5 - reuniting with Sesshomaru

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Five – Reuniting with Sesshomaru

A few days after the incident at the shrine left Inuyasha puzzled. He needed to find out more about himself and who created him. He knew that the answers had to be at the place where Kagome had found him. Finally with his mind made up he packed a few belongings preparing to leave the temple when he caught Kagome's familiar scent.

"Where are you going Inuyasha?" she asked. Inuyasha turned to the female teen whom stood in his doorway to the room which he used as his own.

"I am going to find answers Kagome about who I am, what I am, who created me and why. Don't bother to try to stop me. My mind is made up." Inuyasha stated. Kagome entered the room going up to Inuyasha.

"Not without me your not." Inuyasha was ready to ague against it as Kagome placed her right index finger onto Inuyasha's lips preventing him from saying a word. Inuyasha swallowed hard as he couldn't move or speak. He never truly noticed how beautiful Kagome looked until now. "Don't bother arguing with me Inuyasha. I have been involved since the first time that I have meet you. Besides I have a strong feeling that I have to come. I can't explain it somehow in someway I am tied into everything that is going on." Kagome stated removing her finger from Inuyasha's lips. Inuyasha took a long deep breath letting it out slowly as sighing. "All right Kagome get ready to go within a couple of hours or I will leave you behind." Inuyasha replied as Kagome gave him a quick peck on his cheeks before leaving. Inuyasha blushed a deep shade of red before returning to what he was doing. Never had the need felt so strong within him as he knew that he had to protect Kagome. He cared deeply for her even though he may never say the words out loud. But how did he really feel towards Kagome? He knew that he cared for the Higurashi family but his feeling for or towards Kagome felt different, stronger.

Is it possible that I love Kagome? Inuyasha asked himself mentally. He knew that he was capable of human emotions but he wasn't sure what emotions he was feeling. The only clear emotions that he could determine was the way he felt when the demons attacked Kagome and her family. The emotions of rage and anger were very clear in his mind. Somehow Kagome had calmed him down and when he saw that she was all right, he was able to revert back to human form. He partly could remember how to access that form he took that night. I will only use that power and form when the ones that I care for are in danger. I can't run the risk of anyone else knowing what I am. Inuyasha thought to himself as he slung his bag onto his back.

Several hours later Kagome and Inuyasha were bidding farewell to the Higurashi family.

"Be careful out there you two and come back safely. This is for you Kagome...it is a good luck charm." Mrs. Higurashi stated as she gave Kagome a small plastic bottle filled with several pink crystal fragments in it as it was attached to a key chain. Kagome hugged her mother whom was almost in tears. "Now promise that you will come back too Inuyasha. Know that you will always be a part of our family no matter what." Mrs. Higurashi stated. Inuyasha just simply bowed his head unable to say a word.

"Here Inuyasha my boy...these are for you." stated grandpa as he place a long black beaded necklace with white shark teeth around Inuyasha's neck.

"What are these?" Inuyasha asked tugging at the necklace.

"Special enchantment beads for encase you loose control over your demonic blood. All Kagome will have to say is one word to gain control over you and bring you back to your senses. I want this as a precaution for just encase. Only people with spiritual powers like myself and/or Kagome can use them as they would also have to know the word to bind you." grandpa stated. Inuyasha seemed to understand as he let the beads hand down in front of his clothes tucking his military tags behind them.

"Come back soon Inuyasha and I hope that you find what you are looking for." stated Sota. Inuyasha just nodded his head as Sota gave him a thumbs up jester before the two left the temple.

As Inuyasha walked with Kagome heading towards the woods he played with the beads that humg from his neck as he looked to be deep in thought.

"Hey Kagome I was wondering, this word that you are going to use to bind me isn't something obvious is it?" Inuyasha asked nervously. Kagome snickered slightly as she watched Inuyasha squirming.

"Of course not Inuyasha. I had to think long and hard on a word that wasn't an actual word but sounded credible. Don't worry so much about it Inuyasha, I know that I won't have to use that word but I wanted to give my family some peace of mind especially after what they had witnessed that night. I can barely recall what happened." Kagome replied as Inuyasha seemed to ease up letting go of the beads. He was grateful that Kagome seemed to understand him so well. They reached the forest around noon having a small picnic lunch before they tried to find the lab which Inuyasha was imprisoned in. Kagome knew that she should have paid closer attention to her surroundings. "Hey Inuyasha can you climb up one of those trees to see if you can spot a deep gorge?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha didn't reply as he quickly lept up the closest tree scanning the area. Kagome walked around some more before she let out a loud screech as the ground beneath her gave away. Inuyasha lept from the tree the ground running at top speed grabbing Kagome before leaping down into the gorge. Inuyasha held Kagome close to his muscular body as she seemed to fit perfectly against him. Inuyasha landed on his feet gently placing Kagome down as she was still somewhat shaking in Inuyasha's arms.

"Are you all right Kagome?" he snarled. Kagome looked up him slowly shaking her head yes a little bit surprised to see some of Inuyasha's demon form had surfaced.

"I am all right Inuyasha just a little shaken up. But I think that I had found it." she stated as Inuyasha let go of his hold of Kagome changing his form back to his human form. Inuyasha could clearly see into the dark lab as Kagome dug into her backpack looking for a flashlight so she could see. This was a different part of the lab complex which Kagome didn't recognize. "The first thing we should do is to find out if the electricity still works in this building." stated Kagome as she knew that computerized labs like this one wouldn't have much in the way of printed files. All of the data and information they needed could found in the computer archive. Both Kagome and Inuyasha slowly made their way through the lab as Inuyasha wondered why part of his demonic form had broken through when he saw Kagome in danger. Even though the female teen wasn't in any real danger.

Could it be that I am just being a little over protective? He thought to himself.

As they neared the spot where Kagome found Inuyasha, a figure moved out of the darkness grabbing Kagome by the throat slamming her against a nearby wall. Kagome dropped her flashlight staring wide eyed at the person in front of her was a person whom looked much like Inuyasha when he was in demon form but much different. He looked much older looking with the same silver white hair. He didn't have Inuyasha's cat ears as his ears were pointed much like an elves. Two sets of lavender scars stretched across his cheeks as he snarled at Kagome bearing his fangs. A blue crescent moon sat in the middle of his forehead as he stared at Kagome through his cat-like hazel eyes as the eyes where blood red. A memory triggered in the back of Inuyasha's mind as his body shifted to his demon form grabbing the one whom held Kagome in his claws.

"Sesshomaru stop. Please brother let her go." Inuyasha snarled as he forcefully gabbed Sesshomaru's hand forcing him to drop Kagome whom dropped to the floor coughing for air. Sesshomaru slightly turned his head looking at Inuyasha a few times blinking rapidly.

"In...uy...as...ha...?" he asked before he collapsed into Inuyasha's arms as he slowly shifted back to a human form which looked much like Inuyasha's but some of his demonic features could be visibly seen. His ears were still pointed, only one set of lavender scars stretched across his cheeks, and the blue crescent moon looked much thiner as it was a lighter blue color as his hair had changed becoming raven black. Sesshomaru's body was badly scared and bruised. He looked to be the same shape that Kagome had found Inuyasha in.

"Inuyasha...do you know this person?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha slowly nodded his head as picked up his brother in his arms carrying him over to a nearby bed.

"Only a few minutes ago when he attacked you. Believe it or not Kagome...this is my older brother Sesshomaru. He is also a bio-engineered demon like myself." Inuyasha stated as he sat down by Sesshomaru's side. Kagome took off her back pack taking out a few supplies in order to treat Sesshomaru's wounds.

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