4 - discovering the truth

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech and things typed in italic is used for mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Four – discovering the truth

Several weeks had passed since Inuyasha had started living with the Higurashi family as he has come to love them all especially Kagome. He felt closer to Kagome than anyone else. There was something about Kagome that made him feel very protective about her more than anyone else in the household. Lately Inuyasha has been having strange dreams about his life before this. The dreams were often in fragments as he always woke up screaming. In his dreams he could see himself being tortured and experimented on. In the pit of his gut he knew that he wasn't like the Higurashi family. That he was different but he didn't know anything about himself except that he was trapped within that old lab until Kagome had found him and his name. Inuyasha hoped that the answers would come to him soon.

It was late one night when Inuyasha heard familiar screams echoing through the house which woke him from his slumbers. Unfamiliar scents drifted in the room along with the scent of blood. Inuyasha bolted out of the guest room which has now become his room following the scents to the main temple to see several grotesque looking creatures holding the Higurashi family hostage. Several of them kept Kagome pinned down with their claws as it was Kagome's blood that he was smelling. The creatures looked like miniature gargoyles with dark red scaled skin and glowing all golden yellow eyes which had no visible irises and/or pupils. Their long prehensile tails had long razor sharp scythes at the end as their pink forked tongues licked up Kagome's blood. Inuyasha couldn't move or speak as he watched in horror when the creatures seemed to finally notice him.

It seems that we missed one brothers. Shall we kill him or allow him to watch as we kill the young virgin priestess? One of them asked. They spoke in a way that sounded strange and foreign but somehow Inuyasha seemed to understand what they were saying. Rage and anger burned within Inuyasha when he heard the creatures and what he was witnessing what they were doing to Kagome. They were killing her! Power erupted forth from Inuyasha's body as a memory seemed to trigger in his brain. He remembered that he wasn't human that he was in fact a bio-engineered demon. He was kept chained there by the demons to prevent him from moving as they tortured him for information about who created him and if there were others like him? It was these things that Inuyasha couldn't remember. The demons tortured him and then left him there to die. It was by seer luck that Kagome had found him and saved him. Remembering his own torture and seeing Kagome being tortured pissed him off. The demons looked at Inuyasha wide eyed when power began to leak from his body.

"How dare you...how dare you think about hurting Kagome?" he snarled as the power encircled his body as it began to change shape. Everyone watched in horror as the kind and gentle human they all knew was replaced by something more vicious. Inuyasha's black hair became all white and more wild looking as on top of his head sat a pair of white dog-like ears. Inuyasha's eyes completely changed as his eyes became blood red, his irises changed becoming a lighter shade of blue as his pupils became white and much more visible looking like an animals. Two long lavendar scars stretched across his cheeks as long sharp fangs emerged from out of his lips. His hands and feet changed becoming like claws as his nails lengthened becoming longer. The power then dissipated as Inuyasha moved at twice the speed he had used when rescuing Sota as he knocked the demons away from the Higurashi family managing to kill a couple of the demons that threatened his family. A low threatening snarl escaped from Inuyasha's mouth as he stared at the group of demons that were on top of Kagome.

How is it possible? How can he be one of us and yet want to protect the humans? One of the demons asked.

Worry about it later. Kill the priestess, she is our main target. Replied another.

I will not allow you to hurt Kagome! Inuyasha snarled as power pooled in the palms of his hands. He released the blast killing about half of the demons as he then moved before they had a chance to recover killing the rest of them sending blood and guts flying everywhere. Once they were all dead he carefully picked up the injured Kagome in his arms. Finally all of the demons laid dead beneath his feet as he could clearly hear sharp gasps coming from behind him. Inuyasha turned around quickly with claws extended as the Higurashi family stared at Inuyasha not sure what to make out of the beast that now stood in front of them. Inuyasha carefully laid Kagome down before the family before he turned to leave. A soft hand reached out grabbing his leg preventing him from going.

"Wait Inuyasha...don't go...stay with..." Kagome stated weakly coughing up blood. Inuyasha stopped turning back towards Kagome as he could tell that she was bleeding to death. Muttered snarls and curses escaped Inuyasha's lips as he swatted down on his hind legs next to Kagome. His hands gegan to glow with energy that when he touched Kagome, all of her wounds began to instantly magically heal. Inuyasha became afraid that the family would hate him as they now feared him and all with good reason too. Kagome partly regained consciousness grabbing Inuyasha's hand. It seemed that Kagome didn't seem to mind what he looked like as if she knew that he wasn't human like them. She could tell deep down that he was still the same person that they have all come to know. Blood tears streaked down Inuyasha's face as he let out a long menacing howl into the night.

Inuyasha sat on the family couch as his knees hugged close to his chest. His head laid on top of his knees. His white hair hung down in front of him. He had been on edge the whole night when Kagome and her family was attacked by demons. Seeing Kagome being tortured and remembering his own torture awakened the demon with inside of him. Memories still seemed fuzzy but he was now starting to recall things. He wasn't human. He was a bio-engineered demon. He wasn't like the demons that had attacked Kagome. He was different. He was able to take on a human form and have human emotions. He was also capable of incredible demonic powers. The form that he was currently in was not his true form but something close, a kind of a half breed form. But he still couldn't remember who had created him and why. A familiar scent came drifting near as someone sat down on the couch. Slowly Inuyasha moved his head when he felt someone touching him. Sota sat near him as he grabbed one of Inuyasha's clawed hands. The young kid smiled brightly.

"You are still the coolest Inuyasha. I know that sis will pull through this. It just surprised me when you took that form. A lot of us are still in shock. But even if you aren't human you still came to help us out. So I wanted to thank you Inuyasha." Stated Sota as he pulled his hand away. Inuyasha quickly snatched the kids hand as his nail flexed inward so not to hurt the boy.

"Thank you Sota. I don't want to be a burden on you or your family so if you guys wish me to, I will leave." Inuyasha replied in a guttered voice. Sota jumped off of the couch pulling Inuyasha onto his feet.

"No way! Besides whom will I have to play with if you leave?" Sota asked pulling Inuyasha by the hand into the room that Kagome was in. The female teen sat up right on her bed with her grandfather and mother in the room. The minute that Inuyasha saw that Kagome was all right and fully healed, relief kicked in as he transformed back into his human form.

"Inuyasha, I believe that you have some explaining to do. Kagome told us how she really found you. Now all we need is for you to fill in the blanks." stated grandpa.

"This doesn't change how we feel about you Inuyasha so please tell us that way we have a better understanding." stated Mrs. Higurashi. Inuyasha let out a reluctant sigh as he looked at Kagome who just nodded his head.

"I still don't know all of the details. Only a small fraction of my memory awoke when I transformed into that form that you saw. I know that it is not my full form only a half fraction of it. I am a bio-engineered demon. I have all of the powers and capabilities of a demon but I am able to have human emotions. I can take on the form of a human and transform into my full demonic appearance which I don't recall how to do or even what it looks like. I somehow managed to transform into a half demonic form but I was only able to awaken a small faction of my powers and memory. I can not recall who made me or if there are others much like myself. Inuyasha was the name that I was given and everything else is still a blur." Inuyasha stated. He felt relieved that the family still excepted Inuyasha despite what he was. But Inuyasha felt that there was more that he had to discover about himself.

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