2 - The Orphan

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"Seriously... Where did he go?" I asked. "Don't ask me. I have no idea." Kunikida sighed. "But still... I dunno why he'd just up and run off like that." I huffed. "I guess that's our cue to look for him..." Kunikida said, putting his notebook away. "Right!" I nodded, as I started to walk. We walked for a while, until we saw a bridge, and some yelling. "...oh no." We both grumbled. "Dazai!" I shouted. "Oh, hello!" I looked down, and saw him, laying down, with a white haired boy looking at him in confusion. "Hang on, we're coming..." I growled. "YOU WERE SERIOUSLY TRYING TO DROWN YOURSELF IN A RIVER... Again?!?!" I said. "Yes. Yes I was." He smiled innocently. "..." Kunakida facepalmed. "Anyways... Who's the kid?" I asked. "He saved me..." Dazai sighed, probably upset. "..." Even the kid was looking at him in utter disapproval. "But it was such a nice river...!" Dazai pouted. "..." My eyebrow twitched in disappointment. "You dumbass." I said, glaring. "Actually, as a reward for saving me..." Dazai turned his attention to the white haired kid, who looked to be around 16 years old or so. "..." The boys stomach growled vigorously. "I take it that you're hungry as well?" Dazai said. "Kunikida." Dazai said. "You'll be treating him then!~" Dazai said. "HUH?!" He shouted. "Because it would be improper to make a lady pay! Right, Haruka?" Dazai said. "Uh... Yeah?" I said, laughing nervously. "HUUUH?!?!" Kunikida yelled again. "Sorry!" I said. "Fine." He growled. "Yay!" Dazai said.


"Tea on Rice?!" Kunikida said, sighing after he spoke. "Ehehe... I guess..." I said. "By the way, where are you from?" I asked the starved boy. "MMPH MMPH!" He said with a mouth full. "An orphanage?" Kunikida asked. The boy nodded. "By the way, Dazai, what's this boys name?" I asked. "His name is Nakajima Atsushi. He's an abandoned orphan. By that, I mean that he was orphaned by both his unknown parents, and his orphanage." Dazai said. "..." I frowned. "That certainly sucks." I said, sighing. "Mmmpfh MMPH!" Atsushi said with a mouth full. "I see..." Kunikida said, as if he understood what he was saying. "Kunikida... Can you really understand him?" I said, laughing slightly. He nodded. "Wow. Talk about some skill.." I laughed. "..." He sighed, opening his notebook, and flipping through the pages. "Oh oh OOOH!" Dazai said, amazed by something above me. I looked up to find nothing but a wooden support beam. "What now?" Kunikida said, looking up at the beam Dazai was currently pointing at. "No, you cannot hang yourself off of that. Especially not in a random tea shop." Kunikida huffed, flipping through his notebook. I yawned, and stretched. "I'm tired..." I yawned. "It's not that. It's something called the shoulder relaxing method." Dazai said. "I see..." Kunikida said, writing this false method down. "Kidding." Dazai said. "Tch! Bastard!" Kunikida said, snapping his pen, then attempting to strangle Dazai. I laughed. "Alright, alright..." I sighed, walking over to the two. "No strangling in stores..." I said, separating the two. "He deserves it." Kunikida mumbled. "Still." I said. "Thank you...!" Atsushi said, as he finished the thirtieth or so bowl of Tea on Rice. "I don't want to see another bowl of this for 10 years..." He sighed. "Your welcome." Kunikida mumbled. "May I ask who you guys are?" Atsushi asked. "We're from the Armed Detective Agency." Dazai said, as I nodded. "What?!" Atsushi said, very surprised. "Are you guys on a mission?" He asked. "Yep! We're looking for a tiger." I said. "..." His eyes went wide.

Heya peeps! It's me, WaffleCake!

Big shout out to: Icebear91901

Im not going to school today!

I gots the flu or something similar XD

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one! Bye bye!~

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