1 - Inner Demons

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10 years ago...

"..." I stayed silent, as I was dragged by my handcuffs through an unknown location. "Well, well...! What do we have here?" A man with longish black hair said. He was sitting at a fancy desk, which happened to be the only furniture in the room besides a chair, and a couch. "One of them. The special ones with supernatural abilities." The person who was dragging me around said, in a gruff voice. "Aha! I see!" The man at the desk said. "Have you been able to identify her ability yet?" The same man asked, resting his chin on his hands. "I haven't been able to identify it, but... I-It's..." The man who dragged me around stuttered. "..." I stand next to him, with a neutral expression on my face. "Burn..." I mumbled. "What?" The man at the desk said. "Burn in the flames of hell for eternity..." I growled, only to get slapped. "Anyways... But, She can't control it. Its also a rather terrifying ability, seeing as though she can't control it..." The man said, keeping his distance, even though he was dragging me around earlier. "I'm interested." The man at the desk said. "Hey kid, I guess I should welcome you to the Port--", "I said... Burn." I commanded, as the man who dragged me around bursted into flames. "Oh my... Anyways, may I ask where you are from?" The man at the desk said. "The slums." I said. "Ah, I see. I'm assuming that you are-- I'm sorry, were an abandoned child at some point, then?" He asked. I nodded, glaring at the man with bright orange eyes. "Now tell me a bit about yourself. As I would love to know more..." He smiled. "My dad killed my mom. He forced me to scorch her body, then later placed the blame on me. Because the body was scorched." I said. "Uh-huh... Go on." The man said. "He claimed that I was a demon child, a daughter of the devil himself." I said. "Then...?" The man said. "I killed him." I said, smirking. "I burnt him with the hottest fire. Hotter than million suns, combined." I said, as my smirk turned into a devilish grin. "..." He stayed silent for a second. "..." He then gained the same grin. "Will you work for us?"

Present day...

"HURRY UUUUUP!" I shouted. "Give me a minute..." My co-worker, Dazai yawned. Dazai Osamu, probably the most notorious, suicide-obsessed detective out there with a surprising abundance of skill. "We have to find that Were-Tiger that everyone is talking about." Kunikida, another co-worker of mine, sighed. Kunikida was one of the more intelligent members of our little group. Did I mention that it's super amusing when he gets mad at me and Dazai for slacking? Heh! "Dazai hurry your ass up!" I said, grabbing his arm, and dragging him out of the computer chair that he was dozing off in. He fell off the chair, and onto the floor. "Pffft... Hahahah!" I laughed. "Fine... Fine..." He huffed, getting up. "You need to learn how to let someone sleep, Haru..." He grumbled. "Nope. We have a job to do!" I said. "...That would have been completed by now if you hadn't slept on the job like an idiot." Kunikida said, hitting the back of Dazai's head. "Ow!" He said. "Jeez, you guys are mean..." He pouted. "Hey, sleeping on the job is bad." I said. "So is slacking. Something you do all the time." Kunikida said to me, smiling slightly. "OI HE SLACKS TOO!" I shouted. "Keep it down... You'll make my ears bleed." He sighed. "...." I stuck my tongue out at Kunikida, causing him to growl. "How about we just... Uh... Chill... Okay?" Dazai said. "Anyways, apparently this Were-Tiger destroyed the crops that belonged to a poor orphanage a week or two ago... And lately, people have seen it roaming around." I said, skimming through the latest articles about this so-called 'Were-Tiger' on my phone to get some good info. "Hrm..." I said. "What?" Dazai asked, peering at my phone. "Check this out. Someone managed to get a picture." I said, showing the two. "Huh." Kunikida said, opening his notebook, and writing some info down. I've never seen him without it... I mean, I know that it's the source of his ability 'Doppo Poet', but... "He looks scary!" Dazai said, laughing. "And powerful, as well." Dazai said, now in a serious tone. "..." Kunikida looked at the picture one last time, then closed his notebook. "Heh, it looks pretty cool!" I said, putting my phone away. "Yeah, but keep in mind that we're gonna be fighting it." Kunikida sighed. "We know, we know...!~" Dazai said. "...!" Out of nowhere, he ran off. "Uh...?" I said, raising an eyebrow.


Before you guys kill me, no. Dazai isn't the one being shipped with Haru.


So, anyways, it's me wafflecake! XD

I'd like to tag someone who might possibly be interested in this! And this lovely person is Steampowered_Dragon !

Alrighty! Now that that's out of the way, I hope you all have an awesome day! See ya! ;D

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