snapped at him running off. Inuyasha chuckled as he darted after Sota and his brother.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!" snarled Inuyasha playfully. Kagura stopped next to Kagome as the older teen was breathing hard.

"I wish that I had half of their energy." replied the older female teen. Kagome noticed a small child like ring on Kagura's finger (the kind that you get out of the quarter machines in the supermarket.)

"Kagura is that what I think it is?" Kagome asked pointing to the ring.

"Yeah, I know that it wasn't much but Sesshomaru proposed the only way he knew how." replied Kagura bashfully.

"Does this mean that you know that he isn't...?"

"Human, yeah. He showed me when I told him how I felt about him. A week later he proposed. We haven't set a date yet as you are the first to learn about it." Kagura replied.

"I am so happy for you. Aren't you glad that I introduced you both to each other? I knew that you two made a cute couple." replied Kagome to see both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha tackle Sota.

"All right, I give up!" Sota giggled. Suddenly without warning Kagome's face paled as she grabbed a hold of her chest. Her heart was hurting her as she was intense pain.

"Kagome are you all right...? Kagome...?" Kagura asked before the younger teen began to fall. Inuyasha was the first to react as he ran to his mate with blinding speed catching her in his arms.

"Kagome...speak to me!" snarled Inuyasha as concern was stretched across his face. Kagome wheezed as she held her chest. Sesshomaru and Sota joined Inuyasha and Kagura concerned about what happened to Kagome. Whimpers escaped from Inuyasha's lips as he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his mate.

"Take it easy Inuyasha, I am sure that Kagome will be fine." Sesshomaru replied, just as concerned as his little brother was. Inuyasha swept Kagome up into his arms carrying her inside.

MEANWHILE... Naraku and his demon horde traveled towards the temple where Kagome was at. An evil smile was stretched across Naraku's face as could sense it clearly. The planets were aligning as the priestess's blood was reaching its peak. It was the perfect time to full fill the prophecy.

Soon the power that I have longed for shall be mine! Naraku laughed mentally. He could almost taste that priestess's blood. Tonight shall be our night. Tonight the prophecy shall come true! He roared to his horde as they roared back in reply.

AT THE TEMPLE... Kagome laid on the bed coughing up blood, her body was riving in pain. Nobody could figure out what was wrong with her. As usual Inuyasha had stayed by his mates side.

"How is she Inuyasha?" asked Sesshomaru.

"No change. What's happening to her Sesshomaru?" asked Inuyasha.

"I don't know little brother but, I am sensing a strange power building within her. This could be the reason why Naraku wants her for. But why didn't we sense this power before now?" asked Sesshomaru.

"I don't know the answer to that either. I had heard that you are to marry Kagura. Congratulations."

"Thanks. I never thought that I would find someone whom excepted all that I am, even that part of me that I have tried to keep a secret since being here." replied Sesshomaru.

"I am happy for you." replied Inuyasha. Kagome coughed worsened as she began to spit up blood. A few drops landed on Inyasha's face close to his mouth. Inuyasha brushed them off with the sleeve of his robe. "I will never truly understand those demons obsession with human blood." Inuyasha stated taking a wet cloth to Kagome's mouth wiping up the blood that was around her mouth.

"I don't understand it either..." Sesshomaru stated before he let out a deep snarled growl shifting into his battle form. Inuyasha smelled them too, the demons had come for Kagome as one of them smelled different from the rest. Inuyasha shifted into his battle form leaning over Kagome kissing her on the lips. He could still taste Kagome's blood that lingered in her mouth as it tasted warm and salty.

Don't worry Kagome, I am going to protect you. When this is all over with I want to ask you a very important question. Inuyasha stated mentally as he and Sesshomaru left Kagome's bedside going out of the temple to find a horde of demons waiting for them. In front of the horde was a demon that seemed human but wasn't. As if by instinct the two brothers knew whom this was.

Naraku! They both snarled in unison.

Ah if it isn't Kikyo's precious creations. I will only ask this once, where is the human? Where is the virgin priestess? Snarled Naraku.

You will not lay a single hand on Kagome. Growled Inuyasha trying to keep control over his emotions. He could feel his feral half rising close to the surface. He couldn't risk the chance of loosing control like last time. Everyone was deep underground hiding keeping safe as there would be nobody to stop him if he lost control.

Either way I will have the power that is contained within that girl. Her blood holds the key to completing the prophecy! Naraku hissed as he turned to his demon horde. Kill them, find me the priestess...unharmed! He snapped at them. The demon horde moved attacking Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

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