3 - road to recovery

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech and things typed in italic is used for mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks

Three – road to recovery

Inuyasha awoke the next day in unfamiliar surroundings. He was surprised to find that his wounds have been bandage up.

'Where am I? Did that girl bring me here?' Inuyasha asked himself mentally as a familiar scent drifted near the room. The door slowly opened as a young girl entered the room. A smile stretched across her face when she saw Inuyasha was up.

"So your finally awake. I brought you something to eat in case you are hungry." Kagome stated as she brought a tray of food over to Inuyasha.

"Did you treat my wounds and bring me here?" Inuyasha asked as he slowly sat up in the bed that he was in. His body protested the movement as Kagome gently helped him.

"Yes I did bring you here in order to get your wounds treated. You are at my families shrine. It was my grandfather whom treated your wounds. I knew that I couldn't leave you there with how badly you were hurt. Besides I didn't thing you wanted to remain there forever. Oh...where on Earth are my manners? I forgot to tell you whom I am. My name is Kagome Higurashi, I am pleased to meet you." Kagome stated bowing her head quickly.

"I am Inuyasha. Thank your for saving me Kagome." Inuyasha replied as he could smell an unfamiliar scent coming towards the room. A low snarl erupted from Inuyasha's lips as the door opened as a young boy entered the room. In front of his face he held a pile of clothing.

"Hey sis, where do you want me to put this?" asked the kid as Kagome gently touched Inuyasha's hand to ease him.

"Sota didn't I tell you to knock first before you just barge in here?" Kagome asked with a stern voice as she took some of the clothes away from Sota's face. The young boy bore a striking resemblance to Kagome as he looked at Inuyasha wide eyed. His short black hair was spiked up as a weak smile stretched across his Caucasian face.

"Sorry sis. I couldn't knock with my hands full now can I?" Sota asked.

'Kagome did say that she lived here with her family. So this must be her little brother.' Inuyasha thought to himself mentally as he finally eased up relaxing as he smiled at Sota. "It is nice to meet you Sota. I am Inuyasha." he stated formally.

"Same here. He is pretty cool sis. Oh mom says he can stay here until he gets better but, we better call his family to tell them that he is safe." stated Sota. Kagome visibly froze when Sota said this.

"I don't have any family. I am alone." Inuyasha stated. The smile seemed to disappear from Sota's face when he heard this.

"I am sorry, I had no idea." Sota stated weakly.

"That's all right." replied Inuyasha.

"Just leave the clothes over there Sota." Kagome stated pointing to the chair sitting by the desk. Sota did as he was told before leaving the room. Kagome then let out a long sigh of relief.

"They have no clue that you found me chained up in a lab do they?" Inuyasha asked as Kagome sat down on the bed next to Inuyasha as she shook her head no.

"What was I supposed to say? I couldn't let them know. Care to tell me why you were there Inuyasha and what was going on?" Kagome asked. To tell the truth Inuyasha himself had no idea of why he was there. He had no clue to what was happening.

"Sorry Kagome. I don't know." replied Inuyasha honestly.

"Oh well. Eat up and rest up. You are going to need your strength to recover." stated Kagome. Inuyasha didn't say anything as he helped himself to the food that Kagome brought.

It has been three days since Inuyasha was brought to the Shinto Shrine by Kagome. He was introduced to the rest of Kagome's family to get used to their presence and scent. Slowly he was able to get out and about as his recovery time surprised the Higurashi family as it made Kagome believe that there was something unnatural about Inuyasha thinking back to how she had heard him in her mind.

By the fifth day Inuyasha was fully recovered helping out around the shrine. The family was greatful for his help as the teen told them that it was the most he could do to repay them for all of the kindness they have shown to him.

"Sota...where are you?" Kagome called out at the top of her lungs. "Sota..." Kagome called out looking everywhere for her brother.

"Is there something wrong Kagome?" Inuyasha asked stopping what he was doing.

"I can't find Sota anywhere. Have you seen his Inuyasha? It is starting to get late." she stated. Inuyasha had learned about the demons attacking humans after nightfall as she had every right to panic.

"I will help you look for him Kagome." he replied as she thanked him. They wondered around the temple for several minutes as Kagome finally found her brother up a huge tree reaching for a big fat cat that the family owned named Buyo.

"Sota be careful." Kagome cried out nearing the tree that he was climbing.

"All right sis." he replied when suddenly the branch beneath his feet gave away. Inuyasha reacted with blinding speed running to the tree leaping up the branches catching the kid and cat before they hit the ground. Kagome's breath was caught in her throat as Inuyasha landed besides her on his feet with the frightened kid in his arms.

"It is all right Sota, you are safe!" he stated in a gruff voice putting the child down onto the ground.

"Wow Inuyasha that was amazing!" Sota shrieked as he hugged Inuyasha. Inuyasha put Sota down on the ground patting him on the head.

"Come on let's head on in." Inuyasha stated.

During dinner Kagome's mom gave Inuyasha some good news.

"Inuyasha it has been decided that you are going to stay here with us since you don't have a place to go or any family. We have all come to think of you as family and would love it if you stayed here with us. So what do you say?" Kagome's mom asked. Inuyasha was unable to say anything. He never had a family before not that he could remember as he appreciated everything that the family has done for him. Crystal tears glittered in his eyes and ran down his face as he bowed his head.

"Thank you...all of you. I would be honored to remain here with all of you." he replied as Sota cheered and Kagome gripped his hand from underneath the table. Never in his life has Inuyasha felt so happy and peaceful.

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